Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia


Local Freemasons visit the San Jose Obrero Orphanage in Orihuela.

Recently Freemasons of Caledonia Lodge visited the San Jose Obrero Orphanage, in Orihuela, to present them with a surprise Christmas gift of one thousand euros for the benefit of the children.

W Bro Ian Bullock had the pleasure of sitting down with the Director of the orphanage Sr. Vicente Martínez Agulló, who informed him of the history and many achievements of the San Jose Obrero Foundation over recent years.

They now care for and house eighty orphans, of all nationalities, and there is also a day centre with twenty-four places available for children who have  very few other resources. Most of these children arrive at five in the afternoon, do their homework, shower and have dinner before going back to sleep in their own homes.  They also provide sheltered accommodation for young people, helping them to make the transition from orphanage life to becoming self-sufficient in the outside world a little easier.  A very important function as the transition is never easy.

The San Jose Obrero Orphanage is also responsible for the running of the local school, which four hundred children from the Orihuela district attend. In addition, they operate skills workshops in carpentry, hairdressing and car mechanics, which offer a full four years of very useful training with fully qualified staff. After these four years they are able to obtain a Certificate of Competence before leaving the home and hopefully finding gainful employment within local industry.

The motto of the organisation is “No One Grows up Alone”.

Local Freemasons, W.Bro Ian Bullock, the Immediate Past Master of Caledonia Lodge, and W.Bro David James, the Lodge Charity Steward, are seen in the photograph presenting  the Director, Sr. Vicente Martínez Agulló with the gift of one thousand euros, in the form of Primark vouchers, for the benefit of the children of San Jose Obrero Orphanage in Orihuela, on the 23 December 2019.

John Shuttleworth

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Jeffrey Pye

It was with sadness that we saw the passing of W.Bro Jeffrey Pye to the Grand Lodge above on the 3rd of January 2020.   Brother Jeffrey was a former member and served as the Secretary of San Jorge Lodge  Nº165 for 4 years, but resigned in September 2019 due to ill health.

Udo Österberg

W.Bro. Udo Österberg passed to the Grand Lodge above on the 26th of December 2019.

In addition to being a long-term member of Euromason Lodge, serving as both Worshipful Master and Secretary, Brother Udo was also a second affiliate member of Dovre Lodge where he will always be remembered for his efforts in being an important link between the two Lodges.

Old Tower Achieve a First

At their regular meeting on Monday 16th December 2019, Old Tower Lodge no 49 became the first Lodge to use the recently completed Legacy Lodge Room at Sociedad Compas, Ciudad Quesada.

John MacDonald

W.Bro. John MacDonald passed to the Grand Lodge above on the 12th December 2019.

Local Freemasons collect for children’s charity.

Recently local Freemason, Freddie Samrai, and his wife Carol, organized a “CHRISTMAS SHOE BOX DRIVE” for the underprivileged children of Torrevieja.

With much support from other Lodges, over one hundred and seventy boxes have now been donated.  A private donation of a children´s car seat, booster seats, push chairs and various other children’s items was also made.  Hopefully, every child will now have a gift to open on Christmas morning.  All of the other Lodges, already support many other charitable causes but, have found it in their hearts to dig just a little deeper to help these children. The whole experience has left many of them very emotional with the over whelming generosity of so, so many kind people.  THANK YOU all very much on behalf of the children of Torrevieja.

The money from the Lodges was raised by holding raffles, theme events, BBQ’s and many other individual private events. They were kind enough to donate some of these monies to the “CHRISTMAS SHOE BOX DRIVE.”

At this point everything went into over-drive and many people started to donate independently.  All of these boxes were given to Alimentos Solodarios de Torrevieja who will give these out to the children on Christmas Day.

Many thanks must be offered to the following Lodges who donated; including  White River Lodge, Dama de Elche Lodge, Old Tower Lodge, the Installed Masters Lodge, Torrevieja Chapter and Caledonia Lodge. Donations were also received from Salvador Artesano, Torrevieja Christmas Shop San Luis, and many other anonymous donors.

