La Respetable L.S. Hiram Abif nº 80, adscrita a la G.L.E. y G.L.P. de Valencia, celebra este año 2019 el XXV Aniversario de su Consagración. Con tal motivo han sido programados una serie de actos no solo para festejar su aniversario, sino también con el objetivo de profundizar en la divulgación y conocimiento de la Masonería y al mismo tiempo hacer visible a la sociedad en general los valores que se propugnan desde la Masonería.
El Gran Maestre Provincial, R.H. Michael Anthony Shilan, realizará una visita oficial a Hiram Abif No 80 con motivo de su 25º aniversario el 17 de mayo de 2019
Los detalles completos se pueden encontrar (aqui) y todas las consultas deben enviarse al Secretario de la Logia (aqui)
The Provincial Grand Master, R.W. Bro Michael Anthony Shilan, will be paying an Official Visit to Hiram Abif No 80 on the occasion of their 25th Anniversary, on the 17th May 2019.
To commemorate this important Anniversary, the Lodge will also be holding a series of events including a “Short Story literary Contest”, a “Painting Contest” and culminating in a “Mozart and Freemasonry” conference on the 16th May 2019.
Full details can be found (here) and all enquiries should be sent to the Lodge Secretary (here)
On Saturday the 16th March 2019, a throng of intrepid walkers braved the warm spring sunshine and set off from the International Club in El Campello, for their annual sponsored beach walk.
This annual walk is organised by Santa Faz Lodge No.48 and raises funds for the Master’s Charities. This year, the main beneficiary will be the Nazaret Orphanage in Alicante which also provides education and training for poor and underprivileged children. The walk, along Muchavista beach, with mandatory refreshment stop, is usually completed in about two hours.
After the walk, a much appreciated Barbecue was enjoyed by over 60 people who then relaxed to the singing of Tony Francis.
All in all, a very enjoyable afternoon which raised over €1,400 much needed funds for the Master’s charity coffers.
If you would like to learn more please contact the Lodge Secretary at
Passed to the Grand Lodge above on the 10th of March 2019
On Saturday the 23rd of February the Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Michael Anthony Shilan welcomed some 200 Masonic Brethren to the 2019 Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia Assembly held in Benidorm, Spain.
The Provincial Grand Master warmly welcomed representatives from the Grand Lodge of Spain as well as dignitaries and distinguished Brethren from other Masonic Provinces. All Lodges of the Province were in attendance.
The representatives of the Grand Lodge of Spain were led by none other than the Grand Master of Spain, M.W.Bro. Óscar de Alfonso Ortega and the Assistant Grand Master of Spain, R.W.Bro. Barrie Roy Mansell, both of whom are Past Provincial Grand Masters of this Province.
A solemn remembrance was held for those Brethren (members) that have passed away during the past year, and whose loved ones we still remain in contact with and care for.
The Provincial Grand Secretary, W.Bro. David Watts and the Provincial Treasurer, W.Bro. Fred Miller both presented their reports. And, in full transparency, all financial reports were made available for members to review. In addition the Provincial Grand Treasurer presented the statement of accounts for the preceding year and the budget for the coming year. These were also provided to all members.
The Auditors both rose to confirm that the accounts had been thoroughly audited and were found to be in excellent order. The assembled Brethren voted unanimously to accept both the accounts and the budget.
There were many highlights but one notable one was the Appointment, Obligation and Investiture of a new Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Terence Porter who was paraded before the assembled Brethren and Invested by the Provincial Grand Master.
There is a full report available to our members by logging into the Members Area, where they will find all reports, financial accounts and many photographs from the event.
Should you be viewing this article and would like to join us at next years event then please contact the Provincial Grand Secretary via the contact_us link.
