2025 Provincial Grand Assembly

2025 Provincial Grand Assembly

The 2025 Provincial Grand Assembly was a resounding success, attracting over 180 Brethren and numerous dignitaries from Spain and other countries.

The Assembly adhered to established ceremonial protocols and demonstrated the precision observed in prior Assemblies, with Provincial officers exhibiting exemplary performance.

Let us remember the investiture of the Provincial Officers for the year 2025/2026. Congratulations to those who have been promoted.

The current Worshipful Masters and Entered Apprentices had the great honour of being presented to the Provincial Grand Master.

It was an honour to recognize those brethren with distinguished long service with the presentation of their certificates.

The Provincial Grand Master presented the Mason of the Year award to W. Bro. Peter Johnson and W. Bro. Ian Bullock.

Approximately 130 brethren gathered for the festive board, enjoying excellent food, wine, and most importantly, wonderful company, with the Provincial Grand Master formally recognising our newest member with taking wine with him.

The Provincial Grand Master offers his sincere gratitude to all attendees and eagerly anticipates welcoming everyone again next year.