Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia


Members of Grand Lodge of Spain visit Manchester.

Grand Lodge of Spain comes to Manchester’s Caledonian Lodge No 204
by Gerry Russell

Caledonian Lodge No 204 hosted a very special Spanish themed event on Wednesday 14 November 2018, at Manchester Masonic Hall.
One might have been mistaken for thinking that the distinguished guests from the Grand Lodge of Spain were there in some official capacity, but no, they had all travelled to Manchester to witness the initiation into Freemasonry of Paul Mansell, son of RWBro Barrie R Mansell, Assistant Grand Master for the Grand Lodge of Spain.

Once the lodge had been opened, WBro Jonathon Basger, Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies, entered the lodge and announced that WBro Christopher Welton, Assistant Provincial Grand Master, was outside the lodge, accompanied by a delegation from the City Sykes and City Derby Districts, and that he demanded admission.
The Assistant Provincial Grand Master and his delegation entered the lodge and once seated, the Worshipful Master offered him the gavel. On this occasion, he chose to decline his kind offer but continued to introduce his delegation which included: WBro Chris Prax, City Sykes District Chairman; WBro Chris Wildman, City Sykes Deputy District Chairman; WBro Paul O’Carroll, City Derby Deputy District Chairman; WBro Mel Rosenthal, City Derby District Secretary; WBro Elliott Moss, Manchester Districts Almoner; WBro Roy Chairman, City Sykes District Mentor; WBro Andrew Greenhalgh, Royal Arch District Officer; WBro Russell Conn, Royal Arch District Officer; WBro Chris Armstrong and WBro Craig Wood, both Provincial Grand Stewards.

At this point in the ceremony, RWBro Barrie Mansell brought greetings from the Grand Lodge of Spain and introduced his most distinguished delegation, which included: RWBro Michael A Shilan, Provincial Grand Master for the Province of Valencia; VWBro Rodney C Bignall, Deputy Provincial Grand Master for the Province of Valencia; WBro Terrence Porter, Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies and WBro Gordon Ramshead, Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies for the Province of Valencia.

The ceremony of initiation was then performed perfectly by the Acting Worshipful Master, WBro Graham Alexander and the Officers of the Caledonian Lodge.

It is a tradition within Caledonian Lodge that, at the meeting held closest to Remembrance Day, a Brother read the names of all those members of Caledonian Lodge that have risen to the Grand Lodge above, whilst in the service of their country. On this occasion, Bro Boyce-Thomson performed this duty and the brethren assembled observed a minute of silent reflection. Once the lodge had been closed, Bro Bryce-Thomson led the Brethren in a procession to the Memorial Stone Plaque outside the Lodge Room and placed a commemorative wreath upon it. Caledonian Lodge had enlisted the assistance of a bugler and, before the Brethren retired for dinner, he played ‘The Last Post’.

The Social Board was both fun and enjoyable. The Toast to the Candidate was given by his father, RWBro Barrie Mansell, during which he expressed the joy he felt at witnessing his son, now Bro Paul Mansell, being initiated into Freemasonry.


Square and Compass Magazine


The latest issue (number 7) of the Square and Compass magazine is now available for viewing and download.

Not only is the magazine produced and edited by our Past Provincial Grand Master and the Grand Inspector of Publications, R.W.Brother Norman Wheatley, it also contains many interesting articles concerning our Province and Spanish Freemasonry in general.

Should you have any articles that you would like to suggest for the next edition please email R.W.Bro. Norman Wheatley directly click here.

To open the magazine select the cover picture below……

Christmas Shoe Box Appeal by Caledonia Lodge

Local Freemason, Freddie Samrai, and his lovely wife Carol, organized a “CHRISTMAS SHOE BOX APPEAL” on behalf of Caledonia Lodge, for the under privileged children of Torrevieja.  With much support from other Lodges, individual Masons and several local charities, plus many anonymous donations (some listed below) 100 shoeboxes filled with children’s presents were given.  As a result every child will have a gift to open on Christmas Day.  The whole experience has left many people very emotional, from the overwhelming generosity of so many kind people.  THANK YOU ALL on behalf of the children of Torrevieja.

