A number of our Brethren in this Province are members of and enjoy working the Mark Degree and have senior positions within the District of Spain. On Monday the 17th of June in the Temple at Ciudad Quesada, Bro. Rob Crawford, son of W.Bro. Ian Crawford was Installed as the Master of Quesada Summer Mark Lodge No.1867. After being Installed as the Master, W.Bro. Rob Crawford then appointed his father as Secretary of the Lodge.

The District Grand Master was present to congratulate both father and son on a special occasion
In attendance and on an Official Visit to the Lodge (a Lodge that he was the Founding Master of by the way), was the District Grand Master of the District of Spain, R.W.Bro. Barrie Roy Mansell and a number of Grand Officers, District Grand Officers and Brethren.
If you are interested in learning more about this fascinating and very enjoyable Order then please contact the District of Spain, District Grand Secretary at secretary@districtmarkspain.com or check in your Craft Lodge, you may be surprised about just how many of your Brothers are already members and would be delighted to assist you in learning more.

The newly Installed Master proudly displays the Warrant of his Lodge will all Brethren that were present for the ceremony