Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia


Local Masons donate huge sum to Raquel Paya School


Recently, a cheque for two thousand, five hundred euros was presented to the Raquel Paya School for special needs children in Denia on behalf of Javea Lodge 40, the Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia and Marina Alta Lodge 144. The school has a catering programme especially designed to give vocational training to special needs students, aged between twenty-one and twenty-four and prepare them for life in the outside world. The donation went towards purchasing a fridge and other kitchen items for the catering department.  Later the students invited us to try some tapas they had prepared themselves showing off the skills they had been taught in class, while Miquel Ivars (the Director) took some time to answer our many questions.  The humbling experience of visiting the school opened our eyes to what a wonderful job the staff do in helping the students to obtain a better quality of life and help them to integrate into society.

The cheque was presented by W.Bros Neville Jackson, Matthew James, Paul Nicholls, Jens Gerl (WM Javea 40) and Bro. Alejandro Uribe.


Puerto de Xabia Summer Party

Masons donate to Denia Children’s Home

Local Masons from Puerta de Xabia Lodge recently held a summer party and barbecue to raise money for the Children’s Home in Denia. They were fortunate to have glorious weather after a previous day of heavy rain and more than seventy Masons and guests turned out to support this worthy cause.

It was held at the Casa de la Pizza restaurant in Costa Nova and a sumptuous barbecue was served to the expectant guests. After a huge selection of tapas type starters, numerous meat courses and several different salads were served which disappeared at an alarming rate. To finish there were a selection of beautiful desserts. Entertainment was provided by popular local entertainer, Irish Des, who sang and played songs to suit all tastes and, as usual, gave excellent value. He played for the whole afternoon and it wasn’t long before the guests started dancing to his excellent music. There was also a quiz, which was particularly tricky, and had guests scratching their heads before the winners were finally announced and presented with a half case of cava. A charity raffle was also held which raised four hundred and twenty euros which will be donated, along with other money raised, to the children’s Home in Denia later in the summer. A great afternoon which was hugely enjoyed by all.


Arenal Deportiva Ladies Night

Local Freemason’s Lodge, Arenal Deportiva, recently held their annual Ladies Night at the Salones El Canor in Teulada. This was a very successful affair with over eighty Masons and guests attending. The idea of the Masonic Ladies Night is to thank the wives and partners for their help, support and understanding over the past year.

The current Worshipful Master of the Lodge is the President of the meeting and his Lady is the hostess. This year the President was WM Ian Brown ably assisted by his lovely Lady wife Eileen. The evening started with a cava reception followed by a formal dinner. The MC for the evening was WBro Michael Banks who did a sterling job.

Wonderful music and singing throughout the meal was provided by our very own WBro Ian Henry, a very popular local and international artiste who is always extremely well received. He has the knack of being able to sing and play loudly enough to be heard but never to be intrusive – a rare talent.
During the meal various toasts were offered including El Rey King Felipe VI. The toast to the Ladies was given by WBro Brian Imber in an exemplary manner. The Ladies song was then sung by Ian Henry before the hostess, Mrs Eileen Brown, responded to the toast with a very good speech of her own. She was also presented with the gift of a bracelet by the Brethren of the Lodge in appreciation of all her efforts.

After the dinner, yet more entertainment was provided by Matt Mason, another very talented performer who increased the tempo a little to allow some more energetic after dinner dancing. Again, a very popular entertainer. A grand raffle was also held for charity raising an excellent six hundred euros. This will be donated to El Preventorio children’s home in Gandia at a later date along with other money raised throughout the year. It is the privilege of the incumbent Worshipful Master to choose the charity the Lodge will support during his year in office and he has chosen El Preventorio for this year. This continues a pattern set over the last few years to

help this very worthy charity as Arenal Deportiva have now supported them for more than four years. They are always extremely grateful for our support.

If you feel able to support El Preventorio, they always need children’s clothing, food, toys, books (Spanish) and cleaning and toiletry requisites which can be delivered to the home at almost any time during the day.

PGM Welcomes Newest Member

On the evening of the 23rd of May, the Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Michael Anthony Shilan and his Escort, under the direction of PAGDC, W.Bro. Gordon Ramshead, were delighted to john the Brethren and visitors of Leukopolis Lodge No.85 at their new meeting place above restaurant Momentum in Alfas del Pi (Albir).

The ceremony for the evening was the Initiation into Freemasonry of Brother Boudewijn Overduin and was conducted in excellent form by the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Walter Matthijssen and his Officers.

