The men’s hospice in Gandia currently looks after about fifty homeless men with mental health problems. It is run by two Franciscan monks who work tirelessly, seven days a week, to help these men as much as is humanly possible. This is extremely difficult as they receive no help from the state and exist entirely from money donated and volunteers. Recently they have had a crisis where they had reduced their food stocks, basically to zero.
They were forced to send out appeals for urgent help just to be able to continue to help feed their residents. Hearing of this, local Freemason’s Lodge, Oliva La Safor, immediately sprang into action with an urgent appeal to all their members to bring food – as much as possible. Last night, Tuesday 21 November, this food was collected and will be distributed immediately.
The photograph below shows WM Ian Skipper, overwhelmed by the amount of food collected.
The amount of food gathered in one evening was amazing and will be welcomed by the hungry residents. The foodstuffs consisted of mainly long life goods such as rice, pasta, flour, sugar and tinned food at least some of which can hopefully be stored for future use. There was also useful donations of clothes and medicines which will also be very useful.
Just one extra tin of beans added to your weekly shop could make an enormous difference if we can only persuade enough people to do this. Old clothes which most of us would simply throw away can keep a homeless man warm through the winter. Old, out of date medicines are generally all they can get so before throwing medicine away or returning it to the chemist please think about donating it. With your help we really can make a difference.
On the evening of November 13th the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Rodney Charles Bignell made an Official Visit to Santa Faz Lodge No.48 accompanied by the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Roy Alan Mitchell.
The ceremony of the evening was the Installation of W.Bro. Mike G. Rayner who was Initiated into Freemasonry in the Sata Faz Lodge and was being Installed into its Chair for the second time.
The Official Visit was conducted by Assistant Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, W.Bro. Clifford Gingell.
The Brethren were treated to an excellent Installation ceremony conducted by the Installing Master, W.Bro. Brian Duncan who was rounding-off an excellent year in the Chair of the Lodge during which he has overseen the raising of some 5,000 Euros for charity through various events. The latest edition of El Oriente newsletter from Grand Lodge included an article on the presentation of a cheque for 4,300 Euros by W.Bro. Duncan on behalf of the Lodge to the Aspanion charity which supports families who have children suffering with cancer El Oriente Article.
The meeting was also attended by a number of Grand Lodge Officers and Distinguished Brethren from Spain and other Constitutions.
The Lodge meet at the International Club, Camino Reial de Vila Joiosa, El Campello 03560, Alicante and should any Brother of the Province wish to visit Santa Faz Lodge No.48 then please contact the Brother Secretary, W.Bro. Ivan M. Beckett at
The latest issue of the Square and Compass magazine is now available for viewing and download.
Not only is the magazine produced and edited by our Past Provincial Grand Master and the Grand Inspector of Publications, R.W.Brother Norman Wheatley, it also contains many interesting articles concerning our Province.
Should you have any articles that you would like to suggest for the next edition please email R.W.Bro. Norman Wheatley directly click here.
On Friday, November 3rd, the Worshipful Master, WBro Brian Duncan and his Lady, Beryl, visited Alicante University General Hospital to present a cheque for four thousand, three hundred euros to Aspanion, a Charity for Children with Cancer. The cheque was presented on behalf of the Santa Faz Lodge No 48, and was received by Alejandro Garcia Gea, the Technical Director of Aspanion, who then gave them an insight into their work and a short tour of their facilities.
Aspanion aims to ensure the best quality of life for the children and adolescents with cancer and their families, from diagnosis onwards. They achieve this by working in five key programmes providing psychological and financial support, recreational support, education and social integration, advocacy awareness and general information.
The Santa Faz Lodge No 48 raised this money from a variety of fun activities and social events including a quiz, beach walk and BBQ, a Chinese meal, a Rastro, a Strawberry Fayre and a Valentines Day lunch.
The Worshipful Master would like to thank the many ex-pats for their very generous support and assistance with this year’s Charity.