Lodge of Sorrows

Kenneth Frederick George Rice

Ken was a Founder member of Old Tower Lodge No.49 which was consecrated on the 19th of May 1990 and was for ten years the Lodge Almoner.  He became Past Provincial Senior Grand Deacon in February 2010 and an Honorary member of Old Tower in 2001. His Mother Lodge was Merantune Lodge No.6149 in Surrey. He assumed the Chair of King Solomon in that Lodge in January 1977. At Old Tower Lodge 25th  Anniversary celebrations in May 2015 Ken was presented with a Long Service Award for 50 years of service to Masonry by our Grand Master, Most Worshipful Bro. Oscar de Alfonso Ortega who also presented him with another Long Service Award from his Mother Lodge.

This was to prove to be his last Lodge meeting as by this time his health was very poor and in 2016 he and his wife returned to live in England so that their family could care for them.Ken passed to the Grand Lodge Above on the 30th of January 2017.

Russell Frost

W. Bro. Russell Frost was a member of, and had been in the Chair of many Masonic Orders in Spain. He had attained Grand Rank in Craft and worked tirelessly as Treasurer of all Orders that he belonged to as well as being part of the team responsible for the Society Compas building and Hall diary.

He was a very keen Freemason and gave lectures on many aspects of the fraternity. He was known to many as the official photographer at most Masonic events. Due to ill health, he returned to the UK but died shortly afterwards.

Zarah Göksel

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Lee Hodges

W.Bro. Lee Hodges was Initiated into Puerto de Xabia No.58 on 10/4/2001, Passed on 12/2/2002 and Raised on 14/5/2002.

He was Installed on 27/10/2009 and became Secretary of the Lodge on 14/10/2014. During his time as Secretary he became very ill and finally was forced to reluctantly resign from the Lodge, due to his ill health, in the summer of 2015.

He passed to the Grand Lodge Above on the 24th of July 2016. He will be sadly missed. On a personal note Lee Proposed me as a Joining Member after I returned to Spain.

W.Bro. Phil Gibson-Daw

Ivan Cottrell

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Leslie Derek ‘Les’ Nobes

V.W. Bro Leslie Derek Nobes PGReg, PPSGW, PZ
5th March 1932 – 18th January 2016

Les died suddenly and unexpectedly in the early hours of Monday 18th of January 2016 after being admitted into Torrevieja hospital the previous day. He was a founder member of several Lodges including Caledonia Lodge No.68 and was instrumental in its formation. Les´s passing sadly marks the end of an era for the Lodge which has now lost all of its founder members.

Hailing from Portsmouth Les was a Mason of long standing in a Portsmouth Lodge. On moving to Spain, he missed the companionship of likeminded men and so was instrumental, along with others based in the Torrevieja area during the 1980s, in establishing the Masonic community that now thrives in the area. He, together with his wife Pat, who sadly passed away before him, helped to raise the funds needed to create a Lodge by holding garden parties at their home. As a couple, Les and Pat were also the instigators, along with Malcolm and Cynthia Lifton, of the Caledonia luncheon club, now known as The Thistle Club. Les remained on the committee of that club until a few years ago and was a staunch supporter of it. Sadly he didn´t make the January luncheon but he was there to celebrate at Christmas and join in with the carol singing.

Once Masonry grew in the Torrevieja area and the need for a Masonic building was identified, Les was a member of the far sighted group of masons that worked to buy and renovate Sociedad Compás. He was generous in his support of the project and maintained an interest in upkeep and running of the building, holding the office of President for many years until his untimely death.

Les was a very well respected man and Mason who possessed a considerable driving force. In his prime he was recognised for his skill at ritual and he went through many a Masonic chair in a great many of the Orders. Besides the Craft, where he was rewarded for his efforts both at Provincial and Grand Lodge level, Les attained very senior offices in Chapter and the Order of the Secret Monitor whilst also being a member of Mark, Ram, Allied, Scarlet Cord and Operatives to mention but a few.

One of his greatest pleasures was music. Les had a marvellous singing voice and in the early years many a Ladies Night was rescued by Les singing the Ladies Song. As with us all, his voice diminished as the years went by and it was a source of distress to him when his marvellous voice could no longer carry across the room without the aid of a microphone. With his passing our lives will be all the poorer and his dulcet tones and good humour will be greatly missed. Les leaves behind an elder sister and her husband, extended family members from Pat´s family and his many friends here in Spain.

Raymond ‘Ray’ Heath

Today, January 11th, marked the funeral in Rojales,of Worshipful Brother Raymond ‘Ray’ Heath, PAGDC, PPJGW of Caledonia Lodge No.68 and other Lodges.

Ray was born in Liverpool on the 10th of April 1938 and pursued a successful career in sales for several major companies finally retiring to Spain with his wife Lydia in 1997 to pursue the outdoor life, enjoying Golf several days a week and latterly playing bowls.

He joined Caledonia Lodge in December 1997 and was installed as Worshipful Master in April 2002 serving until October 2003, later holding a number of Active Provincial Grand Ranks. He was a very capable and innovative Provincial Grand Almoner and received the Diploma of Merit in 2010. He also served as District Grand Almoner of Mark and received Grand Rank in both Orders whilst being an active member of a number of others.

A friendly man, he was always keen to help others and also to give freely of his time and Masonic knowledge to less experienced Masons.

Lately he fell ill and passed to the Grand Lodge above on 6th January.

He will be sorely missed.

George Ceasar

It is my sad duty to inform you of the passing to the Grand Lodge above of W. Bro. George Ceasar a member of San Juan de España lodge, the Funeral will take place at Villajoyosa Crematorium, this Monday September 7th at 1.00PM, there will be a wake after the funeral at Restuarante Los Amigos, Calle de La Palma, 14, Benidorm Old Town