Here is a list of the Lodges within the Province and the languages they speak:
English Language Lodges
Javea Nº40
San Juan de España Nº28
Armonia de Ifach Nº46
Santa Faz Nº48
Old Tower Nº49
Puerto de Xabia Nº58
Arenal Deportiva Nº65
Caledonia Nº68
Las Salinas Nº79
Installed Masters Nº108
Oliva La Safor Nº112
Marina Alta Nº144
Dama de Elche Nº163
White River Nº153
Spanish Language Lodges
Germanies Nº8
Genesis Nº61
Hiram Abif Nº80
Regeneracion Nº132
Regeneracion Nº132
German Language Lodges
Euromason Nº55
Dutch Language Lodges
Leukopolis Nº85
De Triangel Nº169
Norwegian Language Lodges
Dovre Nº184
Any visit to a Lodge must be prearranged via the Lodge Secretary.