Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia


Puerto de Xabia Lodge hold Garden Party

Local Freemasons from Puerto de Xabia Lodge recently held their annual summer party to raise funds for the local charity Denia children’s home. It was held at popular local restaurant, Casa De La Pizza in Costa Nova, Javea who provided a fantastic barbeque for almost fifty Masons, wives and their invited guests. The party started off at two o’clock and the restaurant was almost full from the start. A wide selection of barbequed meats and vegetables were on offer along with several types of salad. This was followed by a selection of desserts which were clearly enjoyed by everyone.

During, and after, lunch the Masons were royally entertained by the music and singing of popular local entertainer Ian Henry who played non stop for almost three hours to the great enjoyment of all the guests. A charity raffle was held in which all the prizes were donated by Masons and their wives.

A beautiful pendant necklace was kindly donated by the owner of ASR jewelry Mrs Alessandra Ragusa, wife of Bro Alvaro Ochoa, one of our Spanish Masons. A beautiful bouquet of flowers was donated by Mrs Fiona Deppe owner of Fiona’s Flowerpower, wife of Bro Peter de Graaf one of our Dutch Masons and many other gifts including, more flowers, wine chocolates and glasses. The raffle raised two hundred and forty-five euros which will be donated to the Master’s charity.

This year Worshipful Master Jim  Campbell, one of our Scottish Masons has decided to support the children’s home in Denia during his year in office. This was a great afternoon which was enjoyed by all the guests and also raised a tidy sum of money for a local Spanish charity.

Mark Well My Son

A number of our Brethren in this Province are members of and enjoy working the Mark Degree and have senior positions within the District of Spain.  On Monday the 17th of June in the Temple at Ciudad Quesada, Bro. Rob Crawford, son of W.Bro. Ian Crawford was Installed as the Master of Quesada Summer Mark Lodge No.1867. After being Installed as the Master, W.Bro. Rob Crawford then appointed his father as Secretary of the Lodge.

The District Grand Master was present to congratulate both father and son on a special occasion

In attendance and on an Official Visit to the Lodge (a Lodge that he was the Founding Master of by the way), was the District Grand Master of the District of Spain, R.W.Bro. Barrie Roy Mansell and a number of Grand Officers, District Grand Officers and Brethren.

If you are interested in learning more about this fascinating and very enjoyable Order then please contact the District of Spain, District Grand Secretary at or check in your Craft Lodge, you may be surprised about just how many of your Brothers are already members and would be delighted to assist you in learning more.

The newly Installed Master proudly displays the Warrant of his Lodge will all Brethren that were present for the ceremony

Las Salinas Ladie’s Luncheon

On 15th May, Worshipful Master, Eric Raddings, accompanied by his lovely wife Linda, hosted a luncheon at the popular Stan and Ollie’s Restaurant in El Raso, Cuidad Quesada. An excellent meal was enjoyed by seventy-six Masons and their guests who were also entertained at their respective tables by master magician Graeme Mykal.

All the guests expressed their appreciation of a first class event and a grand total of four hundred and fifty euros was raised for the Master’s two charities, Asociacion Espanola Contra el Cancer (AECC) and San Obrera’s Orphanage in Orihuela.




On Tuesday 11 June the Las Salinas Lodge No. 79, with the monthly luncheon club, The Saltpot, held a Mini Golf competition at Lomosca Playa Flamenca. 41 members and friends attended and raised two hundred and eighty euros towards this year’s Master of the Lodge W. Bro Eric Radding’s charities AECC and Elche Children’s Home.
The winner of the ladies trophy was Pauline Hutchinson, the men’s trophy was W. Bro Keith Hutchinson and wooden spoon went to Christine Sayce.

After the golf everyone then went to Rocky’s Arena Restaurant and attended a buffet lunch as well as a well-deserved drink followed by a raffle.

Thanks go to W.Bro Keith Carter and Mrs Joan Waddington for organising a very enjoyable day.

