Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia


Welsh Masons visit Armonia de Ifach Lodge

At the last regular meeting of local Lodge, Armonia de Ifach, on Monday the 5th of February many of their Masons were both surprised and pleased to meet no fewer than twenty-three visitors, all from Lodges in the Province of South Wales in the UK.

These Welsh Masons travel abroad, once each year, and visit a local Lodge at random. This year it was the turn of Armonia de Ifach, picked entirely at random, who welcomed the visitors warmly.

It turned out to be a fantastic evening with a great deal of singing during the Festive Board and everyone enjoying it immensely. This was Freemasonry in its purest form and showed the true meaning both of visiting other Lodges and enjoying the Festive Board.

So great an evening was it that the Welsh Masons have already expressed their wish to return and have suggested making it a bi-annual event. What a great idea. Let’s hope that Armonia and perhaps a few other local Lodges can return the compliment by visiting south Wales in the not too distant future.

Local Masons present a further cheque to El Preventorio in Gandia

On Thursday, 25th January, the Provincial Grand Treasurer of the Grand Lodge of Valencia, WBro Fred Miller, visited El Preventorio children’s home in Gandia to present another cheque for two thousand Euros. Having now supported the home for several years this was the latest in a long line of cheques and gifts for the children in an attempt to make their lives just a little better.
The money was largely raised by a grand charity raffle held late last year at the Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia’s Ladies Night where over two hundred Masons, and their wives, made every effort to raise the magnificent sum of one thousand, six hundred euros. When local Masons of Oliva La Safor Lodge heard of this, they were moved to add another four hundred euros to round the total up to a very respectable two thousand euros.

The cheque was presented by Fred to Sra Maria José Castelló Morant, the Director of the home, who was immensely grateful for the donation. She said that this cash would be added to other monies raised to support a paid, part time worker to help clean, wash and dry bedding etc which was a constant chore for the volunteers and becoming almost impossible to sustain. As most of you will know, looking after the hygiene requirements of two or three children is difficult, with upwards of fifty it becomes a major chore. If sufficient money can be raised it is hoped that this post could become a permanent one in the future.
The first photo shows WBro Fred presenting the cheque to Sra Castelló and the second a group shot of Fred with some of the workers and volunteers.
The home is always in need of children’s (and young teenagers) clothes, shoes, bedding, toiletries and hygiene items. If you have anything to spare, no matter how small, please contact El Preventorio as they can always use items you no longer need.

Gordon William Beeforth

Bro. Gordon William Beeforth was Initiated into Old Tower Lodge No.49, but unknown to everyone, including Brother Gordon, he was already in the very early stages of dementia which was later discovered to be a very aggressive form known as Lewy body dementia, also known as dementia with Lewy bodies which proved to be very aggressive.

Sadly, our newly made Brother only ever attended his Initiation, was soon unable to drive and was forced to resign only a matter of weeks after his Initiation. Deteriorating fast, he quickly found himself in residential care in Guadarmar as his wife could not cope with the situation, where he died on the 17th of January 2018. His Masonic career may have been short, but the passing of Brother Gordon was recognised within Lodge with a minute’s silence.

Three Kings Celebration at Per Ells


In early January, most Spanish children look forward to the arrival of the Three Kings (or Tres Reyes) who are far more important than Father Christmas, as these are the gift bringers that the children most want to see. None look forward more eagerly than the children of the Per Ells day care centre in Turis.

Fortunately for them, this event has been sponsored by the local Freemason’s White River Lodge for the past eight years. Each year three Masons dress up as Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar and make the journey to the day care centre to give the children a treat.
The centre currently caters for around twenty severely disabled children who are able to attend, usually on a daily basis, this allows them to meet with other children and also gives their parents a short respite from their constant care needs.

As is often the case, the centre receives almost no money from the local authorities and relies heavily on volunteers and charitable donations. Over the past eight years the Freemasons have done a great deal to make their lives a little easier both by donations and giving up their time to help whenever possible. The centre also has a nearby garden centre which has been adapted so that up to ten children can visit and stay overnight or even, in some cases, for a weekend which gives them a much needed break from their daily routine. Originally this building was unable to be used as there was no electricity to provide power, light and heating. However, a generator was sourced and the local Masons supplied, and had installed, all of the electrical cabling necessary to turn this previously unused building into a useful extra facility.

