2025 Provincial Grand Assembly
The 2025 Provincial Grand Assembly was a resounding success, attracting over 180 Brethren and numerous dignitaries from Spain and other countries.
The Assembly adhered to established ceremonial protocols and demonstrated the precision observed in prior Assemblies, with Provincial officers exhibiting exemplary performance.
Let us remember the investiture of the Provincial Officers for the year 2025/2026. Congratulations to those who have been promoted.
The current Worshipful Masters and Entered Apprentices had the great honour of being presented to the Provincial Grand Master.
It was an honour to recognize those brethren with distinguished long service with the presentation of their certificates.
The Provincial Grand Master presented the Mason of the Year award to W. Bro. Peter Johnson and W. Bro. Ian Bullock.
Approximately 130 brethren gathered for the festive board, enjoying excellent food, wine, and most importantly, wonderful company, with the Provincial Grand Master formally recognising our newest member with taking wine with him.
The Provincial Grand Master offers his sincere gratitude to all attendees and eagerly anticipates welcoming everyone again next year.
On 25th February 2000, a group of ten Masons established a new Lodge in the LaSafor Comarca of Valencia Province, which includes the town of Oliva.
Among the Provincial Officers pictured above is one of the original Consecrating Officers from that inaugural day. Can you guess who? (Answer below)
The first Worshipful Master, installed 25 years ago, was W. Bro. James Newsham. Since then, the Lodge has had 22 other Worshipful Masters. On Tuesday, February 25th, Bro. David Clarke was installed as the 23rd Worshipful Master of Oliva La Safor Lodge No. 112, in a ceremony attended by over 50 brethren at the Costa Nova Masonic Centre in Jávea.
After a splendid Installation ceremony, ably conducted by outgoing Worshipful Master W. Bro. Edward Childs, the brethren repaired to the El Campo Restaurant in Jávea for a sumptuous and thoroughly enjoyable Festive Board. The Provincial Grandmaster, R.W. Bro. Rodney Bignell congratulated David on his Installation and the whole of Oliva La Safor Lodge No 112 on their 25 years of service to Masonry in Valencia.
And last but not least, the Consecrating Officer 25 years ago was none other than our Deputy Provincial Grandmaster, R.W. Bro. Rodney Hales!
On Wednesday 26th February, Worshipful Brother Alex Wilkins was duly installed as Worshipful Master of Jávea Lodge No 40. Not only was the Ceremony attended by the Provincial Grandmaster, R.W. Bro. Rod Bignell and the Deputy Provincial Grandmaster R.W. Bro. Rod Hales, Alex was also delighted to welcome two special guests from England.
The Pro Provincial Grandmaster of Middlesex, R.W. Bro. David Allan and the Past Assistant Provincial Grandmaster of Middlesex, W. Bro. Dave Wareham are Alex’s best friends from his days at school and college in England.
Alex has known both of these worthy Brothers as friends and fellow Masons for many years (more than he cares to remember!) and he was honoured that they had insisted upon travelling from England to support him at his Installation.
And, to complete the glittering array of distinguished guests, Past Provincial Grandmaster R.W. Bro. Michael Shilan was also present to support Alex on his big day.
Like thousands of Scots and their friends worldwide, The Santa Faz Freemasons Lodge No 48, hosted a party attended by over 50 brethren, family, and friends, to celebrate the 266th Birthday of Robert Burns. Every year on the 25th of January, haggis is eaten and whisky drunk to a background of ‘Sangs, Tunes and Clatter’, and this was no exception.
Held at the International Club, El Campello, Brother Hamish McConnachie, ably supported by Sue Parks McConnachie, along with Pipe Major Brian Day kept the festive atmosphere alight with renditions of great Scottish ballads, epic poems, and ‘The Immortal Memory’.
However, following the disaster that devastated the villages around Valencia, those attending, also raised around 400€ to continue supporting those affected.
As Worshipful Master, W. Bro. Greg Hustler, reminded everyone, all our enjoyable activities also help us continue Freemasonry’s aim of Charity and Brotherhood.
