Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia


Armonia de Ifach Lodge presents new safety gear to firefighters.

As most of you will be aware, last year saw some of the worst wildfires ever seen in the local area of Calpe and Denia. Many private houses were destroyed, many citizens had to be evacuated and many local volunteer firefighters risked their own lives to save ours.

It is hard to find words to describe the bravery of these men and women. The truth is that when we are running away from a fire these gallant volunteers run towards it. I emphasise that all of these people were volunteers, acting on our behalf regardless of nationality, fighting fire and generally helping to save lives. It is a testament to their bravery that we didn’t suffer a massive loss of life and we can all give thanks that they are there to help us.

Much of their equipment is old and at least partly worn out. Much of it has a limited life span and needs to be replaced regularly for them to be able to function as a firefighting team. More still was lost in this and other fires. This equipment is absolutely necessary but also can be very costly! Many local organisations offered help when it was most needed including local Freemasons, from the Lodge of Armonia de Ifach, the Calpe Charity shop, and The Lions.

In the photos attached you will see some of the equipment bought for the future use of the Calpe Civil Defence Firefighters. This comprises, vital breathing equipment which allows the firefighters to fight the blaze from close quarters, a light portable pump, again allowing closer access than a fire tender might be able to get, the hoses necessary to be able to connect from the water deposit to the pump and some more new hoses for connecting the pump to the nozzles.

The first photo, above, shows one of the Civil Defence personnel and the breathing hood and oxygen tank that we helped to buy.

The second shows WBro Stewart Gammer of Armonia de Ifach Lodge, Councillor Carole Saunders, Mr John Bridges of the Calpe charity shop and Sr Mattias Torres from Civil Defence.

The third includes the mayor of Calpe Sr César Sánchez and two firefighters.

Masonic Homes of Valencia present cheque to Quesda Masonic Temple.

Members of The Masonic Temple in Quesada were recently delighted to receive a cheque for six thousand euros, donated by The Masonic Homes of Valencia to go towards the cost of installing a new lift at their premises. Unfortunately the old one had been condemned as unsafe and this situation was causing real problems at the centre. Many of the Masons using the centre are of advancing years and some not as fit as they once were. To constantly climb and descend quite steep steps was becoming a problem, especially for those such as I forced to use a wheelchair. It was also difficult to transport the various Lodge equipment for use in ceremonies.

The overall cost of installing the lift and making good was around fifteen thousand euros. No small amount! The rest of the money was raised from the various Lodges using the temple which, together with this donation, was sufficient for the work to go ahead. I am sure the Masons using this centre will breathe a sigh of relief that they can now visit their Lodge in style and with less hardship. The photo below shows WBro Bernard Wilson presenting the cheque to WBro Roy Mitchell

Oliva La Safor Lodge hold Quiz Lunch

On Thursday, 6th May, Oliva La Safor Lodge held a Quiz Lunch, at the very popular Viva España restaurant in Oliva, for members and guests. This was very well attended with almost fifty people turning out for what turned out to be a very enjoyable afternoon. The original purpose was just to have a get together, have a good lunch and hopefully raise a little cash for charity. However, it turned out rather more than that. Firstly because several members brought more extensive donations for the Gandia Men’s Refuge who are always in desperate need for the basics of life. Contributions included clothing, washing and hygiene products and a vast array of long life food. This consisted of, rice, pasta, sugar, bottled beans and various tinned items. As always the generosity of the Masons attending came to the fore and the Refuge will be very glad of their continued support.

In addition to the collection, a grand charity raffle was also held with some really good prizes to be won. This raised no less than one hundred and ninety euros which will be donated to charity later this year. The Worshipful Master, Worshipful Brother Ian Skipper has chosen several charities which he wishes the Lodge to support this year, one of which is to sponsor at least one underprivileged child (and hopefully more) to attend the Masonic summer school. Last year the Province as a whole sponsored eighteen children and hopes to achieve at least the same number this year.

