Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia


Freemasons support Raquel Paya School

Local Freemasons continue support for Raquel Paya Special Needs School in Denia.

The Immediate Past Master of Logia Deportiva No 83, WBro Glyn Walters, is seen presenting a cheque for 500 euros to Miguel Lillimani, the Director of the Raquel Paya school. This money was raised from a fashion show held earlier in the year and, along with other events, represents total donations of 2,800 euros given this year alone to help the school. This donation will enable them to purchase specially adapted computer software as a teaching aid for speech therapy for use by children with vocal disabilities.

The Lodge has supported the school over the past seven years with the provision of specialist equipment ranging from a wheelchair swing, elevating massage tables, computers, training appliances and a dedicated mood and relaxation room. The School cares for those between 3 and 18 years old who need special care.

Students from the catering department are also pictured with their teachers, Bea Mayor and Niever Ramires, who prepared a lovely selection of sweet and savoury refreshments which were greatly enjoyed by all present.

The Logia Deportiva support for the school was started in 2009 by WBro Dave Oliver and then Worshipful Master WBro Neville Jackson who is pictured with the 2016 Charity Steward and Past Master WBro Darrell Clayton along with newest member of the Lodge Bro Peter Johnson. The party was also attended by our ladies and our Secretary WBro William Lloyd.

 If you would like further information about donating to the Raquel Paya school or would like more information about Freemasonry please contact me on the email given below

WBro William Turney   Press Officer

Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia

The Masonic Home of Valencia “Make a Smile”

A welcome early Christmas Present for the ‘Make a Smile’ Charity

On Friday, 18th November, Bernard Wilson, secretary of The Masonic Home of Valencia Association, presented a cheque for 2000 Euros to the ‘Make A Smile’ Charity. This money was largely raised by the charity shop in Moraira which does a splendid job in raising money for good causes. This is one of those worthy causes and is an organization for mentally challenged children based at a home in Relleu, just inland from Benidorm. Using existing land and equipment the ‘Make A Smile’ charity has created a self sufficient farm that provides occupational therapy for the 24 youngsters based there. This not only teaches them self reliance but also provides useful knowledge which may help them to get jobs and better integrate into society – always a great aim!

The children grow vegetables, and harvest the olives from more than 1000 olive trees. These are later turned into olive oil and sold. They also produce more than 750 eggs a week from around 220 chickens, all of which are also then sold to the general public.

This donation  from The Association will help to buy flannelette sheets and pyjamas for the youngsters to help them keep warm over the winter as, unfortunately, the home cannot afford to keep the heat on all night in their bedrooms. It will also be used to take all the children for a special Christmas treat to enable them to go somewhere like Alicante to at least see the lights.

The picture shows the presentation by Bernard to Barbara and Dennis Carrier, leaders of the recycling team, at the El Cid restaurant who run weekly auctions in Benidoleig who work continuously by taking in unwanted furniture and bric a brac, which they mend, fix up and recycle to be sold at local auctions. Great work, whereby they recycle unwanted goods, preventing them from going into rubbish skips and landfill sites and, at the same time, raise money for a very worthwhile cause.

If you would like to help this very worthwhile cause or seek further information regarding the Masonic Home of Valencia, or even if you are just interested in finding out a little more about Freemasonry, please contact me at the following email address when I will be glad to answer all your questions.

WBro William Turney   Press Officer
Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia.


Local Freemason’s help out Children’s Home in Denia

On 24th October, WBro Chris Stoneley, Charity Steward of local Freemason’s Lodge Puerto de Javea No 40, and his wife Vicki visited the Residencia Comarcal, ‘Les Rotes,’ in Denia, to see what further help they needed. They were shown around the home and saw how the rooms had been painted using paint previously donated by the Lodge two years ago. Having met some of the children they had met on their last visit they were informed that a new fridge and a new computer were badly needed to help feed and educate the children.

As Chris has been the Worshipfull Master of the Lodge for the past two years he was able to offer a donation to buy these two much needed items. During his two years in office, many charity functions were held by the Brethren meaning that the €900 euros needed were able to be offered. Chris recently returned to the home and is shown donating the fridge and the computer to the Director of the home Sra Pilar Dalmau Marti and two members of her staff. These donated items were gratefuly received by the Director who invited members of the Lodge to attend the chilren’s Christmas Party next month.

Dama de Elche Charity Donations

Dama de Elche Lodge 163 Present thee cheques

On the 20th October 2016 at the Debra Butterfly Children’s Charity Shop, the Past Master, John Swithenbank and Charity Steward Trevor Bagnall with their Ladies, presented cheques totalling 1665 euros raised from various social events held by the Brethren and their Ladies from The Dama de Elche Lodge during 2015/2016.

(Pic 1) Mary Chambers who represented The Butterfly Children Charity, DEBRA said this donation would go to fund the charity’s Outreach Project which allows DEBRA nurses to visit patients in their own home and help with daily treatments, providing advice, support and respite. Mary thanked Dama de Elche Masonic Lodge for choosing to help the charity with their generous donation of 750 euros which was greatly received.


(Pic 2 ) A further cheque of 750 euros from the Lodge was presented to Annette English for The Elche

Children’s Care Home towards providing heating oil for this coming winter.

Annette then presented a framed Certificate which says: Elche Children’s Care Home; wishes to thank:

the Past Master John Swithenbank and Members of the Dama de Elche 163 Masonic Lodge for the donations of 2350 Euros over the last 3years for the purchase of Heating Oil. Keeping the children warm and providinghot water.Thank you all for the kindness and love you have shown to our children “Helping us to Help”.


(Pic 3 ) Another Certificate was then presented by Annette to the Ladies of the Brethren of the Lodge for their donation of 165 euros to The  Elche Children’s  Home to help purchase gifts for the children.

Provincial Ladies Night

Spanish Freemasons celebrate in Benidorm.

On Saturday, 15th October, local Freemasons of the Province of Valencia held their annual Ladies Night at the Hotel Grand Bali in Benidorm. This was hosted by the Provincial Grand Master, Right Worshipful Brother Norman Wheatley and his lovely wife Anne, who were greeted by more than two hundred Masons with their wives and guests. The evening was a chance for Masons to relax after a hard year of work and fundraising and, in particular, to thank their wives for all their help and support throughout the year.

Guests arrived at 1845 for a champagne and canape reception which was followed by an excellent four course meal at 1930. Every Lady present was presented with a Ladies Night gift to further thank them for their efforts. After dinner guests were entertained by the music and singing of ‘Rio’ and many danced the night away. A Grand Charity Raffle was held and raised the magnificent sum of one thousand three hundred and twenty-five euros. As all prizes were donated by Masons, every centimo will go to a worthy local charity. This evening was a great success and was, I am sure, enjoyed by everyone present.

WBro William Turney Press Officer

Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia

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