Whilst it’s nothing new to have a couple of Masons in the same household, it is however quite unique for both the Husband & Wife to both be Worshipful Masters of their lodges at the same time. W. Bro Norman Ship first became a Freemason in 2006 when he joined Kendleshire Lodge No. 8394 which meets in Downend, Bristol. Norman became W.M. of Kendleshire Lodge in 2014. During his time as W.M. and then as a Past Master, Norman and his wife Nic traveled to Germany, Malta and Spain, supporting the Lodge of Saint Christophers No. 9095 in their travels abroad.
In 2015, the Masonic Hall Park Street Bristol, held an open day, which we both attended. We were part of a tour group being shown around the hall, and one of the ladies in our group asked the question ‘Why are there no Lady Masons’, to which the response back was, ‘But there ARE Lady Masons’,
This response sowed a seed with Nic and started her interest in Masonry. In 2016, Nic applied to join The Order of Women’s Freemasons and she became a member of, Lodge Aqua Sulis No. 158 which meets in Bath.
In February 2018, Norman & Nic decided to retire to La Marina, Alicante, Spain. Once they were both settled in Spain, Norman then joined a Craft Lodge called Old Tower Lodge No. 49 and Nic joined a Craft Lodge called Lodge La Rama Primera No. 355.
Now our journeys to our individual lodges in Spain are very different, with Norman’s Craft, Mark, RAM and Chapter lodges being in Quesada, which is just under 20 minutes door to door. Whereas Nic’s Craft, Mark, RAM and Chapter lodges meet in Fuengirola, which is some 500 kms away from La Marina and takes over 5 hours to drive each way.
Thankfully our lodges do not meet on the same weekend, so we are able to share the driving to and from Fuengirola, and because of the distance, we also treat it as a mini break from the Wednesday to the Sunday.
Although we live in Spain, following the COVID Pandemic, Nic recommenced her Masonic journey in the UK and on 26th November 2023 became the Worshipful Master of her mother Lodge Aqua Sulis No. 158. Whilst Nic’s lodge meets in Bath, it’s interesting to note that her installation took place at the Downend Temple, Shrubbery Road, with Nic becoming the first Lady Mason to be installed at the Downend Temple, some 9 years after Norman had been installed into the same Chair of King Solomon.
On the 20th May 2024, W. Bro Norman Ship became the Worshipful Master of the Old Tower Lodge No 49, which comes under the Province of Valencia.
The million dollar question has to be,
who is the Wor‘SHIP’ful Master when they are both at home?
I will leave the wife to answer that one!