Javea 40 hold Tex – Mex evening

On Saturday 8th June, the Javea 40 Freemasons Lodge held its Tex-Max summer party at the Inn on the Green in Javea.  Following their dinner of nachos, chilli and fajitas, members of the Lodge and their guests danced to the music of Ian Henry.  Many of those attending entered into the spirit of the evening by dressing for the occasion, be it cowboy or Mexican peasant.

The prize for the best dressed person was awarded by Javea 40’s Worshipful Master, Nigel Parker, to Right Worshipful Brother, Michael Shilan.
A total of € 610was raised during the evening for local charity Todos Juntos Javea, This charity provides help to parents and children in Javea who are in need because their circumstances have changed.

Tom Stevenson, representing Todos Juntos Javea, thanked the organisers and everyone present for raising the profile of the charity and for the money they donated.”

You are never too old!

Recently a very unusual thing happened at local Freemason’s Lodge Arenal Deportiva.  A new Master was Installed.  This happens in every Lodge once a year so nothing unusual about that you may think but, in this case, the new Master, R.W. Bro Dennis Coburn, is ninety-three years old.  This will make him almost certainly the oldest ‘new’ Master in Spain and quite possibly in the world.  Bro Dennis has been a very distinguished Mason for almost fifty years both originally in the United Kingdom and for the last twenty or so years here in Spain.  He has achieved a great deal and has been honoured with very senior rank in both countries.  He has also written and presented many interesting and educational lectures for the more junior Masons, which are widely looked forward to and enjoyed.  He has now donated all of those lectures to the newly formed Masonic library in the Costa Nova Masonic centre.

However, even Dennis himself was a little surprised by being elected Master for what is now the fourth time.  Usually each Lodge elects its own Master for one year, (occasionally for two); Dennis’s name was put forward, he was formally proposed and seconded and, after what proved to be a unanimous ballot, he was elected as Worshipful Master for Arenal Deportiva for the upcoming year.  There was also a very interesting twist to the Installation, as the meeting was honoured by a visit from the Provincial Grand Master of Valencia, R.W. Bro Michael Anthony Shilan. The twist being that Bro Dennis took part in the Initiation of Bro Shilan into Masonry some twenty years ago. It was a very emotional moment for both as the former ’pupil’ attended the Installation of his former ‘teacher’. Dennis acquitted himself incredibly well during the ceremony and afterwards stated that he was extremely honoured, though a little surprised, to be entering the Masters chair at this point in his Masonic career. After the meeting at the formal dinner Dennis made a very interesting speech, thanking his Lodge Officers for their hard work during the ceremony and also for their trust and confidence in having elected him.



Las Salinas ‘Salt Pot’ Luncheon Donate €2,000

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]At the recent Saltpot Luncheon, of local Lodge Las Salinas No.79 based in Ciudad Quesada, Worshipful Master Norman Barrall and wife Carol presented the Director of DEBRA with a cheque for two thousand euros, which enabled the charity to buy two, much needed, computers.
The Director of DEBRA, Sra. Evanina Makow, expressed her deep gratitude for the award explaining how the computers would facilitate their activities considerably.

DEBRA is an organisation devoted to providing support for families with children suffering from a rare and complex skin disease called Epidermolysis Bullosa, they are often called butterfly children because of the delicacy with which they must be cared for. They have a team consisting of a psychologist, four specialist nurses, and three social workers who travel, when needed, to anywhere in Spain to provide support and training to the family and hospital staff.

If you would like to help the charity they would be very grateful for any donation you might care to give, and this would help them to continue their excellent work.

If you would like to attend one of the regular Salt Pot luncheons which are open to non-Masons and their friends and family than contact the Secretary of the Lodge at and you will be made most welcome and make many new friends in a warm and informal setting.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

La Logia Hiram Abif 80 Celebra 25 años

El viernes 17 de mayo el Gran Maestro Provincial, R.H. Michael A. Shilan se unió a muchos Hermanos distinguidos para celebrar el 25 aniversario de la consagración de la Logia Hiram Abif Nro 80.