The Lodge kindly provided English translations of the ceremony which was conducted in the full Netherlands Rite and provided all attendees with a most fascinating and interesting ceremony.  There were Brethren present from the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland and the UK.

Afterwards all attendees enjoyed a most excellent Festive Board where the visitors were able to experience some of the further uniqueness of the Lodge and the way in which their Festive Board is conducted and the visiting Escort provided an insight into Masonic Fire and Masonic song.  It truly was an evening of Brotherly and Fraternal enjoyment, the true spirit of Freemasonry Universal.

During his address to the Brethren the Provincial Grand Master made note of how privileged we are here in the Province of Valencia to have the opportunity to visit and witness Ritual performed in various languages and from the rich diversity of Masonic Ritual.  He encourages all Brethren to seize this opportunity to broaden their Masonic knowledge and experience by visiting Lodges wherever and whenever it is possible.

Leukopolis No.85  have recently moved to their new meeting location and have equipped a most excellent Temple with extensive robing and storage facilities above a restaurant that provides excellent dining.  The Worshipful Master would be delighted to offer this as a potential meeting location for other Lodges and Orders.  Further details can be obtained from the Lodge Secretary at

Caledonia Lodge No. 68 Ladies Night


Recently, the Master of Caledonia Lodge, W.Bro Sid Formby and his wife Bernice welcomed eighty-nine Brethren and guests to their Ladies’ Night at the restaurant, Casa Antonio, Formentera. This event is mainly to thank the wives and partners of the Masons for all their help and support throughout the year. Among the very special guests this year were the Assistant Grand Master of Spain, R.W.Bro Barrie Mansell and his wife Julie and the Provincial Grand Master of Valencia, R.W.Bro Michael Shilan and his wife Muriel.
Following a very pleasant reception in the beautiful gardens of the restaurant, guests enjoyed a delicious meal accompanied by singing from “It Takes Two”. The loyal toast was given by WBro Formby, the toast to the ladies by Bro Ian Bullock and the Ladies song was sung by W.Bro David Turner, ably assisted by the Lodge Wardens. Mrs Bernice Formby responded to the toast and also made presentations to the Ladies who had assisted with organising the event.
During the evening raffle tickets were sold and raised an amazing seven hundred and twenty euros for the Master’s charity, which for this year, is the Butterfly Children. This will be presented at a later date. The evening concluded with dancing to It Takes Two and all agreed that it had been a very successful event.
Photo shows WBro Sid Formby & his wife Bernice.

Caledonia Lodge No.68 25th Anniversary Meeting

On Friday the 27th of April the Temple in Ciudad Quesada was packed to capacity to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Caledonia Lodge No.68 which was consecrated on the 27th of April 1993.

The ceremony was the Initiation of Bro. Lars Peter Erik Edling and the Officers for the day were Past Masters of the Lodge with Assistant Grand Master of Spain, R.W.Bro. Barrie Roy Mansell as Worshipful Master for the day (Past Master from 2004-2005), W.Bro. Ian Gibson as Senior Warden for the day (Past Master from 2006-2007) who also delivered the North East Corner and R.W.Bro. Jeffrey Steven Hyde as Junior Warden for the day (Past Master from 2008-2009) who also delivered the Working Tools.  The current Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Sid Formby acted as IPM for the ceremony.

The Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Michael Anthony Shilan was present to see the newest member of the Province be Initiated along with the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, V.W.Bro. Rodney C. Bignell and Assistant Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Roy A. Mitchell.  The Official Escort of the Provincial Grand Master was led by the Provincial Grand DC, W.Bro. Graham Simons.

The Provincial Grand Master spoke for everyone present when he congratulated the Worshipful Master and his Officers for a most excellent delivery of the Ceremony of Initiation.

Afterwards all present enjoyed a very fine and fraternal Festive Board where 77 Brethren dined and Bro. Lars was treated to a wonderful rendition of the Apprentice Song with the various verses delivered by Brethren from the Lodge under the direction of W.Bro. Roy Mitchell.

The attendees were all presented with a commemorative coaster as a gift from the Lodge and enjoyed a delicious cake made specially for the day and cut for the first time by the current Master of the Lodge, W.Bro. Sid Formby and the Initiate, Bro. Lars Edling.