Andreas Visted

W.Bro. Andreas Visted passed to the Grand Lodge above on the 8th of December 2019.

The Secretary of Dovre Lodge, W.Bro. Per Aubert wrote the following;

My brothers.
It is my heavy duty to inform you that W.Bro. Andreas Visted has abandoned his earthly tools and wandered into the eternal East; in that he passed away on death December 8, 2019. Brother Andreas Visted had at his death (X* degree) the Chapter Prefect Degree. Andreas was our WM in the years 2006 to 2011 and was an honorary member of our lodge.

PGM Visits Armonia de Ifach Nº46

The Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Michael Shilan made an official visit to Armonia de Ifach Nº46 to support the Lodge in celebrating a White Table event with their ladies and to help round-off a fantastic year for the Lodge which saw them, back in October, Install W.Bro. Dennis Squirrell into the Chair of King Solomon.

The PGM congratulated the Brethren of the Lodge for the way in which they had exemplified the Masonic value of Brotherly Love in supporting their Worshipful Master to attain the Chair after so many years of Masonic service.  He spoke of the support and excellent service that W.Bro. Dennis had given to the Province over the years and how happy he was to now be able to make an Official Visit and be welcomed by the Worshipful Master.

The PGM was accompanied by the Provincial Junior Grand Warden, W.Bro. Keith Alcock and an Escort headed by the Provincial Deputy Director of Ceremonies, W.Bro. Bob Watkins as well as the Provincial Deputy Grand Sword Bearer, W.Bro. Gordon Ramshead and the Provincial Assistant Grand Standard Bearer, W.Bro. Frank Wallace and four Provincial Grand Steward’s.

After the ceremony was concluded the Brethren joined their Ladies and other guests for a White Table celebration.

On Monday the 3rd of February the Brethren of Armonia de Ifach Nº46 are looking forward to welcoming a large contingent of Brethren from Wales who have visited previously and regaled the Brethren with an evening of Fraternal Harmony, in both Masonic terms and in actual song. You are encouraged to look out for the Summons of this meeting and make sure that you get along, it is going to be one not to be missed and on this occasion will be held at the Javea Masonic Centre at Costa Nova.

Provincial Lodge of Instruction 2019

With the attendance of the Assistant Grand Master of Spain, R.W. Bro. Barrie Roy Mansell and the Provincial Grand Master of Valencia, R.W. Bro. Michael Anthony Shilan, and a number of senior Brethren, the Provincial Lodge of Instruction 2019, hosted by Santa Faz Lodge No.48 continued the proud history of this annual event by delivering a most excellent ceremony followed by a first class festive board.

Provincial LOI Demonstration Team

Around 140 Brethren packed into the Hotel Port Alicante in San Juan de Alicant to enjoy a ceremony delivered in a mixture of English and Spanish by Brethren representing Lodges from across the Province.

The hosting Lodge this year was Santa Faz Lodge No.48 and the Brethren delivering the ceremony were….

Brethren from the Manor of Bexley No.5977 and their hosts

The Worshipful Master for the day, Brother Greg Hustler and his team (details of which are listed in the Summons here in English and Castellano) drew praise from the Brethren and all delivered a fine demonstration with particular praise being reserved for Brother Stuart Powell for delivering the Charge to the Initiate in Spanish.

Also in attendance were 11 Brethren from the Manor of Bexley No.5977 from the United Grand Lodge of England who were guests of V.W.Bro. Fred Miller and R.W.Bro. Norman L. Wheatley.

At the Festive Board the Brethren from the Manor of Bexley Lodge No.5977 presented a cheque to the Provincial Grand Master towards the charitable efforts of the Province and in support of the campaign to detect and counter Prostate Cancer among our Brethren and provided details on the activities taken within their home Province to counter Prostate Cancer. All Brethren are encouranged to speak about this detectable and treatable cancer and to use the help and support available in our Province and detailed in this website here.  They also presented a plaque to the Provincial Grand Master in recognition of the 75th anniversary of the the Manor of Bexley Lodge.