Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia


Grand Presentation by the Masonic Homes of Valencia Association.

On Friday 16th June a presentation was made, by the Masonic Homes of Valencia Association, to the main hospital in Denia. The presentation was for a cheque to pay for a second CT scanner which has been sorely needed by the hospital for some time. Currently when the older machine is in use or in need of repair, or even being serviced, patients often need to travel long distances for diagnosis before treatment can begin. This is obviously not good and creates further stress and hardship at a time when such problems are least needed.

The hospital themselves managed to raise the magnificent sum of one hundred thousand euros towards the cost of this machine, but such machines do not come cheap. Yet another one hundred thousand euros were needed to make a purchase possible. This is where the Masonic Homes of Valencia Association stepped in and donated the much needed money. The scanner is now on order from the United States and should arrive, ready for use in early August. More than fifty people turned up for the presentation including representatives of the hospital, members of the Board of the Masonic Homes, volunteers who run the charity shop and many hospital workers. It was a great afternoon and an excellent buffet lunch was laid on for all the visitors. The added photos show the following:


Photo 1.  On stage.  Hugh Parker Treasurer        MHVA

Jenny Hart   President          MHVA

Angel Gimenez                    Hospital Director

Juan Manuel Gasent            Head of Oncology

Mayte Lopez                        Hospital Liason

Photo 2       Jenny Hart  presenting cheque to Angel Gimenez

Photo 3.       MHVA Board Members with the big Board