Here is a list of the Lodges within the Province and the languages they speak:
English Language Lodges
Javea Nº40
San Juan de España Nº28
Armonia de Ifach Nº46
Santa Faz Nº48
Old Tower Nº49
Puerto de Xabia Nº58
Arenal Deportiva Nº65
Caledonia Nº68
Las Salinas Nº79
Installed Masters Nº108
Oliva La Safor Nº112
Marina Alta Nº144
Dama de Elche Nº163
White River Nº153
De Triangel Nº169
Spanish Language Lodges
Germanies Nº8
Luz de Levante No. 29
Genesis Nº61
Hiram Abif Nº80
Regeneracion Nº132
German Language Lodges
Euromason Nº55
Dutch Language Lodges
Leukopolis Nº85
Norwegian Language Lodges
Dovre Nº184
Any visit to a Lodge must be prearranged via the Lodge Secretary.
On Saturday the 23rd of February the Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Michael Anthony Shilan welcomed some 200 Masonic Brethren to the 2019 Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia Assembly 2019 held at the hotel Gran Bali, Benidorm, Spain Hotel_Website.
The minutes of this year’s Assembly can be found here in English (aqui) and here (aqui) in Spanish
The Provincial Grand Master warmly welcomed representatives from the Grand Lodge of Spain as well as dignitaries from other Masonic Provinces, distinguished Brethren and all Lodges of the Province were in attendance.
The representatives of the Grand Lodge of Spain was were led by none other than the Grand Master of Spain, M.W.Bro. Óscar de Alfonso Ortega and the Assistant Grand Master of Spain, R.W.Bro. Barrie Roy Mansell, both of who are Past Provincial Grand Master of this Province.
The Provincial Grand Master was delighted to note that when the roll of Lodges was called all Lodges rose in turn to announce their presence and the Banners of each Lodge were paraded into the Assembly.
In addition all Active Provincial Officers were present with the exception of only 7 who all presented their formal apologies and salutations to the Provincial Grand Master.
A solemn remembrance was held for those Brethren that have passed to the Grand Lodge above since the last Assembly and are remembered in the Lodge of Sorrow within this website.
The Provincial Grand Secretary, W.Bro. David Watts and the Provincial Treasurer, W.Bro. Fred Miller both presented their reports which are available for you to read here….
In addition the Provincial Grand Treasurer presented the statement of accounts for the preceding year and the budget for the coming year which are available for your review here….
The Auditors both rose to confirm that the accounts had been thoroughly audited and were found to be in excellent order and the Brethren assembled voted unanimously to accept both the accounts and the budget.
There were many highlights but one notable one was the Appointment, Obligation and Investiture of the new Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Terrence Porter who was paraded before the assembled Brethren and Invested by the Provincial Grand Master.
The Provincial Grand Master then gave his sincere thanks to the retiring Deputy Provincial Grand Master, V.W.Bro. Rodney C. Bignell and presented him with a Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master`s Collette and Jewel making particular note of the dedicated hard work that V.W.Bro. Bignell has given to him personally and to the Province.
The Assistant Provincial Grand Master`s were then reappointed, W.Bro. Roy A. Mitchell and W.Bro. Eladio Gonzalez Jover.
The Provincial Grand Tyler was Proposed and Elected, W.Bro. John. McGuire, along with the two account Auditors followed by the Appointment, Obligation and Investiture of the two new Provincial Grand Warden`s, Provincial Senior Grand Warden, W.Bro. Graham Simons and Provincial Junior Grand Warden, W.Bro. Keith Alcock.
The Provincial Grand Officers both Active and Past were appointed and a full list is available in this website and can be seen by clicking (here/aqui).
The Provincial Grand Master was then presented with all of the current serving Masters of his Lodges and each was welcomed individually as well as all Initiates who had joined the Craft since the last Assembly.
The Working Committees were confirmed and a full list is available here/aqui
Certificates for Distinguished Service to Masonry were presented to the following Brethren….
