News – Featured

Consecration of two new Athelstan Courts

The Masonic Order of Athelstan in England, Wales and its Provinces Overseas

Two new Courts were Consecrated at a Ceremony held at Sociadad Compas in Quesada. They were: Court of Castillo de Montesa  No. 168 and
Court of Catalina de Aragon No. 171. The Consecration was conducted by an excellent team from England (please see photo below):

Grand Master – MW Bro Paul Weldon Johnston, GCAG

Deputy Grand Master – RW Bro Anthony Burke, GCAG

Assistant Grand Master – RW Bro Charles Jonathan Aspinell, GCAG

Province of Spain

Provincial Grand Master – RW Bro Barrie Roy Mansell, GCAG

Deputy Provincial Grand Master – W Bro Rodney Charles Bignell, KAG, PGCofG

Javea Lodge No 40 ¨Go to the Races¨


On Friday the 1st of September, Javea Lodge No 40 held its annual Race Night and Ascot Evening at the Costa Nova Centre, Casa de la Pizza.
An excellent evening was enjoyed by more than 50 members, their wives and guests.
The Ladies prize for the best outfit and dress was won by the elegant Coral Guise-Smith, but it was a close contest with many of the other Ladies.
From sponsorship,  2 euro bets, and a race auction by W.Bro. Ray Guise-Smith, the Lodge raised 750 euros. This is being donated to the local Raquel Paya school for children with special educational needs, and the local charity Project4All which is one of the Provincial Grand Master’s charities supporting the hungry and homeless in this area.
Many thanks to Bro. Robin Tillbrook and all his charity team for an excellent evening.

Old Tower Lodge No 49 Assist ¨Reach Out¨ in Helping the Needy

Reach Out Extienda La Mano recently celebrated 11 years in Torrevieja.

From their centre, in addition to providing food to people in crisis, they provide packed lunches for homeless people, shower facilities, washing machines, and donated clothing to help the homeless maintain some degree of dignity and hygiene. The Families’ Food Bank helps to lift families out of crisis, and help everyone to move forward.  Their Torrevieja centre comprises of offices, a canteen, a food bank, second hand shop, as well as a storage and a workshop area where electrical devices are pat-tested before being offered for sale.


Old Tower Lodge No. 49 has been supporting Reach Out’ for a number of years, relying on the generosity of Brethren and their families to donate food, clothing, and other items, in addition to Lodge Charity Funds.

During a recent monthly meeting with the Lodge Charity Steward, W. Bro. Alan Clarke, the Charity President Alexandru Petricean, stated that there was an urgent need for hygiene products especially soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, toiletries, nappies, and bleach, as well as baby food products.

Following a significant grant of 1,000€ from our Provincial Grand Master, Old Tower Lodge was able to supplement its own work with an immediate donation of hygiene products, much needed and in severe short supply.  Alex and his staff were most grateful for the donations received by the Freemasons of Valencia, and will highlight our involvement with the Charity with photos and a report on their own website.

The Old Tower Lodge strategy to support this charity includes a new motto – ‘Reach Out – I’ll Be There’ which is hoped will encourage Brethren to give an amount they feel comfortable with monthly via direct debit, this when added to the generous Provincial grant will allow Old Tower Lodge to significantly enhance the support they are able to provide.

This is another great example of Masonic Charity in Action, and underpins our commitment to help make a difference in the local communities where we live.


Photos show Alex Petricean (centre) Charity President, and W. Bro Alan Clarke (right) Lodge Charity Steward, accompanied by W. Bro Chris Ward from Old Tower Lodge.

Old Tower 49 and Installed Masters 108 Donate to Children´s Summer Camp

W. Bro´s David James, Old Tower Lodge No 49, and Mel Young, Installed Masters Lodge No 108, along with Janet James and Jo Young, visited the San Jose Obrero Orphanage in Orihuela on Friday 7th July, to present the Director and staff with 35 Lightweight Sleeping Bags, 35 pairs of Scuba Shoes and 35 Aluminium water bottles.

This equipment is needed for children who are going to take part in this years summer camp.

The Director of the Orphanage has organised two camps in which 70 children will take part.
The first 35 children will go on the 24th July, and the second group will
go at the end of August where they will take part in camping, trekking,
white water rafting and lots more fun activities.