On Saturday, 6th January, over fifty parents and guests arrived to join in the fun and the children were very excited. They became even more excited as the Three Kings arrived and filed into the assembly hall ready to greet them. The three Kings took their places at the front and one by one the children came up to meet them to be given a gift, some sweets and often a big hug as well. It was both humbling and motivating to see how these children reacted and it is obvious that they are very well looked after and loved by the carers at the centre, many of whom are the parents of the disabled children.
The centre was originally built and donated by a former owner of the Valencian Football Club and is now a much used feature in the town of Turis. The Masons of the White River Lodge have done a fantastic job in continuing that tradition and the children’s lives are a little better for it. We were joined on our visit by Ms Jackie Moore who kindly acted as both liaison and translator and we are very grateful to her for giving up her time to help us.
If you wish to help Per Ells they are always grateful for any donation and you may feel free to approach them directly.

Masons of Dama de Elche Lodge donate money to local charities.

Worshipful Brother Gordon Ramsey, of Dama de Elche Lodge, recently visited two local charities to present cheques to the representatives of those charities to assist them in continuing to support the children in need.

The first visit was to DEBRA (The Butterfly Children) These are children born with a genetic disorder which causes their skin to be as fragile as a butterfly’s wing. This creates enormous problems and needs very careful treatment. This is both difficult and very expensive. The one thousand euros donated will be a great help in continuing the treatment of the children.

The second visit was to the Elche Children’s Home where a further cheque was presented to buy one thousand litres of fuel oil to help keep the children warm through the winter.

MASONIC SUPPORT FOR DEBRA “The Butterfly Children”
Mary Chambers, the representative of DEBRA receives a cheque for €1000 from Worshipful Brother Gordon Ramshead and his partner Sheila Fairbairn at their La Marina store. This sum was raised by the Brethren of the Dama de Elche Lodge No 163 during his year of Mastership, as their chosen charity!







The members of Dama de Elche Lodge No 163 have donated one thousand litres of heating fuel at a cost of seven hundred and sixty euros, to the Elche Children’s Home! This much needed fuel will keep the children warm at Christmas and on into 2018! This is a regular donation by the Dama de Elche Lodge with the home being one of it’s charity recipients.

The picture shows Annette English of the Children’s Home receiving a cheque for €760 from Worshipful Brother Gordon Ramshead and his partner Sheila Fairbairn.


Christmas Carols in Quesada

On the evening of December 23rd the Provincial Grand Stewards’ Lodge No.154 under the direction of the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Rodney Bignell hosted an evening of  Christmas Carols at the Masonic Centre in Ciudad Quesada.  The event was also ably supported by the Assistant Grand Master of Spain, R.W.Bro. Barrie Roy Mansell and the Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Michael Anthony Shilan and the Provincial Assistant Grand Master, W.Bro. Roy Mitchell.

The singing was led by V.W.Bro. Jeffrey Hyde and everyone was accompanied by the fine playing of W.Bro. Mal Cordall of Caledonia Lodge No.68 who was thanked warmly by the Provincial Grand Master and all present for supporting the event despite his wife having recently left hospital.

A wonderful selection of food was donated and prepared by some of the wives and partners including various appetisers, hot beef, chicken and vegetarian mains and mice-pies and cheese to end.  The monies raised at the €6 per head function will be used towards essential maintenance and repairs to the building.

Highlight of the evening was rousing rendition of the ‘12 Days of Christmas’ with accompanying gestures, though perhaps the singing did not hit the right note with everyone….

The evening certainly got everyone present into the Christmas spirit.



A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.

John Brooks

It is with great sadness that the Brethren of Caledonia Lodge No.68 advise of the recent passing of Brother John Brooks, a longstanding and loyal servant to The Craft.

Brother Brooks was first initiated into Freemasonry in 1968, meaning that this coming May would have marked his 50 years of his association with Freemasonry.

