Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia


Santa Faz Charity Beach Walk raises funds for the Rellue Children’s Home

On Saturday, March 10th, Freemasons of local Lodge, Santa Faz, held their annual beach walk, organized by WM Mick Rayner and his lovely Lady,  Maureen, to raise much needed funds for the Children’s Home at Rellue. This is the chosen charity, for this year, by the Master of the Lodge.

More than seventy Freemasons and guests took part, and were very lucky in that the weather stayed fine for them. The walk was followed by an excellent barbecue and the extremely good entertainment was provided by our very own WM Mick Rayner.As well as providing an extremely pleasant day for the Freemasons and their guests an extremely useful sum totalling one thousand euros was raised for the Children’s Home.

This will be presented at a later date. Well done to all of those who helped to organise this very successful day and especially to all those who turned up and walked for charity.




W.Bro. Steve Robertson Installed

W.Bro. Steven A. Robertson of Old Tower Lodge No.49 in the Province of Valencia was Installed for the first time into the Chair of King Solomon on Saturday the 17th of March within the Old Stortfordian Lodge No.5721 in the Province of Hertfordshire under United Grand Lodge of England.

The Director of Ceremonies at the Installation was our Deputy Provincial Grand Master and Worshipful Master of our Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge, V.W.Bro. Rodney C. Bignell, the ceremony was also attended by our Assistant Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Roy A. Mitchell and also in attendance from Spain were W.Bro. Steven Cardwell and the Grand Treasurer, W.Bro.  Joe Mondéjar who acted as Assistant Director of Ceremonies for the meeting.  Following his Installation the Worshipful Master then Invested W.Bro. Steven Cardwell as his Senior Warden.

Any of our members who have been on the annual trip to Lake Como will also know W.Bro. Ross Whieldon, the owner of the hotel that hosts our annual trip who is also a member of the Lodge and was in attendance.

The Lodge was further honored with the presence of W.Bro John Norris the APGM of the Province of Hertfordshire together with his escort team, in all a total of 35 brethren were present at the meeting and all subsequently dined at a most enjoyable Festive Board.

The following day a lunch was arranged at a local restaurant which was well attended by the members of the Old Stortfordian Lodge together with their partners, where a gift was presented to the newly Installed Worshipful Master’s wife by him on behalf of the Lodge.



Dama de Elche’s Ladies Night

Freemasons support local charities.

On Saturday, 17th March, local Freemasons Lodge, Dama de Elche held their annual Ladies Night. This took place at Salones Brindis, Catral and was very well attended with over one hundred Masons, wives and guests putting in an appearance. This turned out to be a fantastic night with great food, great company, great music and much dancing to the sound of ” It Takes Two “, a fabulous duo consisting of Paul & Linda Randall who entertained the assembled guests and were very much enjoyed by all.

The Master of the Lodge, WBro Nigel Sanders, much assisted by his lovely Lady, Lynne and the rest of the Brethren of the Lodge are, this year, supporting two local charities, the first being the Elche Children’s Home and the other, is the Paul Cunningham Nurses for Cancer. Two very important charities and both well deserving of our support.
Over five hundred euros was raised for the two Charities – a fantastic amount. Many thanks for the very strong support to everyone who attended.

2018 Provincial Grand Assembly

On Saturday the 24th of February, the Annual Grand Assembly of Valencia was held at the Hotel Grand Bali in Benidorm. This was a very well attended meeting with more than two hundred Masons in attendance. The meeting was opened by the Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Michael Anthony Shilan at 11:00, after which numerous Grand Lodge Officers of this and other Provinces were warmly welcomed.

This year we were also honoured by the presence of the Most Worshipful Grand Master of Spain, the M.W.Bro. Óscar de Alfonso, who was accompanied by two Assistant Grand Masters of Spain, R.W.Bro. Barrie Roy Mansell and R.W.Bro. Lawrence Howard.

The Provincial Grand Master was delighted to reappoint his Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Rodney Charles Bignell and his two Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, W.Bro. Roy Alan Mitchell and V.H. Eladio González Jover.  V.W.Bro. Jeffrey Steven Hyde was reappointed as the Provincial Senior Grand Warden and W.Bro. Terrence Porter was obligated and invested as the Provincial Junior Grand Warden with special thanks to the outgoing Provincial Junior Grand Warden, W.Bro. Ronald Charles Knight who moved to Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden.

New items were introduced to the proceedings this year including a presentation of all the current Worshipful Masters of each Lodge in the Province.

Long service certificates were issued to those Brethren who have completed exceptional lengths of service to the Craft, they are namely;

W.Bro. Keith Moseley San Juan de Espana No.28
40 years
W.Bro. Keith Norcutt Javea Lodge No.40
40 years
W.Bro. Cornelius van der Wiel Leukopolis No.85
40 years
Bro. Jacob. de Leest Leukopolis  No.85
45 years
W.Bro. Dilwyn Philips Old Tower No.49
40 years

In addition there were two Brethren who sadly could not be present for the ceremony who also have long service awards;

Bro. Kenneth Banks-Schofield Old Tower No.49 50 years
R.W.Bro. Ray J. Horn Pueto de Xabia No.58
50 years

This Assembly is one of, if not the most, important meetings in our calendar. It is a chance for Masons of all ranks to meet, renew old acquaintances and discover what has been happening, and approve the plans and budget for the forthcoming year within the Province.

It is also where promotions and honours are bestowed upon deserving Masons and when the Provincial Grand Master has a chance to meet with and thank the Brethren for their help and support over the past year.  He was particularly pleased this year to note that representatives of every Lodge in the Province were present.