W.Bro. Derek Moseley | Oliva La Safor Lodge No 112 | 55 years |
RW.Bro. Neville Jarrett | San Juan de Espana Lodge No 28 | 50 years |
RW.Bro. Ray Horn | Puerto de Xabia Lodge No 58 | 50 years |
W.Bro. Graham Scutt | Oliva La Safor No 112 | 45 years |
W.Bro. Les Beech | San Jorge Lodge No 165 | 45 years |
W.Bro. Clifford Gingell | Las Salinas Lodge No 79 | 40 years |
The Provincial Grand Master addressed the Assembly and his address is available for your review (Address_EN) (Discurso_ES). A further highlight was the announcement of the Mason of the Year which this year was presented to W.Bro. Fred Miller to the delight of all present.
Alms were collected and the M.W.Grand Master of Spain and his Assistant retired from the Assembly which was then closed in solemn form and all Brethren retired to enjoy a Festive Board with speeches and toasts.
In summary the 2019 Provincial Assembly carried on the proud tradition of this Province and of Spanish Masonry, it combined formal ceremonial aspects along with necessary business and accountability and all supported by the fraternal good spirit annoyed by Freemasons worldwide.
The photographs from the event are below this article, should any Brother require a full (higher definition) copy of any picture please email to quoting the reference number of the required picture(s).
On Wednesday the 30th of January the Brethren of Javea Lodge No.40 were honored to receive a visit from the Grand Master of Spain, MWBro. Óscar de Alfonso Ortega as well as the Assistant Grand Master of Spain, R.W.Bro. Barrie Roy Mansell and the Provincial Grand Master of Valencia RWBro Michael Anthony Shilan who was accompanied by his senior team, all were there to join the Lodge in marking the 30th anniversary of the Lodge.
Consecrated on Friday the 27th of January 1989 at the Hostal Portichol, Cabo la Nao, 6km, Javea the Lodge has gone from strength to strength and although he was only able to arrive back into Spain earlier that morning the Grand Master spoke of his affection for the Lodge and that nothing would have prevented him from being present to give his personal appreciation to the Lodge.
The ceremony of the evening was the Installation of the new Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Nigel Parker who was Installed in a most excellent way by the Installing Master, W.Bro. Jens Gerl.
Presentation of the Consecration Summons
During the course of the evening one of the Founders of the Lodge, W.Bro. Hugh Parker presented a copy of the very first Summons signed by all that were present on that day in 1989 to be preserved with the Lodge records.
A history of the Lodge was presented by W.Bro. Derek Wait and is included within the commemorative Summons which is available to be viewed here.
In giving his congratulations to the Lodge the Provincial Grand Master also made mention of the excellent work the Lodge had done in organising the 2018 Provincial Lodge of Instruction.
All Brethren of the Province are encouraged to visit Javea Lodge No.40 during their 30th year to offer their congratulations in person and the Lodge Secretary, W.Bro. Matthew James can be contacted here
On Friday the 18th of January the Brethren of Logia de Las Salinas No.79 hosted their Burns Supper at JR’S Country Club in Ciuadad Quesada
The guest were all invited to join in the spirit of the evening by wearing something tartan and after gathering for a welcome drink in the bar they were called to supper promptly at seven-fifteen by the Master of Ceremonies and piped to table by the Piper in splendid highland dress. The Selkirk Grace was offered by W.Bro. Norman Barrall, after which the guest settled down to large bowl of hot soup.
The Haggis was traditionally piped-in and dutifully addressed by W.Bro. Clifford Gingell.
After a most excellent supper the toast to the Immortal Memory was given by W.Bro. Bill McLauchlin. The Toast to the Lassies was given by W.Bro. Clifford Gingell and a reply on behalf of all the ladies was given by Mrs. Pam Mclauchlin, to the delight of all.
Following Supper, all enjoyed an evening of dancing provided by the disco of Bro. Colin Pearce.
The Bill o’ Fare
Cock-a-leekie-Soup or Leek and Potato Soup
Haggis with Neeps and Tatties (with a Dram o’ Whisky)
Steak Pie and Mashed Potatoe, Garden Peas and Carrots
Sherry Trifle or Ice Cream
Passed to the Grand Lodge above on the 27th of January 2019