Reach Out Extienda La Mano recently celebrated 11 years in Torrevieja.
From their centre, in addition to providing food to people in crisis, they provide packed lunches for homeless people, shower facilities, washing machines, and donated clothing to help the homeless maintain some degree of dignity and hygiene. The Families’ Food Bank helps to lift families out of crisis, and help everyone to move forward. Their Torrevieja centre comprises of offices, a canteen, a food bank, second hand shop, as well as a storage and a workshop area where electrical devices are pat-tested before being offered for sale.
Old Tower Lodge No. 49 has been supporting ‘Reach Out’ for a number of years, relying on the generosity of Brethren and their families to donate food, clothing, and other items, in addition to Lodge Charity Funds.
During a recent monthly meeting with the Lodge Charity Steward, W. Bro. Alan Clarke, the Charity President Alexandru Petricean, stated that there was an urgent need for hygiene products especially soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, toiletries, nappies, and bleach, as well as baby food products.
Following a significant grant of 1,000€ from our Provincial Grand Master, Old Tower Lodge was able to supplement its own work with an immediate donation of hygiene products, much needed and in severe short supply. Alex and his staff were most grateful for the donations received by the Freemasons of Valencia, and will highlight our involvement with the Charity with photos and a report on their own website.
The Old Tower Lodge strategy to support this charity includes a new motto – ‘Reach Out – I’ll Be There’ which is hoped will encourage Brethren to give an amount they feel comfortable with monthly via direct debit, this when added to the generous Provincial grant will allow Old Tower Lodge to significantly enhance the support they are able to provide.
This is another great example of Masonic Charity in Action, and underpins our commitment to help make a difference in the local communities where we live.
Photos show Alex Petricean (centre) Charity President, and W. Bro Alan Clarke (right) Lodge Charity Steward, accompanied by W. Bro Chris Ward from Old Tower Lodge.