2025 Provincial Grand Assembly
The 2025 Provincial Grand Assembly was a resounding success, attracting over 180 Brethren and numerous dignitaries from Spain and other countries.
The Assembly adhered to established ceremonial protocols and demonstrated the precision observed in prior Assemblies, with Provincial officers exhibiting exemplary performance.
Let us remember the investiture of the Provincial Officers for the year 2025/2026. Congratulations to those who have been promoted.
The current Worshipful Masters and Entered Apprentices had the great honour of being presented to the Provincial Grand Master.
It was an honour to recognize those brethren with distinguished long service with the presentation of their certificates.
The Provincial Grand Master presented the Mason of the Year award to W. Bro. Peter Johnson and W. Bro. Ian Bullock.
Approximately 130 brethren gathered for the festive board, enjoying excellent food, wine, and most importantly, wonderful company, with the Provincial Grand Master formally recognising our newest member with taking wine with him.
The Provincial Grand Master offers his sincere gratitude to all attendees and eagerly anticipates welcoming everyone again next year.
An Evening of Popular Classics
W. Bro. Peter Johnson is very pleased to present Brother István Székely, a member of Santa Faz lodge 48, in an evening of fabulous Piano Recital on Saturday the 12th of April in the auditorium of Espai La Senieta, Moraira. The concert will start at 6:00pm and last approximately 2 hours.
István is a renowned Professor of music at the Katarina Gurska Superior Conservatory in Madrid and Franz List Centre for Special Talents in La Nuncia, so we are in for a wonderful evening of Classical Music featuring pieces by Mozart, Liszt and Debussy.
Tickets are priced at 20€. For information and to book your seats scan the QR code or click on the Jotform link.
Email: peter_john1@hotmail.com Or call 618 017 201.
So come along and see a great show, in a lovely theatre, all proceeds go to the 2026 Festival.
Arenal Deportiva Lodge Celebrate
Chinese New Year 2025
(The year of the Snake)
On Saturday the 20th January, 65 Brethren, Partners and friends of Arenal Deportiva lodge No 65 met at Sabores II restaurant in Moriara to celebrate (an early) Chinese New Year 2025. It was a cold wintry evening outside, but inside the restaurant, a warm convivial atmosphere ensured that the party got into full swing. The menu had been specially selected by Florence (Li Fung Ha) Johnson to suit all tastes and requirements, and with a fabulous raffle draw and the auction of a hand made Dragon (soft toy) over €800 was raised for lodge and charity funds. Each guest received a ¨Lai See¨ packet containing a lucky coin – albeit of the consumable variety, it truly was a case of ¨Kung Hai Fat Choi¨ – A Happy New Year for everyone.
You are cordially invited to participate in the Annual Charity Golf Day on the 29th May. You can support the event as a player (teams of 4), as a sponsor, or help with the running of the event.
We will also be holding the Green Parrot ¨Golden Ticket¨ prize draw once again where the lucky winner will win 3 days of 4 Star accommodation anywhere in Europe. (more details to follow)
For more information on how to participate Email Richard on: richard.davis@golfbonalba.com or Peter on: pgcs@glpvalencia.com
Masons from the Provincial DANA Relief Committee were thrilled to visit the 3 families we are helping and deliver toys and gifts ahead of the 3 Kings celebrations.
We presented gifts and toys to the seven children from the three families in advance of the Three Kings’ Day celebration. These gifts were generously donated by friends and families of Old Tower Lodge No. 49. The children, aged two to seventeen, reacted with genuine delight with tears of joy at their unexpected presents, a heartwarming experience for all present.
Santa´s Little Helpers!
The members of the Provincial DANA Flood Relief Committee were delighted to attend the last day of term at the CEIP El Rajolar primary school in Aldaia, the town in the flood disaster area where we have been concentrating our relief efforts. 5 Brethren, RW Bro Rodney Bignell PGM, and W. Bro´s, Matthew James, Peter Johnson, Sergio Pereira and Chris Ward, all suitably attired, were welcomed by the Principle and teachers. Toys and sweets have been donated to the relief fund by Lodges, individual Brethren, the Costa Blanca Golf Society and most importantly, Provincial Royal Arch Chapter who donated the majority of the toys. The children range from 2 years to 11 years and each child will receive a lovely gift from the Masons of Valencia at the 3 Kings celebration. The brethren were also able to visit each classroom, and hand out small toys to the exuberant delight of the assembled children, and the ¨masonic elves¨ were working flat out to keep up with demand. It was a wonderful joyous occasion, and once again the delight on not only the faces of the children but the teachers, staff and the indeed the masons themselves was incredible and made a very special day to end the school year, in an area where so much tragedy has occurred.
Ps. We all decided it was best to give out the sweets at going home time (didn’t want a sugar rush as well)
All images reproduced with permission.
On Tuesday the 10th of December, Brethren, partners, family and friends of Arenal Deportiva Lodge No 65 enjoyed a lovely evening of Christmas carols at their annual “Carols by Candlelight” event, held at Maxims restaurant, Moraira. This is a firm favourite in the Lodge calendar and is always well supported with over 80 attendees enjoying a fabulous traditional festive meal in a great atmosphere, interspersed with all the Christmas Carols that we enjoy so much. The event and a super prize draw raised well over €800.