The money from the Lodges was raised by holding Ladies Nights, BBQ’s and many other social functions.  All, were kind enough to donate their charity funds to the “Shoe Box Appeal”. This is when everything went into over-drive. Many Masons donated independently, as did the Quesada Ladies Club. Everybody has been so generous with all their donations. All these boxes will be given to Alimentos Solidarios de Torrevieja, who will give them to the children at Christmas.

Those taking part:

Caledonia Lodge No.68,   Torrevieja Royal Arch Chapter No.15.

Torrevieja Installed Master No.108,    Las Salinas Lodge  No.79.

Old Tower Lodge No.49,   Quesada Ladies Club.

Salvador Artesano Torrevieja,     Christmas Shop San Luis.

Comercial Chino Torrevieja,    Plus many anonymous donations.

Thank you all! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to every one of you.

Provincial Grand Christmas Draw Results

Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia
Annual Draw results

1st No.223 – €500   -Armonia de Ifach Lodge
2nd No.456-€250 – Ralf Lumley
3rd No.902 – €100 – Las Salinas Lodge
4th No.713 – €50    – Gerry Wren

Caledonia Lodge presenting a cheque for one thousand euros.

W.Bro Sid Formby presented a cheque for one thousand euros to Mary Chambers of Dedra from his Masters charity fund after his year as Worshipful Master of Caledonia Lodge No 68.

Mary Chambers runs the “Dedra” charity shop which raises money for the Butterfly children, who need constant care.

The money raised will go towards maintaining the nurses and providing bandages. W.Bro Formby raised the 1000€ from his ladies Festival, an Easter Bonnet evening, and a very successful hog roast evening.

Jacob Seur

Jacob (Jaap) passed to the Grand Lodge above on the 4th of December 2018

Jacob Seur, Born 11 July 1931 in Rotterdam .

His father was a police officer and his mother took care of the family, two girls and two boys.  Jaap completed his study as accountant and in 1954 decides to join his fiancé in Australia.  This relation was not meant to be.  1959 Jaap met Rietje his lifelong love.

In Australia, Jaap worked for Mobil oil as a purchasing manager of everything that had to do with oil, from barrel to tap and everything in between, privately Jaap owned a landscape gardening company .

Mobil planned to appoint Jaap at Papua new Guinea  however Jaap possessed a Dutch passport and the Dutch were not welcome there in those days.  In 1970 Mobil assigned him to the Netherlands where Jaap lived and worked until 1995 then in 1996 they moved to Spain.  They build a house in Javea and joined the Dutch and golf club.  In the recent years they lived in Benidorm, Ciudad Patricia.

Jaap became a mason in Australia and reminisced  over the strong bonds between brethren.  Jaap was a man of great integrity, he loved to bring his family together but also connecting us, he was proud and modest to be a mason.

My acquaintance with Jaap  started in the lodge.

Jaap was the first male brother with whom I went arm in arm Wednesday evening and as we entered the steps of the lodge.  The fun was that we both could laugh, with my broken knees and Jaap’s straining of the years, and so we went to the lodges for a few years with great pleasure.

Jaap, it was a honour to have known you and I can confidently promise you however divided the brother sometimes are at the end we all go East and who knows, maybe we meet again.  Goodbye.


Translation of the eulogy as  presented by Bro. Willem van der Linde.

Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia hold annual Lodge of Instruction

On Saturday, December 1st, the Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia held their annual Provincial Lodge of Instruction. This was a huge event, one of the largest in the Masonic calendar, and was held at the Hotel Port Alicante. More than one hundred and forty Masons attended from all over the Province, from the borders of Murcia to the north of Castellon and a few from even further afield including one welcome visitor from Cuba. Many senior Masons from all over the Province were also in attendance.

In each local Lodge throughout the year many Lodges of Instruction are held. These are to ensure that when real Ceremonies are performed, such as that of Initiation, when a man becomes a Freemason, those taking part know what they are doing and strive to make the ceremony as good as it can possibly be. The ceremony detailed is performed when a new candidate becomes a Freemason and is one of the most beautiful and moving ceremonies which the new Mason will remember for the rest of his life. They are usually performed by senior and experienced Masons from within the local Lodge to ensure that the Candidate enjoys this most important night.

