San Juan 28 and Santa Faz 48 Lodge members invite you to a fantastic Texas Style Hog Roast and BBQ.
Please see the poster for details. Your tickets can be booked by clicking on the Jotform links as shown.
2025 Provincial Grand Assembly
The 2025 Provincial Grand Assembly was a resounding success, attracting over 180 Brethren and numerous dignitaries from Spain and other countries.
The Assembly adhered to established ceremonial protocols and demonstrated the precision observed in prior Assemblies, with Provincial officers exhibiting exemplary performance.
Let us remember the investiture of the Provincial Officers for the year 2025/2026. Congratulations to those who have been promoted.
The current Worshipful Masters and Entered Apprentices had the great honour of being presented to the Provincial Grand Master.
It was an honour to recognize those brethren with distinguished long service with the presentation of their certificates.
The Provincial Grand Master presented the Mason of the Year award to W. Bro. Peter Johnson and W. Bro. Ian Bullock.
Approximately 130 brethren gathered for the festive board, enjoying excellent food, wine, and most importantly, wonderful company, with the Provincial Grand Master formally recognising our newest member with taking wine with him.
The Provincial Grand Master offers his sincere gratitude to all attendees and eagerly anticipates welcoming everyone again next year.
On 25th February 2000, a group of ten Masons established a new Lodge in the LaSafor Comarca of Valencia Province, which includes the town of Oliva.
Among the Provincial Officers pictured above is one of the original Consecrating Officers from that inaugural day. Can you guess who? (Answer below)
The first Worshipful Master, installed 25 years ago, was W. Bro. James Newsham. Since then, the Lodge has had 22 other Worshipful Masters. On Tuesday, February 25th, Bro. David Clarke was installed as the 23rd Worshipful Master of Oliva La Safor Lodge No. 112, in a ceremony attended by over 50 brethren at the Costa Nova Masonic Centre in Jávea.
After a splendid Installation ceremony, ably conducted by outgoing Worshipful Master W. Bro. Edward Childs, the brethren repaired to the El Campo Restaurant in Jávea for a sumptuous and thoroughly enjoyable Festive Board. The Provincial Grandmaster, R.W. Bro. Rodney Bignell congratulated David on his Installation and the whole of Oliva La Safor Lodge No 112 on their 25 years of service to Masonry in Valencia.
And last but not least, the Consecrating Officer 25 years ago was none other than our Deputy Provincial Grandmaster, R.W. Bro. Rodney Hales!
On Wednesday 26th February, Worshipful Brother Alex Wilkins was duly installed as Worshipful Master of Jávea Lodge No 40. Not only was the Ceremony attended by the Provincial Grandmaster, R.W. Bro. Rod Bignell and the Deputy Provincial Grandmaster R.W. Bro. Rod Hales, Alex was also delighted to welcome two special guests from England.
The Pro Provincial Grandmaster of Middlesex, R.W. Bro. David Allan and the Past Assistant Provincial Grandmaster of Middlesex, W. Bro. Dave Wareham are Alex’s best friends from his days at school and college in England.
Alex has known both of these worthy Brothers as friends and fellow Masons for many years (more than he cares to remember!) and he was honoured that they had insisted upon travelling from England to support him at his Installation.
And, to complete the glittering array of distinguished guests, Past Provincial Grandmaster R.W. Bro. Michael Shilan was also present to support Alex on his big day.
Michael Savory came to Spain after retiring from a career as a commercial airline pilot. Michael had already been a Freemason in the UK and soon afterwards, became a Spanish Freemason under GLE. Along with several other like-minded Brethren, they decided to establish a Masonic presence in the southern Costa Blanca which at first met in local tavernas and restaurants until it was decided to look for a permanent ‘home’ in the Torrevieja area.
Michael was heavily involved in investigating the viability of acquiring a premise for such a purpose, and once a building was eventually found, and with insufficient funds to cover the initial costs, Michael placed his house as collateral against the mortgage needed to close the deal.
He, together with a number of other Brethren, over many months worked on digging out the area, taking down existing structures throughout the building ready for the construction of the Temple. This subsequently became Sociedad Compas, the Masonic Temple in Quesada. Although the original loan was paid back in good time, the collapse of the outside terrace required a further loan to be sought to not only repair the damage, but to vastly improve the temple building, ultimately producing a smaller, secondary temple known as the Heritage Temple. This loan was also subsequently repaid by the generosity of the Brethren, their Lodges, and their friends.
There is no doubt that without Mike’s forethought, fortitude, and the unwavering support of his wife, Jane, Brethren in the Torrevieja area would not enjoy the certainty of their Masonic future, free from the need to rely on a particular restaurant, hotel, or similar from which to conduct Masonic business, an uncertainty shared by a number of Brethren and their Lodges in the north of our Province at this time.
During his many years service to The Craft, Mike rose to Grand ADC where he was extremely active, attending all Grand and Provincial Assemblies and meetings. He was subsequently promoted to Past Grand Warden for his outstanding commitment and service over a great number of years. When called to the Grand Lodge above, he was just 1 month shy of 60 years in Freemasonry. Just a month earlier, the Provincial Grand Master R. W. Bro Rodney Charles Bignall was very pleased to present his Long Service jewel at the December meeting of Old Tower Lodge. A Lodge that Mike literally helped to build, and where he was looked upon with the very greatest love and respect, by everyone who knew him.
For those of us that call Sociedad Compas ‘Home’, we are forever in his debt.
R.W.Bro. Michael David Savory PGADC, PGSW
29th February 1944 – 8th January 2025
May the Grand Architect of the Universe keep him, until we meet again.
On behalf of the Province may I extend our sincere and fraternal condolences to all the Brethren of Santa Faz Lodge No. 48, and to the family of our dearly departed Worshipful Brother David Roberts, who has been called to higher office in the Grand Lodge Above on 26th August 2024.
May the Great Architect of the Universe keep him safe until we meet again.
W. Bro. Christopher S. Ward
Provincial Grand almoner
Harry Caunce was a member of Dama de Elche Lodge No. 163 for a number of years.
Sadly, Harry was summoned to the Grand Lodge above on Tuesday, 30th January 2024.
He will be sadly missed by his Brethren, his family, and his friends.
Danny Colburn – passed away peacefully on 17th January 2024. He will be sadly missed by his Brethren, Family, and Friends