A full list of the new Provincial Executive as well as all Provincial Officers is included within this website and the following Decreto’s were issued listing the appointments Decreto_No_57 and Decreto_No_58.

The Provincial Grand Master also announced the name of his ‘Mason of the Year’ and for 2018 the Mason honoured from this Province is W.Bro. Gordon Ramshead of Dama de Elche Lodge No.163

The full speech delivered by the Provincial Grand Master is available for you to read here in both English and castellano.

The Provincial Grand Treasurer, W.Bro. Frederick C. Miller presented the Annual Report of the Treasurer for 2017 and its associated Provincial Balance Sheet for 2017 along with the budget for 2018 which were unanimously approved by the Brethren present.



After the meeting, the Brethren dined with the Grand Master, the Provincial Grand Master and many Grand Officers. A raffle was held which raised a significant sum which, along with other money raised, will be donated to local charities.

The Provincial Grand Master also stated that El Preventorio children’s home in Gandia was to be his chosen charity for the year along with the Masonic summer school in Guadalest to which the children of El Preventorio are often invited.

Should any Brother require a better definition version of any picture in this article please just email the required reference to


PGM Attends Initiation Ceremony at San Jorge No.165

On the 17th of February our Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Michael Anthony Shilan attended the Initiation ceremony for the newest member of the Province, Brother Robert Smith.

The meeting took place at the regular meeting place of the Lodge at the Hotel La Bolera in .

The PGM extended a sincere thanks to the Worshipful Master, Wardens and Brethren and his appreciation for a most excellent ceremony.

The PGM looks forward to welcoming Brother Robert at the Provincial Assembly on February 24th where our newest Brother will be able to see the size and scale of the Province that he has now joined.

Should any Brother wish to make a visit to a future meeting of the Lodge, please contact the Brother Secretary at

Caledonia Lodge donate food.

Local Freemason’s from Caledonia Lodge donate food.

In this week of love the Brethren of Caledonia Lodge No 68 (Worshipful Master Sid Formby) made a donation of five hundred euros worth of food to the Alimentos Solidarios of Torrevieja. This money was raised from various social functions held throughout the year.

WBro Freddie Samrai, and his wife Carol, together with friends from Alimentos Solidarios went to the Dialsur Cash and Carry to buy the much needed food. Dialsur were very helpful, giving a good discount on the purchase and also organising a free delivery to the centre.
Alimentos Solidarios provide a hot meal on a daily basis to the families in need in Torrevieja and also supply food parcels. The centre is staffed entirely by volunteers who work in the hot kitchen preparing the meals all year round, come rain or shine.

Freemasons of Javea Lodge No 40 hold Ladies Night

On Saturday, 10 February, local Freemasons Lodge Javea 40 held a successful and very enjoyable Valentines celebration to honour their Ladies.
Fifty-one Masons and guests attended the celebratory Valentines meal at the Attico restaurant in Javea Port where, the Worshipful Master, WBro Matthew James, presented each lady with a personal gift from himself, suitable for the evening – a floral arrangement containing two red roses.
Everyone agreed that the food was really excellent and it was enjoyed by all.
Continuing the Valentines theme, the star raffle prize was an amazing flower arrangement, which was won by Mrs Diane Jackson, wife of WBro Neville Jackson.

The WM also presented a surprise bouquet to his beloved lady, Beatriz.
WM Matthew James then thanked Bro.Malcolm March for organising the evening at short notice and presented a lovely bouquet to Malcolm’s wife, Margaret, for all the work she had undertaken during his year in office, and supporting Javea 40’s social events with advertising and IT help.
The evening’s raffle raised an additional three hundred and sixty-five euros for the WM’s chosen charity, the La Fe Children’s Oncology Research Department and Oncology Ward.

Grand Master Makes a Surprise Visit to Arenal Deportiva No.65

On the evening of the 6th of February the Master, Wardens and Brethren of Arenal Deportival Lodge No.65 were delighted to receive not only the Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Michael Anthony Shilan, but also none other than the Grand Master of Spain, M.W.Bro. Óscar de Alfonso.

The Grand Master had been in Javea that day and when he heard there was a meeting that night he decided to join the Brethren for a most enjoyable evening.

The main event of the evening was a Second Degree (Passing) ceremony for Brother John Porter.  The Grand Master also attended the White Table Festive Board afterwards.  Both the Grand Master and the Provincial Grand Master thanked the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Ian Brown and the Brethren of the Lodge for a most wonderful evening held at the Masonic Center in Javea .

Should any Brother wish to visit Arenal Deportiva then there details can be found within the Year Book and the Secretary can be contacted at

Meeting Summons 06-02-2018.

Welsh Masons visit Armonia de Ifach Lodge

At the last regular meeting of local Lodge, Armonia de Ifach, on Monday the 5th of February many of their Masons were both surprised and pleased to meet no fewer than twenty-three visitors, all from Lodges in the Province of South Wales in the UK.

These Welsh Masons travel abroad, once each year, and visit a local Lodge at random. This year it was the turn of Armonia de Ifach, picked entirely at random, who welcomed the visitors warmly.

It turned out to be a fantastic evening with a great deal of singing during the Festive Board and everyone enjoying it immensely. This was Freemasonry in its purest form and showed the true meaning both of visiting other Lodges and enjoying the Festive Board.

So great an evening was it that the Welsh Masons have already expressed their wish to return and have suggested making it a bi-annual event. What a great idea. Let’s hope that Armonia and perhaps a few other local Lodges can return the compliment by visiting south Wales in the not too distant future.