However, on one day each year, at the Provincial Lodge of Instruction, this Ceremony is performed by junior Masons, most of whom have never done it before. They are also expected to fulfil a role at least one grade higher than that which they would normally do. It is performed in front of the Provincial Grand Master of Valencia, RWBro Michael Shilan and many senior Masons, this year including the Assistant Grand Master of Spain, RWBro Barrie Roy Mansell. This gives the junior Masons the chance to show what they can do and provides invaluable experience for the day when they perform this function for real. Every Mason who takes part says that when they become Officers within their own Lodge and particularly when they become the Master of the Lodge this day has thoroughly prepared them for the task. The standards shown are always of the highest order and shows individual Masons just what they can achieve with time and practice.

This ceremony was hosted by Javea Lodge No 40 and was performed by Masons from eight different Lodges from around the Province. The ceremony was performed with great skill and professionalism. It is almost unfair to pick out individual Masons, but Bro Malcolm March, who acted as Worshipful Master did an outstanding job and was later warmly congratulated by many visiting Masons. Bro Jerry Roberts also performed exceedingly well giving a very long and complicated speech from memory.

During the lunch after the event, a charity raffle was held which raised the fantastic sum of eight hundred and fifty euros. This will be added to other monies raised by Province and later donated to a charity for under-priviged children.

This was a very enjoyable event for all concerned, giving an opportunity to meet up with old friends and make some new ones. Added to the excellent performance in the Lodge it proved to be a great day. Plans are already underway for next years performance which everyone is determined to make even better. Well done to all concerned.

Annual Draw Results

1st  Prize   Ticket No. 223  – 500 Euros  –  Armonia de Ifach Lodge

2nd Prize  Ticket No. 456  – 250 Euros  –  Ralph Lumley

3rd  Prize  Ticket No. 902  –  100 Euros  –  Las Salinas Lodge

4th  Prize  Ticket No. 713  –  50  Euros   –  Gerry Wren

Old Tower Lodge Ladies Festival

On 17th November 2018 Old Tower Lodge No 49 held their annual Ladies Festival at Las Ramblas Golf Resort Restaurant. 121 Masons, guests, family and friends, some who had travelled from the UK, attended to support WM Paul Burletson and his Lady June.
The evening started with a Cava and Canapé reception followed by a fabulous meal of homemade bread and ali oli, prawn cocktail with avocado and tobiko roe, serrano ham and manchego cheese, Las Ramblas salad, tomato & mozzarella cheese, beef entrecote with Maldon salt and Béarnaise sauce, cheese, biscuits & Port. For those with a sweet tooth there was a sweetie table with all the old-fashioned favourite sweets.
WM Steve Cardwell did an exceptional job as Toast Master for the evening and many toasts were taken with Masons and guests. The Ladies Song was sung beautifully by RWBro Jeff Hyde, who had lost his voice a week before, but luckily recovered a couple of days prior to the event.
The WM presented his Lady with a Pandora bracelet and bouquet of flowers from Old Tower Lodge.

Once the formalities were concluded, the WM and his Lady led the dancing with a slow dance to Unchained Melody sung by their entertainer for the evening, Sandy Fitz.
Special thanks to VWBro Rodney Bignell and his wife Jeannette for helping organise this successful event and Wendy Porter for taking the photographs.


New Grand Lodge Twitter account in English

Brethren, as of yesterday, the new Twitter account of the Grand Lodge of Spain, in English, has gone live. You are now able to keep up with all the latest news from Grand Lodge. Please feel free to make use of it.

It can be reached on

Great honour for the MW Grand Master of Spain, MWBro Oscar de Alfonso Ortega

“We must project to the societies in which we live the values ​​we treasure”
The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Spain , the Most Worshipful Brother Óscar de Alfonso Ortega, has been elected Executive Secretary of the World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges, which makes him, until 2023, the Mason Master in charge of the coordination of the Freemasonry World, formed by about four million brothers. This election is an immense honour for me and marks an historic day for Spanish Freemasonry. The World Conference is the best platform we have for Grand Lodges to exchange experiences and learn from each other. I want to open a period in which many Grand Lodges really participate in the management of the World Conference to project to the societies in which we live the values ​​that which we treasure and that have already changed the world in the past. We now have the Internet and social networks, we live in a world of communication; use these tools, but talk about the future, transmitting a message of high values, which are eternal. The World Conference is the best platform to respond to these challenges. I am aware that great challenges await me, and that I will face them to the best of my abilities. I ask the Great Architect of the Universe to give me the strength and perseverance necessary for it”, said our Grand Master and Secretary of the World Conference.