Should any Brother wish to attend a future meeting of the Loge please contact the Brother Secretary, W.Bro. Harry Palmer via

Bro. Ken Banks-Schofield 50 Years In Freemasonry

At the Provincial Grand Assembly on the 24th of February the Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Michael Anthony Shilan presented Long Service Awards to those Brethren that have completed exceptional lengths of service to the Craft, namely;

W.Bro. Keith Moseley San Juan de Espana No.28
40 years
W.Bro. Keith Norcutt Javea Lodge No.40
40 years
W.Bro. Cornelius van der Wiel Leukopolis No.85
40 years
Bro. Jacob. de Leest Leukopolis  No.85
45 years
W.Bro. Dilwyn Philips Old Tower No.49
40 years

Sadly there were two Brethren who could not be present for the ceremony who also acheived long service awards;

Bro. Ken Banks-Schofield Old Tower No.49 50 years
R.W.Bro. Ray J. Horn Pueto de Xabia No.58
50 years

At the meeting of Old Tower No.49 held on the 16th of April, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, V.W.Bro. Rodney Charles Bignell was delighted, on behalf of the Provincial Grand Master to present the 50 year award to Bro. Ken.

The presentation was also made all the more special by the attendance of R.W.Bro. Mike Savory, a Founder of Old Tower No.49 who was delighted to extend his congratulations to Bro. Ken as well as those of the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. John Evans.

Local Freemasons visit the Franciscan hospice and refuge in Gandia.

Brethren of local Lodge, Oliva La Safor along with their wives recently visited the Franciscan Men’s Refuge in Gandia to see for themselves how the refuge is run and how the money and gifts raised by the Lodge are being spent and distributed. The Masons did not arrive empty handed! Each brought at least one, and in some cases several, bags of food, clothing and shoes all of which are sorely needed by the refuge. The visit was arranged by the Charity Steward of the Lodge, WBro Jim Jordan and Mr Stephen Carden, a local representative of the Church of England, who regularly visits the refuge and helps out, along with his wife, Linda, in numerous ways. During this visit he acted as both guide and translator and made an excellent job of explaining how the place is run and what magnificent services they provide.

The Franciscan Hospice at Palma de Gandia provides a home and nursing care for around fifty-five homeless men, many of whom suffer from mental or physical illness. Some are terminally ill. These men would otherwise be on the streets and unlikely to survive without this special care. Admission is solely on the basis of need. All nationalities and all religions (or none) are accepted. The hospice is funded entirely by charitable donations, not a cent is received in state aid. Three Franciscan Brothers, (Hermano Guillermo, Hermano Pepe and Hermano Martin) assisted by local volunteers, care for the residents around the clock, every day of the year.

Stephen and Linda Carden coordinate the efforts of all English speaking supporters and were most helpful in providing much of the information written here.

This wonderful place is a refuge of love and charity. When there is so much bad news in the world, a visit here restores your faith in human nature. It is hard to explain to people who are familiar with the UK system of social security what the Hospice actually does. Traditionally in Spain, disadvantaged people have been cared for within their family. The state provision is limited to people who have worked and paid their social security contributions. The Hospice cares for men who, through no fault of their own, have fallen out of the system. Many were abandoned by their families and have never worked, others suffer from severe mental health problems.

Although it’s called a Hospice, it’s a hospice in the Mediterranean sense. Not all the residents are terminally ill, although some are. It’s a cross between a UK hospice, a nursing home and a refuge for the homeless. Some of the residents are long term, others come and go. Not all vagrants want to stay. Some come for a shower, a change of clothes, a square meal and a bed for the night, then move on.
The Brothers are chronically short of funds to keep the doors open. They need around five thousand euros a month just for their regular bills; but they are always cheerful and resilient. Unpaid bills are put under the statue of St Francis, in the hope of divine assistance!
Amazingly, the Brothers have raised sufficient money over the last fifteen years to build a modern infirmary extension. They still need funds to fully use the new facilities, but their commitment to their vows and their Christian faith keeps them going.
Fantastic regular support over many years has been received from local Masonic Lodges, including Oliva La Safor and others along with other charitable organisations.
At the moment, the men need shoes and trainers (particularly those without laces) socks, underwear (new and NOT white please) and baggy track suit bottoms to fit over adult nappies. They always need long life foods and ‘consumables’ such as soap, shampoo/shower gel, shaving foam, and disposable razors.
At the end of the visit WBro Jim Jordan commented on the beautiful setting of the refuge, the cleanliness and order and the peaceful and tranquil atmosphere. All of the Masons and wives were impressed by how well the refuge was run, particularly as everything is run entirely on charitable donations and volunteer workers. It is a great example of how love, caring and generosity can truly overcome many of the problems encountered by the residents and visitors of this wonderful refuge. It is a great pity that there is ever a need for such a place but without it every resident we met would be living on the streets, hungry, uncared for, homeless and friendless. Everyone we encountered seemed happy and content and I suspect each knew what an enormous amount of gratitude they owed to the three hard working Brothers and all the many wonderful volunteers who give up their time and efforts to help.
If you would like further information about the work of the Franciscan Hospice please contact Stephen or Linda Carden by e-mail on

