With the attendance of the Assistant Grand Master of Spain, R.W. Bro. Barrie Roy Mansell and the Provincial Grand Master of Valencia, R.W. Bro. Michael Anthony Shilan, and a number of senior Brethren, the Provincial Lodge of Instruction 2019, hosted by Santa Faz Lodge No.48 continued the proud history of this annual event by delivering a most excellent ceremony followed by a first class festive board.

Provincial LOI Demonstration Team
Around 140 Brethren packed into the Hotel Port Alicante in San Juan de Alicant to enjoy a ceremony delivered in a mixture of English and Spanish by Brethren representing Lodges from across the Province.
The hosting Lodge this year was Santa Faz Lodge No.48 and the Brethren delivering the ceremony were….

Brethren from the Manor of Bexley No.5977 and their hosts
The Worshipful Master for the day, Brother Greg Hustler and his team (details of which are listed in the Summons here in English and Castellano) drew praise from the Brethren and all delivered a fine demonstration with particular praise being reserved for Brother Stuart Powell for delivering the Charge to the Initiate in Spanish.
Also in attendance were 11 Brethren from the Manor of Bexley No.5977 from the United Grand Lodge of England who were guests of V.W.Bro. Fred Miller and R.W.Bro. Norman L. Wheatley.
At the Festive Board the Brethren from the Manor of Bexley Lodge No.5977 presented a cheque to the Provincial Grand Master towards the charitable efforts of the Province and in support of the campaign to detect and counter Prostate Cancer among our Brethren and provided details on the activities taken within their home Province to counter Prostate Cancer. All Brethren are encouranged to speak about this detectable and treatable cancer and to use the help and support available in our Province and detailed in this website here. They also presented a plaque to the Provincial Grand Master in recognition of the 75th anniversary of the the Manor of Bexley Lodge.