R.W. Grand Master and R.W. Provincial Grand Master
Over 50 Brethren gather in the Masonic Temple at Ciudad Quesada on Thursday the 11th of April to welcome the Grand Master of the Order of Athelstan, R.W.Bro. Paul W. Johnston, PGHCh, GCSM and his accompanying delegation. The R.W. Grand Master was in the Province of Spain to consecrate two new Courts, La Corte del Glorioso No.135 and Corte De Alfonso “El Sabio” No.136. Both Courts will meet at Hotel Venta el Campo, Fuente Alamo in the Craft Province of Murcia.
This was the first return to the Province of Spain for the Grand Master of the Order since he last consecrated a Court in this same Temple on the 4th of April 2016. The Grand Master was warmly welcomed to Spain by the Grand Master of Spain and the Provincial Grand Master for the Masonic Order of Athelstan Province of Spain, R.W.Bro. Óscar de Alfonso Ortega as well as the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, V.W.Bro. Barrie Roy Mansell.

W.Bro. Frank Wallace is congratulated on his Special Advancement by the Prov. Grand Marshal, W.Bro. Rodney Bignell
The long day began at 9:30am when a number of Brethren were ‘Instructed’ into the Order by the R.W. Grand Master in order that they could become Founders of the new Courts. Then selected Brethren were further given Special Progression by R.W. Grand Master so that they may be founding Officers of the new Courts and the attending Brethren were delighted to hear the Grand Master of the Order regaling them with his fine command of the Spanish language.. The R.W. Grand Master was also delighted to add W.Bro. Frank Wallace to this Special Instruction for his support to the proceedings of the day and assistance in establishing the Order in the Province of Spain.
The Masonic Order of Athelstan in England, Wales and its Provinces Overseas is one of the fastest growing Masonic Orders and the establishment of these two new Courts now sees four Courts within our Province and also sees us being able to offer ceremonies in both English and Spanish. The website of the Order is available here/aqui and the details of the Courts within the Province of Spain are available here/aqui.
Following the Solemn ceremonies which ended around 4pm, the Brethr
en enjoyed a fine Festive Board rounding off a long but highly enjoyable day..