Caledonia Lodge Easter Bonnet Competition.

On Friday, 30th March, local Freemasons of Caledonia Lodge held a very successful Easter Bonnet competition.This was held at the La Cosheca restaurant in Benijofar and was very well attended by both Masons and guests. As well as a delicious dinner the guests were royally entertained by cabaret act Marie O’Hara who, by general consent, was excellent.

As well as the Easter Bonnet parade, where many of the Ladies (and indeed a few of the gentlemen!) tried on and paraded in, their Easter bonnets, there was also a grand raffle in aid of local charities which raised three hundred euros. This will be added to other money raised over the year and donated to a charity of the Masters choice.

This was a well organised and well attended meeting which was enjoyed by all and which raised a substantial amount of money for the less fortunate among us. All in all a great evening and our thanks must go to the Master of the Lodge and all involved in organising this event.

Logia de las Salinas No 79 Ladies Gala Night

Saturday,24th March, saw the gathering at the Hotel Masa Torrevieja, of the Worshipful Master, Worshipful Brother Norman Barrall, his Wardens and Brethren of Logia de las Salinas with their Ladies, Guests and members of Other Lodges to celebrate their ‘Ladies Gala Dinner Night’.
A cava and canapé reception was held prior to the assembled guests being called to dinner promptly at seven thirty The President for the evening, Worshipful Brother Norman Barrall and His Lady, Carol, were introduced by Worshipful Brother Clifford Gingell Director of Ceremonies of the Lodge, who (by special request) as a ‘Professional Toast Master and Master of Ceremonies’ came out of retirement and donned his red Toast Master rig for one evening only.

The one hundred and five guests were wined and dined with excellent meals, with choices of Asparagus soup, Seafood Cocktail, Sole fillets with Menuiére sauce, Loin of pork with Pepper sauce, Banana cheese cake with Berries and Custard or Strawberry Cake, accompanied with copious amounts of wine.
The Toast to the King was made by the President ,Worshipful Brother Norman Barrall, followed by the toast to the Ladies proposed by Worshipful Brother Keith Hutchinson, The Ladies song was sung by Worshipful Brother Colin Harlow, who was accompanied by the Brethren of the Lodge who formed a choir to sing the Corus.
The Presidents Lady, Carol, responded to the Toast and the Ladies Song extending thanks to all those who had assisted in putting the evening together and thanked all of the guests for supporting the evening. Norman and Carol then made a number of presentations, including a bouquet of flowers to Mrs Joan Waddington who’s Birthday fell the next day, the assembled guests all stood and sang happy birthday and raised their glasses to Joan. Carol concluded the presentation by presenting Norman a ‘Half Hunter’ Masonic pocket watch.

The Master of Ceremonies introduced Mrs Mary Chambers co-ordinator of ‘Debra’ who gave a short but moving talk on the Masters chosen charity for the year. The charity ‘Debra’ supports ‘Butterfly Children’. The Butterfly Children suffer from extreme fragility of the skin, and need lifelong support. The proceeds of the evenings raffle which raised seven hundred and seventy-five Euros will be donated to the charity. More information on the Charity can be found at

The formalities concluded, the President and his lady, Norman and Carol led the dancing, with the first waltz of the evening; they were joined in quick succession by all of the guests, Music for the evening was provided by Karen Noble a female vocalist who sang a wide range of songs from the fifties through to the present day including a selection from the operas and musicals, during the interval the guests were entertained by Brother James Bowyer whilst conducting the raffle, The evening continued with more dancing and a thoroughly enjoyable evening was had by all until the time for carriages came all to soon; guests departing to fond farewells, some gliding to waiting cars whilst other stumbled upstairs to bed. Many thanks again to all concerned for a wonderful and memorable evening.