Las Salinas No 79 Annual Summer evening 2023

Las Salinas Lodge No 79

Annual Summer Evening 2023 

On a beautiful, but very hot summer’s evening, Saturday 24th June, with the sun still radiating enough heat to make even the most hardened sun worshiper seek the shade and  a cool breeze with a Gin and tonic,  members of  Las Salinas lodge  No 79 and guests gathered at the restaurant  ‘La Cosecha’ in Benijofar  for their ‘Annual Summer Evening’, which was organised by Brother Malcolm and Mrs Ann Mander-James supported by their daughter Nina. This was the second of what has become the  lodge’s semi formal annual summer gathering.

Fifty-two  guests enjoyed pre – dinner drinks on the small patio, surrounded by strutting Peacocks and rare breed chickens. The guests were called to dinner by Master of Ceremonies Worshipful Brother John Edwards,  and Worshipful Brother John Chandler offered grace.

The guests were presented with a  dining feast fit for a King, the diners being  serenaded for the second year by the fabulous Vocalist “Woody”  with a medley of songs across the years, which suited all ages.

It was a social evening without formalities, the dancing continued throughout the evening, and closed with the traditional raffle. A thoroughly enjoyable event which raised 549€.

Our thanks go to Malcolm and Ann Mander – James supported by  Nina for all their efforts in organising a wonderful evening,  They  look forward to seeing you all again at our annual Christmas Social on Saturday 16th December.