The funds were raised from a Race Afternoon organised by Old Tower Lodge,  an afternoon where we enjoyed a buffet prepared by Janet, and racing organised by the DC, David Beale, where more than 800 euros was raised.  The remainder raised from Charity Funds by the Installed Masters lodge.  W. Bro David stated on behalf of the W. Master and Brethren that it is very heartwarming to be able to donate this much needed equipment to help the children enjoy what will be a fantastic Summer camp with lots of fabulous activities.

Las Salinas No 79 Annual Summer evening 2023

Las Salinas Lodge No 79

Annual Summer Evening 2023 

On a beautiful, but very hot summer’s evening, Saturday 24th June, with the sun still radiating enough heat to make even the most hardened sun worshiper seek the shade and  a cool breeze with a Gin and tonic,  members of  Las Salinas lodge  No 79 and guests gathered at the restaurant  ‘La Cosecha’ in Benijofar  for their ‘Annual Summer Evening’, which was organised by Brother Malcolm and Mrs Ann Mander-James supported by their daughter Nina. This was the second of what has become the  lodge’s semi formal annual summer gathering.

Fifty-two  guests enjoyed pre – dinner drinks on the small patio, surrounded by strutting Peacocks and rare breed chickens. The guests were called to dinner by Master of Ceremonies Worshipful Brother John Edwards,  and Worshipful Brother John Chandler offered grace.

The guests were presented with a  dining feast fit for a King, the diners being  serenaded for the second year by the fabulous Vocalist “Woody”  with a medley of songs across the years, which suited all ages.

It was a social evening without formalities, the dancing continued throughout the evening, and closed with the traditional raffle. A thoroughly enjoyable event which raised 549€.

Our thanks go to Malcolm and Ann Mander – James supported by  Nina for all their efforts in organising a wonderful evening,  They  look forward to seeing you all again at our annual Christmas Social on Saturday 16th December.

Arenal Deportiva Lodge Support Autistic Needs Children´s Summer School

Arenal Deportiva Lodge No 65 Help Autistic Needs Children´s Summer School in Javea


On Friday the 7th July, Freemasons of Arenal Deportiva Lodge No 65 were delighted to help with the funding of the annual summer school for Autistic needs children from the local area.

Worshipful Brother Peter Johnson, who is the current Master of the lodge, with lodge members and their partners, along with representatives from Todos Juntos Javea, Jean Halse and Marion Kenworthy, were delighted to meet Ruben, the Director of Asociación Autismo of Javea, to present a cheque for €1000 which will help fund the summer school this year.

Ruben was delighted to receive the donation and explained that the summer school could now afford another teacher, who is very much needed, as the summer school accommodates over 40 children on a daily basis from many different nationalities over the summer months.

These children, who are from the Javea area and are aged between 3 to 18 years, benefit from one on one and group therapy at the school, as well as having lots of fun and playtime, splashing around in the temporary pools and playing on the garden swings and equipment in the summer sunshine.

The funds were raised by Arenal Deportiva lodge on an initiative from our ladies who suggested we hold a 1920´s themed dinner dance to support this very worthy cause.




Caledonia Lodge No 68 Donate to Orphans in Orihuela

Caledonia Lodge No 68 Thistle Club Brighten the Lives of Orphans in Orihuela


W. Brothers Melvyn Young and David James along with their wives Jo Young

and Janet Johnson-James presented the Director of the San Jose Obrero

Orphanage in Orihuela a 65 inch Smart TV for the children. The

monies to purchase it were raised through The Caledonia Lodge 68 Thistle

Luncheon Club that is held monthly at Stan and Ollies Restaurant in El

Raso. The luncheon club is open to all to attend where you will be made most welcome.


Provincial Garden Party Ends with a Bang!

The Provincial Garden Party held at Los Arcos restaurant in Pedreguer on Thursday the 8th June was once again a great success with almost 100 attending.  The format was the same as in previous years with the guests bringing picnics to share and enjoying the entertainment in the lovely setting of the restaurant garden.  We were indeed entertained, by Ben Alexander as Neil Diamond, Sean Mac as Billy Joel, and the ever popular band RIO, with their usual mix of up tempo songs.

Prizes for best dressed table and ¨worst¨shirt (see featured image) were presented and a magnificent raffle was very successful.

The weather held for the whole evening until just after the finale with fireworks, and then the heavens opened! Luckily, most guests had left or taken shelter by this time.  It was a lovely evening which raised almost €1000 for Provincial charities and is now a firm fixture on the calendar.