It is with deep regret that we announce the passing of the Right Worshipful Brother Philip Arthur Gibson-Daw, who was currently serving as Grand Inspector of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia and was Past Grand Inspector of the Grand Lodge of Spain – Grande Oriente Español. His passing leaves us with great sadness, but his example as a dedicated and honourable Mason will remain with us.
Farewell, Dear Phil! Your memory will continue to light up our hearts. #GLPV #freemasonsvalencia
Con profundo pesar comunicamos el fallecimiento del Respetable Hermano Philip Arthur Gibson-Daw, quien se desempeñaba actualmente como Gran Inspector de la Gran Logia Provincial de Valencia y era Pasado Gran Inspector de la Gran Logia de España – Grande Oriente Español. Su partida nos deja una gran tristeza, pero su ejemplo como masón dedicado y honorable permanecerá entre nosotros.
¡Hasta siempre, Querido Phil! Tu recuerdo seguirá iluminando nuestros corazones. #GLPV #freemasonsvalencia
On Friday, January 17th, the Hiram Abif Lodge No.80 banner dedication ceremony was held. The Provincial Grand Master led the Provincial team in a highly successful ceremony.
Hiram Abif’s warm, welcoming, and generous hospitality was unparalleled, and we were all truly grateful. We sincerely wish Hiram Abif Lodge No.80 every success under their new banner.
Arenal Deportiva Lodge Celebrate
Chinese New Year 2025
(The year of the Snake)
On Saturday the 20th January, 65 Brethren, Partners and friends of Arenal Deportiva lodge No 65 met at Sabores II restaurant in Moriara to celebrate (an early) Chinese New Year 2025. It was a cold wintry evening outside, but inside the restaurant, a warm convivial atmosphere ensured that the party got into full swing. The menu had been specially selected by Florence (Li Fung Ha) Johnson to suit all tastes and requirements, and with a fabulous raffle draw and the auction of a hand made Dragon (soft toy) over €800 was raised for lodge and charity funds. Each guest received a ¨Lai See¨ packet containing a lucky coin – albeit of the consumable variety, it truly was a case of ¨Kung Hai Fat Choi¨ – A Happy New Year for everyone.
Masons from the Provincial DANA Relief Committee were thrilled to visit the 3 families we are helping and deliver toys and gifts ahead of the 3 Kings celebrations.
We presented gifts and toys to the seven children from the three families in advance of the Three Kings’ Day celebration. These gifts were generously donated by friends and families of Old Tower Lodge No. 49. The children, aged two to seventeen, reacted with genuine delight with tears of joy at their unexpected presents, a heartwarming experience for all present.
On 13th December, Las Salinas 79 celebrated its 30th anniversary with a Christmas Festive evening at Stan and Ollies in El Raso, Guardamar. 58 brethren and guests enjoyed a first-class festive dinner. Excellent musical entertainment was provided by Woody who got dancers to their feet with some favourite songs from the 60´s and seventies, and a wonderful evening was enjoyed by all. Worshipful Master John Chandler thanked Malcolm and Ann Mander-James most sincerely for all their hard work organizing the event, which raised 528€ for Charity.
Santa´s Little Helpers!
The members of the Provincial DANA Flood Relief Committee were delighted to attend the last day of term at the CEIP El Rajolar primary school in Aldaia, the town in the flood disaster area where we have been concentrating our relief efforts. 5 Brethren, RW Bro Rodney Bignell PGM, and W. Bro´s, Matthew James, Peter Johnson, Sergio Pereira and Chris Ward, all suitably attired, were welcomed by the Principle and teachers. Toys and sweets have been donated to the relief fund by Lodges, individual Brethren, the Costa Blanca Golf Society and most importantly, Provincial Royal Arch Chapter who donated the majority of the toys. The children range from 2 years to 11 years and each child will receive a lovely gift from the Masons of Valencia at the 3 Kings celebration. The brethren were also able to visit each classroom, and hand out small toys to the exuberant delight of the assembled children, and the ¨masonic elves¨ were working flat out to keep up with demand. It was a wonderful joyous occasion, and once again the delight on not only the faces of the children but the teachers, staff and the indeed the masons themselves was incredible and made a very special day to end the school year, in an area where so much tragedy has occurred.
Ps. We all decided it was best to give out the sweets at going home time (didn’t want a sugar rush as well)
All images reproduced with permission.