On Saturday, December 2nd, the Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia held their annual Provincial Lodge of Instruction. This was a huge event, one of the largest in the Masonic calendar, and was held at the Holiday Inn Hotel in St Juan de Alicante. More than one hundred Masons attended from all over the Province, from the borders of Murcia to the north of Castellon. Many senior Masons from all over the Province were also in attendance.
In each local Lodge throughout the year many Lodges of Instruction are held. These are to ensure that when real Ceremonies are performed, such as that of Initiation, when a man becomes a Mason, those taking part know what they are doing and strive to make the ceremony as good as it can possibly be. The ceremony detailed is performed when a new candidate becomes a Freemason and is one of the most beautiful and moving ceremonies which the new Mason will remember for the rest of his life. They are usually performed by senior and experienced Masons to ensure that the Candidate enjoys this most important night.
However, on one day each year, at the Provincial Lodge of Instruction, this Ceremony is performed by junior Masons, most of whom have never done it before. It is performed in front of the Provincial Grand Master of Valencia, RWBro Michael Shilan and many senior Masons, this year including the Assistant Grand Master of Spain, RWBro Barrie Roy Mansell. This gives the junior Masons the chance to show what they can do and provides invaluable experience for the day when they perform this function for real. Every Mason who takes part says that when they become Officers within their own Lodge and particularly when they become the Master of the Lodge this day has thoroughly prepared them for the task. The standards shown are always of the highest order and shows individual Masons just what they can achieve.
This ceremony was very unusual as it was performed by Genesis Lodge No 61 and was performed totally in Spanish and although many present did not understand every word, the skill and motivation was plain for all to see. It was, in fact, one of the best ceremonies I have ever seen! The skill, professionalism and enthusiasm was incredible. Every member who took part performed beautifully and special praise must be given to Bro Alex Fernandez who took the role of the Worshipful Master and WBro Remolar who acted as IPM. Both gave virtuoso performances and were highly praised by everyone who witnessed this incredible event. There was also a very polished performance by Bro. Stuart Powell who, although English, gave a very proficient performance in Spanish as the Junior Deacon.
A great day for all attending and one which will never be forgotten by the participants. Many thanks and hearty congratulations to Genesis Lodge No 61. You have set a new standard for the Provincial Lodge of Instruction. Well done.
Below is a link to more photos.