Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia


Arthur James Herbert

Arthur was married to Jill and had 3 adopted children. He owned a gravel pit in England and when it was empty it was used as a landfill site, which was very lucrative. In those days one was only allowed to take a small amount of cash out of the UK, but to overcome this he simply put it in a couple of briefcases, bundled his children in the car and they and his wife headed for Spain. They ended up in Oliva where they bought some land by the beach and set up Europa Camping, which was very successful. Some years later Jill passed away from cancer. Europa Camping is today run by one of the children.

Although he was a founder member of Javea 40, he never went through the chair of the Lodge. Arthur was ADC of Javea 40 from November 1997 until November 2000. He was PGSwdB until ‘2000 when he was then made PPGSwdB.

His Mother Lodge was Lignam Lodge 6744 from Brighton, Sussex, and that he was a PZ of Chapter No.4.

Arthur was gentleman and a true Mason and was very respected by all who he came into contact with and is sadly missed.

Leslie R. Jones

Les Jones was a committed and busy mason. He was initiated into Crescent Lodge no. 4524 in Salford in November 1971. When he moved to Spain he first joined Old Tower Lodge and then joined Caledonia Lodge in January 1999. He was also a member of Mark & Ram, Installed Masters and Operatives, working hard in all the lodges.
He was Director of Ceremonies in Caledonia Lodge for many years and was first given Provincial Honours in 2003 with the rank of Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies. He brought the commitment to his Provincial duties as he did to the rest of his masonry.
He was sadly called to the Grand Lodge above in October 2007.

Sid Thurlow

Bro. Thurlow passed away after a long illness.

Las Salinas Donation to Alimentos Solidarios

Brethren of Las Salinas Lodge No.79 Make a Food Donation to Alimentos Solidarios

The Brethren of Logia de Las Salinas No.79 have donated 1,300 € worth of food produce to the Alimentos Solidarios located in C/San Pascual, Torrevieja

Alimentos Solidarios fulfil a much needed task in feeding the needy of Torrevieja and supplying several hundred meals per week as well as milk an other necessities.

The Immediate Past Master of the Lodge, W.Bro. John Edwards had made the Alimentos Solidarios his nominated charity for his year in the Chair and along with funds raised via his Ladies Festival as well as a donation from the CHarity Fund of the Lodge, the Charity Steward for that year, W.Bro. Eddy Davies worked with local suppliers to secure 1,300 € worth of produce for a total cost of 1,000 €, all of which was donated to the centre.

Pictured are W.Bro. Eddy Davies, Mrs. Joan Edwards, Senor Juanjo (coordinator from Alimentos Solidarios) and W.Bro. John Edwards.

Senor Juanjo will be attending the January Saltpot for an official presentation.


More details on the activities of Alimentos Solidarios can be found at their website…

White River donate to El Preventorio

Local Masons donate to El Preventorio Children’s Home in Gandia

On Thursday, 24th November, WBro Keith Alcock, representing White River Lodge and who is also the Provincial Grand Charity Steward of Valencia, visited El Preventorio children’s home in Gandia to donate gifts collected largely from the Brethren of White River Lodge. The gifts consisted of no fewer than eight bin liners crammed with goodies and even more bags and boxes filled with toys and sweets. The larger bags were filled with clothes, shoes, games and toys for the children to help celebrate Christmas. Some were donated by Mason’s friends in the UK and brought back especially for the children. We were accompanied, as always, by Ms Silvia Barnish who regularly gives up her free time to help both the children and us. She acts as our liaison and translator and without her our visits would be much more difficult.

As many of the shoes and some of the toys were brand new, these were separated to be gift wrapped and put towards the gifts each child would receive for Christmas. The rest would be donated to children as and when needed. We were also greeted by old friend Sr Jorge Luengo, one of the many carers who help to run the home. He was a little tired this trip as he had just completed his first Valencia marathon at the weekend in a very creditable time of 3Hr37. Well done Jorge! As always the staff were incredibly grateful to receive these gifts and warmly thanked the Brothers of White River Lodge and indeed all the Brethren of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia for their long and continuing support.

Sadly, as is always the case, the home still need donations on a long term basis. They are now looking after around fifty-five children including some who are disabled. They receive no money from the state and all work is completed by volunteers and donations from the general public. If you feel able to donate either money or gifts I can be contacted on the email address given below. Items can also be left at the offices of Bay Radio in Javea who also support this charity on a long term basis. Please think, are you are able to offer just one toy to some child who otherwise may not get one? As many children are looking forward to a new PC, IPad or other electronic goody, these children are hoping for a second hand toy costing maybe a few euros when new. Please try to help.

If you need further information about the work of El Preventorio or if you are interested in Freemasonry please contact me and I will answer all your questions.

WBro William Turney Press Officer

Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia.