Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia


Provincial Garden Party ends with a bang!

On Wednesday 4th September the weather in and around Pedreguer crackled and banged with thunderstorms. But a little weather was not going to stop around 90 brethren, families, and friends having a great time at the annual Provincial Garden Party at the Los Arcos restaurant.
The only change to the schedule was that we held the event in the spacious indoor room provided for us.
Many of the Provence’s Lodges were represented including a large contingent from the Spanish, Hiram Abiff

Following our usual format the guests bring the food and the theme of dressing the tables and holding the best/worst men’s shirt competition resulted in one of the 2 Oliva LaSafor tables winning a bottle of Cava, while the ‘man with the shirt’ was David Clarke, also of Oliva!
As always with Masonic events a raffle was held with a large selection of prizes which was generously supported providing the evening with an overall 1250€ for the Provincial Masters fund
Entertainment for the evening was provided by a well-known Spanish duet Lucille Blues, with their individual take on Rock & Country music. Gary “Woody” Woodward also entertained us with his singing to get a few of the ladies on the dance floor






The evening wound up with everyone stepping outside to watch the fireworks before heading home.

Puerto de Xàbia – visit to Micro Brewery and Curry Night

Puerto de Xàbia 58 travel from west to east seeking curry!
The Brethren of Puerto de Xàbia Lodge No 58 enjoyed a great night out in Jávea. Starting at La Refineria Brewpub, we had the opportunity of sampling 5 different beers brewed on the premises. Although the Pilsner appeared to be a clear favourite, there were plenty of takers for the IPA – delicious!
From La Refineria, it was only a short walk to Bombay Masala, the newest Indian Restaurant in Jávea. The food was sublime and the atmosphere was buzzing!
And to top it off, a raffle raised the sum of €140 for the 2026 Festival. Good job!

Santa Faz 60’s Night

The Santa Faz Lodge held their annual theme night on Saturday 29th of September at the International Club in El Campello. This year’s theme was the swinging sixties and the Brethren, Ladies, and guests obviously spent a lot of time and effort digging out their old clothes from many years ago. Brother Craig Smith from the San Juan De Espana Lodge supplied entertainment,

who also supported the night with a contingent of Brothers and their good Ladies.
The sixties night was the last social function of the year under the guardianship of our Worshipful Master Ivan Beckett and his good lady Pat. Ivan hands over the mantle of the Lodge to Greg Hustler in October.
The night was also attended by Irena Bodnarec from the charity MABS CANCER SUPORT one of the Santa Faz charities for 2023 – 2024. Irena was presented with a cheque for 2500 Euros which will go towards purchasing two specialist beds for cancer sufferers in our area.

Neville Jarrett








Please be patient while the file loads.

A magical evening for charity.

On Wednesday 31st July around 50 Members, families, and guests of Oliva LaSafor Lodge 112 held an unusual and very entertaining event at the La Bresca Restaurant in Els Poblets.
Bro. Colin Kenward, the newest member of the Lodge, is a member of the International Magicians Circle and he conducted various magical tricks at the tables while the audience looked on in wonder.
In addition, the restaurant provided a varied and well-received menu with their efficient staff keeping everyone well ‘fed and watered’, in the sweltering evening.
The whole event raised just shy of 450 Euro, which will be distributed to the Lodge’s Masonic Charities.

The Master of Oliva LaSafor 112, W. Bro. Edward Childs, thanked the individuals who had helped organize the event and the restaurant as well as Colin, who performed his magic with dexterity and expertise.
He went on to say that Oliva LaSafor is a small Lodge, but we had a very good turnout and hoped that future events will continue to be as popular.