Para poder dar cabida a esta reunión especial, el lugar de la tenida se mudó al Hotel Leuka en Alicante.

La velada fue un gran éxito con la visita de Hermanos de todas partes, incluso de lugares tan lejanos como Australia.

El Gran Maestro Provincial con su Escolta.

El Gran Maestro Provincial se levantó para felicitar al Maestro, Vigilantes y Hermanos de la Logia por alcanzar este hito importante en su historia. Destacó la importancia de esta Logia, no solo en esta Provincia, sino también en la masonería española en general.

Al final de la ceremonia, el Venerable Maestro leyó una lista de los anteriores Venerables Maestros de la logia. Uno de ellos, el segundo, estaba presente en la audiencia.

Si desea visitar esta hermosa Logia que funciona con el Rito Escocés en idioma español, comuníquese con el Hermano Secretario de logia en:

The Provincial Grand Master with the current Master and Past Masters

On Friday the 17th of May the Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Michael A. Shilan joined many distinguished Brethren to celebrate the 25th year of consecration of Hiram Abif Lodge No.80.

To accommodate this special meeting the venue was changed to the Hotel Leuka in Alicante

The evening was a great success with Brethren visiting from far and wide, even from as far afield as Australia.

The Provincial Grand Master rose to congratulate the Master, Wardens and Brethren of the Lodge on reaching this important milestone in their history.  He stressed the importance of this Lodge, not only in this Province, but also to Spanish Freemasonry in general.

At the end of the ceremony, the Worshipful Master read out a list of the previous Worshipful Masters of the Lodge.  One of whom, the second, was present in the audience.

Should you wish to visit this fine Lodge working Scottish Rite in the Spanish language please contact the Brother Secretary at:

The Provincial Grand Master with the current Master and Past Masters

Santa Faz ‘Master at Home’ garden party for charity.

Recently a summer Garden Party was organised by the Worshipful Master of the Santa Faz Lodge, W Bro Bryan Green and his wife Jean, in aid of the Nazaret Orphanage in Alicante, which provides education and training for poor and underprivileged children. The party was supported by almost 50 people who enjoyed a convivial afternoon in the sunshine.

A splendid and varied buffet was provided by the Masons and their wives. During the course of the afternoon there was also a grand charity raffle followed by a very popular petanque competition. The party atmosphere was supplemented by music and dancing. The event raised three hundred and eighty euros for the Master’s charity which will be donated later in the year.


John William Harvey

Worshipful Brother John William Harvey was a much respected and valued member of this Province and the Grand Lodge of Spain who passed the the Grand Lodge above on the 19th of May 2019.

As well as being a Past Master of the Old Tower Lodge No.49 John was a member of the Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge No.154 and he was very active in his support of the Province and Grand Lodge events where he could always be called upon to support the sound system as well as ceremonial duties.

John enjoyed a highly successful career in the support and maintenance of military aircraft spending a number of years in the Middle East where he was highly noted for his ability to train and develop younger Engineers.

Following he and his wife Carol settling in Spain, John became a member of Old Tower No.49 in July 2007 and was active in his support of the Lodge through a number of Offices and eventually being Installed into the Chair of King Solomon in 2015.  John was also very active in the Holy Royal Arch and a number of Progressive Orders. Becoming a Provincial Grand Steward in 2012 John was very active in his support of Provincial activities, skills that were also enjoyed by the Grand Lodge of Spain for all of their functions. An active Charity Steward in the Lodge, John also supported the charitable activities of the Province and held the Rank of Assistant Prov. G. Charity Steward.

The passing of John is felt not only by his Lodge but by Spanish Freemasonry in general and our dearest sympathies are with his wife Carol and sons Carl and Jon.