Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia


San Juan de Espana

On Tuesday 5th June 2024 San Juan de España Lodge No.28 presented €1000 worth of food and other essentials to the Ajuntament de Callosa d’en Sarrià for distribution to the disadvantaged in the community.
  This was made possible by various fundraising events within the Lodge.

Pictured are Worshipful Brother Anthony Hesketh-Field, Worshipful Master and Worshipful Brother Jerry Roberts, Immediate Past Master with Andrés Molina Ferrándiz, Mayor of Callosa d’en Sarrià and members of the City Council staff.

Two Worshipful Masters in one household

Whilst it’s nothing new to have a couple of Masons in the same household, it is however quite unique for both the Husband & Wife to both be Worshipful Masters of their lodges at the same time. W. Bro Norman Ship first became a Freemason in 2006 when he joined Kendleshire Lodge No. 8394 which meets in Downend, Bristol.  Norman became W.M. of Kendleshire Lodge in 2014. During his time as W.M. and then as a Past Master, Norman and his wife Nic traveled to Germany, Malta and Spain, supporting the Lodge of Saint Christophers No. 9095 in their travels abroad.

In 2015, the Masonic Hall Park Street Bristol, held an open day, which we both attended. We were part of a tour group being shown around the hall, and one of the ladies in our group asked the question ‘Why are there no Lady Masons’, to which the response back was, ‘But there ARE Lady Masons’,

This response sowed a seed with Nic and started her interest in Masonry. In 2016, Nic applied to join The Order of Women’s Freemasons and she became a member of, Lodge Aqua Sulis No. 158 which meets in Bath.

In February 2018, Norman & Nic decided to retire to La Marina, Alicante, Spain. Once they were both settled in Spain, Norman then joined a Craft Lodge called   Old Tower Lodge No. 49 and Nic joined a Craft Lodge called Lodge La Rama Primera No. 355.                                                                                 

Now our journeys to our individual lodges in Spain are very different, with Norman’s Craft, Mark, RAM and Chapter lodges being in Quesada, which is just under 20 minutes door to door. Whereas Nic’s Craft, Mark, RAM and Chapter lodges meet in Fuengirola, which is some 500 kms away from La Marina and takes over 5 hours to drive each way.

Thankfully our lodges do not meet on the same weekend, so we are able to share the driving to and from Fuengirola, and because of the distance, we also treat it as a mini break from the Wednesday to the Sunday.

Although we live in Spain, following the COVID Pandemic, Nic recommenced her Masonic journey in the UK and on 26th November 2023 became the Worshipful Master of her mother Lodge Aqua Sulis No. 158.  Whilst Nic’s lodge meets in Bath, it’s interesting to note that her installation took place at the Downend Temple, Shrubbery Road, with Nic becoming the first Lady Mason to be installed at the Downend Temple, some 9 years after Norman had been installed into the same Chair of King Solomon. 

On the 20th May 2024, W. Bro Norman Ship became the Worshipful Master of the Old Tower Lodge No 49, which comes under the Province of Valencia.


The million dollar question has to be,

who is the Wor‘SHIP’ful Master when they are both at home?

                     I will leave the wife to answer  that one!

Old Tower turn Tropical

This gallery contains 3 photos.

On Sunday, 26th May, Old Tower Masonic Lodge held a charity fund-raising event billed as ‘Club Tropicana’.
The Caribbean-styled afternoon complete with surfboards and grass skirts kicked off with cocktails and entertainment provided by the fabulous ‘Project Duo’.
The Provincial Grand Master, Rodney Bignell and his Lady, Jeanette joined along with over 50 other Ladies, Gentlemen, and Brethren for a fun afternoon which included a fantastic Hawaiian-styled buffet, wonderful desserts, dancing, and refreshments.
Our special guests were Alexandru Petricean, President of Reach Out, a charity based in Torrevieja helping the homeless, hungry, and poor of the community. Alex and his senior team were welcomed by our Charity Steward, W. Bro Alan Clarke, and our PGM.

A big thank you to Mrs. Janet James for her wonderful catering skills that kept us well fed, Alan Clarke for the imagination and planning of the entire event, and the whole team for their efforts in turning Sociedad de Compass into Club Tropicana, which raised 800€ for local good causes and Masonic charities.

Annual provincial Garden Party – Los Arcos, Pedreguer

Provincial Garden Party 4th September 19:00h

The Provincial Garden Party this year promises to be another Super event with some fabulous entertainment, and will be staged once again in the lovely setting of the gardens at Los Arcos restaurant near Pedreguer.

The format will be the same as in previous years, with Brethren, families and guests bringing picnics to share and tables of up to 10 being accommodated. Guests are encouraged to dress up their tables (and themselves) in summer style and there will be prizes for the best dressed table and best (worst?) dressed guest.
The entertainment this year will be provided by the very accomplished all round entertainer Gary ¨Woody¨ Woodward, with very special guests, Lucille Bluez (Jorge’s daughter) and partner, who are fantastic. The ticket price has been set at 20e per person and will be collected on the night. All drinks must be purchased from the bar.

Alonzo Whitehead

R.W. Bro. Alonzo Whitehead was a founding member of Old Tower Lodge and will be deeply missed by all who knew him.

Fantastic Event!

A FANTASTIC EVENT! was held at the Marriott Hotel & Spa on Saturday the 6th of April. It was well supported with some 80 Freemasons and Guests attending and it raised 1000€ for Charities that are supported by Freemasonry. The ‘ABBA Elite’ tribute band were terrific as was evident by the number of people dancing and cavorting, most in fancy dress.

The evening started with a Cava Reception to get everyone mingling and was followed by a five course meal, which was of excellent quality and enjoyed by all, even if there was a lot of it. Following dinner the ABBA group started their show, which was synced to a video display of the actual ABBA singing the same songs – it was really excellent and credit must go to Magnum Productions (and their Rodi’s) who set it all up, including the fantastic lights.

Photos will follow.

You can download the Table Menu HERE.

Thistle Luncheon Club donation to The San Jose Orphanage.








Lodge Caledonia No. 68 representatives visited The San Jose Orphanage in Orihuella to donate 2000 € that the monthly Thistle Luncheon Club had raised. The money, in the form of Decathlon vouchers, was presented by David James and Melviyn Young, accompanied by their wives to the Director, Javier Olivares,  and senior staff.

Las Salinas Lodge No 79 Donate to ¨Reachout¨

Las Salinas No 79 Donates 850€ Worth of Food and Essentials to Reachout Torrevieja.

Las Salinas Lodge No 79  Worshipful Master, Norman Barrall, and wife Carole have been on a 850€ shopping trip and returned to Reachout’s premises in Torrevieja with a boot-full of foodstuffs and other essentials for distribution to the needful in our area. The money was raised at the highly successful Las Salinas Ladies night in May last year. Norman and Carole were greeted by the Reachout President, Alexander, and Secretary Maria, who expressed their thanks and presented a Certificate of Appreciation.

Pictures are from the Reachout premises in Torrevieja.