He will be sorely missed by all and our thoughts remain with his loved ones.

Born 7th February 1930
Initiated into Freemasonry 13th May 1968
Passed to Fellow craft 10th November 1969
Raised 11th May 1970
Passed to the Grand Lodge above on the 18th of November 2017

Barry Waddington

W.Bro. Barry was a much loved and respected member of the Lodge and known to be a kind and generous Brother who will be greatly missed by all following his passing to the Grand Lodge above on Friday the 15th of December.

He was initially a member of Old Tower Lodge No.49 where he became the D.C. and more recently was the D.C. of Las Salinas Lodge No.79 when they hosted the Provincial Lodge of Instruction where his work and support to the Province and the more junior Brethren was outstanding.

He and his beloved wife Joan ran the Salt Pot lunch events, a key charity fund raising lunch club hosted by Las Salinas and his last role in the Lodge was Almoner, a role he did exceptionally well keeping in regular contact with the widows of the Lodge and making regular visits to the sick Brethren, he worked relentlessly ensuring all members were looked after.

He was a very active Mark Mason and was a very active D.C. for his local Mark Lodge and was recently appointed as a Grand Officer, a well deserved honor. Many Brethren will remember his bagpipe playing at so many functions over the years, he was a driving force behind the Burns Supper events hosted by Las Salinas in Quesada and will be remembered fondly.

Barry slipped into serious illness and passed away quite quickly, Masonry has lost a true example of a just, upright and true Brother.

 Further Masonic donation from Caledonia Lodge

Last week the Brethren of Caledonia lodge continued to play a vital part in the local community by donating in the region of 1000 euros worth of food and other essential items to Rojales town hall Social Services department for distribution to local family’s in food poverty.

The Rojales town hall Social Services director asked W.Bro Ian Gibson and Bro Ian Bullock, shown here presenting the donation, to inform the Worshipful Master and  all the Brethren of Caledonia Lodge Number 68, that they were very grateful for this much needed food and other essential items, as the demand for their services was increasing all the time. It is always much busier in the winter and especially near to Christmas when the lack of food is even more noticeable.
The Food bank donation to Rojales town hall social services department is part of a continued commitment to the local community by Caledonia Lodge who have been regularly making donations of food and other items to charities in the local area. Early that day a similar donation of food was made to the Red Cross in Torrevieja.
If you could help these charities they are always in need of food and clothing and many other things. Please free to contact social services directly who will be extremely grateful for any items you may care to donate.

Caledonia Lodge donate food to the Red Cross

Throughout last year, Freemasons of Caledonia Lodge No 68 have raised money for charity from a variety of sources including raffles, other charity events and, especially, the Lodge Ladies Night. All were carried out under the guidance of the Worshipful Master, Sid Thornby, who selected this charity as the Lodge charity for the past year. This money raised, over five hundred euros, has been used to buy food for the Red Cross in Torrevieja and was donated on Thursday, 13th December, by Worshipful Brothers, Ian Bullock, Ian Gibson and Freddie Samrai who went along to the local office.

Earlier, WBro Freddy Samrai and his lovely wife Carol went to the Red Cross in Torrevieja and asked them what types of food they would like. Then with the help of the two Ian’s they all went to the local Cash and Carry, where they were helped by the very nice staff to select and purchase suitable items of food.
They raised sufficient money to buy a full pallet of food which was gratefully accepted by the Red Cross. This food will help to feed just a few of the local people, some of whom have fallen on very hard times. The pallet of food was taken to the Red Cross in Torrevieja, where the smiles on the faces of the staff was all the thanks they could have hoped for.

The  food  will be given out to those in need at the end of each week. Any other donations from any other source’s would always be very gratefully received by the Red Cross, Torrevieja. Freddie added “My wife and I would like to thank the two Ian’s, and all the others concerned who helped to raise this much needed money at such a special time of   year. There is always a problem but perhaps it is even  worse with Christmas approaching. It is good that the generosity of the local Masons will go a little way towards helping people to have a better Christmas than they might otherwise have expected.”