The quiz, organised by WBro Mike Botten turned out to be trickier than many people had expected! At first glance it appeared quite easy, especially as the answers were multiple choice; this was not the case however, and most people found it more difficult than they had imagined. The winners were delighted to win and agreed that the contest had been quite difficult. Everyone who attended had a really good time and agreed that this was the sort of thing we should do more often.


If you are interested in helping worthwhile causes or would just like some more information on Freemasonry, please contact me on the address given below and I would be happy to answer your questions.

WBro William Turney   Press Officer

Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia

Zarah Göksel

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Lee Hodges

W.Bro. Lee Hodges was Initiated into Puerto de Xabia No.58 on 10/4/2001, Passed on 12/2/2002 and Raised on 14/5/2002.

He was Installed on 27/10/2009 and became Secretary of the Lodge on 14/10/2014. During his time as Secretary he became very ill and finally was forced to reluctantly resign from the Lodge, due to his ill health, in the summer of 2015.

He passed to the Grand Lodge Above on the 24th of July 2016. He will be sadly missed. On a personal note Lee Proposed me as a Joining Member after I returned to Spain.

W.Bro. Phil Gibson-Daw

Ivan Cottrell

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Masonic Homes of Valencia Association present new nebulisers to Benichembla

A presentation was made on 28th March to the local Doctor at the Farmacia in Benichembla of two Nebulizers for use of the people in the village.
They only had one nebulizer in the whole village and in the winter so many people in the village had chest problems, that when the only one was in use, other people had to travel to other Medical Centres in other villages. These new nebulisers will be a great help to the villagers and should relieve the necessity of travelling to other villages for treatment.
pictured L to R
Benichembla GP and his Nurse, Jenny Hart (President) Pharmacist and assistant, and Bernard Wilson (Secretary)

Annual General Meeting of the Masonic Homes of Valencia Association

The Annual General Meeting of the Masonic Homes of Valencia Association took place on Friday, 24th March, at La Senieta Theatre in Moraira. The Masonic Homes is a charitable association which raises much needed money for worthy local causes. Much of this money is raised by the Charity Shop in Moraira whose volunteers work very hard to achieve this.
We are very sorry to have to report the death of Keith Hart our secretary and stalwart member. He will be very sadly missed. It is particularly fitting therefore that this year our new president is Keith’s wife Mrs Jenny Hart.
Several new members have been elected to the Board this year
One of which is Jenny Hart, the new President, also Brian Imber as vice President. Other new members include Norman Wheatley, Sue McAllister and Kath Taylor.
The photo shows the following members
Hugh Parker (Treasurer)
Sue McAllister (Board member)
Bernard Wilson (Secretary)
Jenny Hart ( new President)
Bruce Nightingale (Board member)
Kath Taylor (Board member & manager of Charity shop)
Brian Imber ( new Vice president)
Norman Wheatley (Board member)

Oliva La Safor Lodge continue to support the Gandia Hospice

On Tuesday, 21st of March, the Charity Steward of Oliva La Safor, WBro Jim Jordan, made an urgent appeal for help from the Brethren of the Lodge to assist, once again, the residents of the Gandia Hospice. The need was, as always, for basic items which most of us take for granted including clothes, food and items for hygiene purposes.

By Tuesday 28th of March the Brethren had collected, and donated, a huge pile of items for the residents, including shirts, trousers, sweaters and much more. There was a huge amount of long life foodstuffs such as rice, pasta, sugar and tinned goods, all of which will make life just a little better for these aged and infirm people. Also much needed hygiene equipment such as soap, deodorant, razors, shaving crème and much more.

These items are so little to us yet so much to those who don’t have them and have no means of getting them. These items and more will be donated to the Hospice in the near future.

If you feel able to help by donating a few unwanted items, or perhaps by buying just one extra item on your shopping list, or if you would like more information about Freemasonry, please contact me on the email address given below. Many thanks.

The photo shows the Worshipful Master of the Lodge, WBro Ian Skipper with the Charity Steward, WBro Jim Jordan with some of the donated items.

WBro William Turney   Press Officer

Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia