
John Brooks

It is with great sadness that the Brethren of Caledonia Lodge No.68 advise of the recent passing of Brother John Brooks, a longstanding and loyal servant to The Craft.

Brother Brooks was first initiated into Freemasonry in 1968, meaning that this coming May would have marked his 50 years of his association with Freemasonry.

He will be sorely missed by all and our thoughts remain with his loved ones.

Born 7th February 1930
Initiated into Freemasonry 13th May 1968
Passed to Fellow craft 10th November 1969
Raised 11th May 1970
Passed to the Grand Lodge above on the 18th of November 2017

Barry Waddington

W.Bro. Barry was a much loved and respected member of the Lodge and known to be a kind and generous Brother who will be greatly missed by all following his passing to the Grand Lodge above on Friday the 15th of December.

He was initially a member of Old Tower Lodge No.49 where he became the D.C. and more recently was the D.C. of Las Salinas Lodge No.79 when they hosted the Provincial Lodge of Instruction where his work and support to the Province and the more junior Brethren was outstanding.

He and his beloved wife Joan ran the Salt Pot lunch events, a key charity fund raising lunch club hosted by Las Salinas and his last role in the Lodge was Almoner, a role he did exceptionally well keeping in regular contact with the widows of the Lodge and making regular visits to the sick Brethren, he worked relentlessly ensuring all members were looked after.

He was a very active Mark Mason and was a very active D.C. for his local Mark Lodge and was recently appointed as a Grand Officer, a well deserved honor. Many Brethren will remember his bagpipe playing at so many functions over the years, he was a driving force behind the Burns Supper events hosted by Las Salinas in Quesada and will be remembered fondly.

Barry slipped into serious illness and passed away quite quickly, Masonry has lost a true example of a just, upright and true Brother.

 Further Masonic donation from Caledonia Lodge

Last week the Brethren of Caledonia lodge continued to play a vital part in the local community by donating in the region of 1000 euros worth of food and other essential items to Rojales town hall Social Services department for distribution to local family’s in food poverty.

The Rojales town hall Social Services director asked W.Bro Ian Gibson and Bro Ian Bullock, shown here presenting the donation, to inform the Worshipful Master and  all the Brethren of Caledonia Lodge Number 68, that they were very grateful for this much needed food and other essential items, as the demand for their services was increasing all the time. It is always much busier in the winter and especially near to Christmas when the lack of food is even more noticeable.
The Food bank donation to Rojales town hall social services department is part of a continued commitment to the local community by Caledonia Lodge who have been regularly making donations of food and other items to charities in the local area. Early that day a similar donation of food was made to the Red Cross in Torrevieja.
If you could help these charities they are always in need of food and clothing and many other things. Please free to contact social services directly who will be extremely grateful for any items you may care to donate.

Caledonia Lodge donate food to the Red Cross

Throughout last year, Freemasons of Caledonia Lodge No 68 have raised money for charity from a variety of sources including raffles, other charity events and, especially, the Lodge Ladies Night. All were carried out under the guidance of the Worshipful Master, Sid Thornby, who selected this charity as the Lodge charity for the past year. This money raised, over five hundred euros, has been used to buy food for the Red Cross in Torrevieja and was donated on Thursday, 13th December, by Worshipful Brothers, Ian Bullock, Ian Gibson and Freddie Samrai who went along to the local office.

Earlier, WBro Freddy Samrai and his lovely wife Carol went to the Red Cross in Torrevieja and asked them what types of food they would like. Then with the help of the two Ian’s they all went to the local Cash and Carry, where they were helped by the very nice staff to select and purchase suitable items of food.
They raised sufficient money to buy a full pallet of food which was gratefully accepted by the Red Cross. This food will help to feed just a few of the local people, some of whom have fallen on very hard times. The pallet of food was taken to the Red Cross in Torrevieja, where the smiles on the faces of the staff was all the thanks they could have hoped for.

The  food  will be given out to those in need at the end of each week. Any other donations from any other source’s would always be very gratefully received by the Red Cross, Torrevieja. Freddie added “My wife and I would like to thank the two Ian’s, and all the others concerned who helped to raise this much needed money at such a special time of   year. There is always a problem but perhaps it is even  worse with Christmas approaching. It is good that the generosity of the local Masons will go a little way towards helping people to have a better Christmas than they might otherwise have expected.”

Las Salinas Lodge are Reaching Out

El National Restaurant in Punta Prima was the venue for the presentation of a 2500 euro cheque to ‘Reachout’ Torrevieja on Tuesday 21st November by the Las Salinas Lodge No 79.
‘Reachout’ was the chosen charity of Past Master, Brian McArdle, during his year in the Chair, an organisation that he praised for the outstanding work that they do for the homeless and underprivileged, of all nations, in the local area.
The presentation was made following November’s monthly ‘Saltpot’ lunch to ‘Reach Out’s’ newly elected President Brian Procter, who said that the bulk of the donation would be used to purchase tables and chairs for the centre’s comedor (dining room) which now serves approximately 50 homeless people with breakfast and lunch from Monday to Friday every week.
Brian explained the kind of support that the charity provides from their centre in C/Dona Sinforosa, including the provision of hot meals, showers and laundry facilities for those most in need, “a lot of people who are just normal people like you and I, but who are unfortunately down on their luck,” he said.
‘Reach Out’ also provides basic foodstuffs to families in need, as well as clothing, blankets, linen and household items and furniture. With Christmas less than 4 weeks away they are currently providing support to 39 families and their 66 children.
Brian McArdle said how pleased he was that the donation was being put to such a worthy cause as he urged members who were able to provide help, to do whatever they could.
More information of the services provided by ‘Reach Out’ charity can be found on their website at: www.reachouttorrevieja.eu

This article was written, photographed and published by Kevin Rearden of ‘The Leader’ newspaper to whom we offer our thanks for allowing us to publish it.


 Freemasons of Dama de Elche Lodge donate toiletries to EMAUS in Elche

On Thursday, 30th November, Trevor Bagnall, Charity Steward of Dama de Elche Lodge, accompanied by his wife, Pat, made a pre Christmas visit to the twenty one children of the EMAUS children’s home in Elche to deliver many gifts for the children. These gifts were mainly toiletries either collected by the Masons themselves or generously donated by their wives. These were presented to Annette English who received them with pleasure. She later sent the following email.

Last week Trevor Bagnell and his wife Pat Arrived in La Marina with a car load of toiletries for the children . I told them we must have the cleanest kids in Elche at the moment. All of these toiletries are very welcome at the home and are always needed . Our thanks to all the members of Dame De Elche Masonic  Lodge Number 163 for this wonderful donation.

The gifts were given to this splendid charity, which was chosen by Worshipful Master Gordon Ramshead as his chosen charity for the year. This will be the last donation by Gordon who is soon to step down as Master but no doubt his successor will try to carry on his good work.
The Lodge has also provided 1000 litres of much needed fuel oil for their heating over the winter and they will also be making a further donation to Debra (the Butterfly children) which will happen within the next two weeks when further details and photos will be given.

Provincial Grand Master and his Lady join Members and Guests

The Provincial Grand Master R.W.Bro. Michael Shilan and his Lady, Muriel joined the Members and guests as the recent meeting of Armonia de Ifach Lodge No.46 held in Benissa.

After the Lodge meeting was concluded and the Lodge was Closed the Brethren invited the Ladies and non-Masonic guests to join them in the Temple and entertained them with a presentation on the structure of a Lodge, the Officers and their principle roles as well as the extensive charitable works undertaken by Freemasons around the World.

Everyone present then enjoyed a meal together.

Should you wish to learn more about Freemasonry and our charitable activities then please contact the Provincial Grand Secretary.

Provincial Christmas Draw

The Annual provincial Draw for 2017 took place at the Provincial Lodge of Instruction meeting  held on the 2nd December at the Holiday inn Alicante.

The winning Ticket numbers were as follows.

2451        Javea  Lodge  No 40                            –         500 Euros

2874       Puerto De Xabia Lodge No 58        –          250 Euros

1228      Regeneración Lodge  No  132           –           100 Euros

1639     Roy Mitchell                                            –              50 Euros

PGM Visits Armonia de Ifach No.46

The Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Michael Shilan made an Official Visit to Armonia de Ifach Lodge No.46 held at the Restaurant Masia Sant Jaume,
Carrer Mitgeta10, Benissa.

The Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Ian Raistrick welcomed the Provincial Grand Master and also his Lady, Muriel who had accompanied him on this visit as the Lodge had nominated the Festive Board to be a White Table to mark the Festive Season.

After attending to the duties of the evening the Lodge was closed and the Ladies and non-Masonic visitors were invited into the Temple and were given a most interesting presentation by W.Bro. Sam Sampson on the format of a Lodge, the Officers and the principles of their duties as well as the charitable works undertaken by Freemasons around the World.

The Ladies and non-Masonic visitors all agreed that it was most informative and following the presentation all attendees enjoyed an excellent Festive Board together in the restaurant.

Any Brother wishing to visit the Lodge are encouraged to contact the Brother Secretary at sec46@glpvalencia.com

Meeting Summons

Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia hold Provincial Lodge of Instruction

On Saturday, December 2nd, the Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia held their annual Provincial Lodge of Instruction. This was a huge event, one of the largest in the Masonic calendar, and was held at the Holiday Inn Hotel in St Juan de Alicante. More than one hundred Masons attended from all over the Province, from the borders of Murcia to the north of Castellon. Many senior Masons from all over the Province were also in attendance.

In each local Lodge throughout the year many Lodges of Instruction are held. These are to ensure that when real Ceremonies are performed, such as that of Initiation, when a man becomes a Mason, those taking part know what they are doing and strive to make the ceremony as good as it can possibly be. The ceremony detailed is performed when a new candidate becomes a Freemason and is one of the most beautiful and moving ceremonies which the new Mason will remember for the rest of his life. They are usually performed by senior and experienced Masons to ensure that the Candidate enjoys this most important night.

However, on one day each year, at the Provincial Lodge of Instruction, this Ceremony is performed by junior Masons, most of whom have never done it before. It is performed in front of the Provincial Grand Master of Valencia, RWBro Michael Shilan and many senior Masons, this year including the Assistant Grand Master of Spain, RWBro Barrie Roy Mansell. This gives the junior Masons the chance to show what they can do and provides invaluable experience for the day when they perform this function for real. Every Mason who takes part says that when they become Officers within their own Lodge and particularly when they become the Master of the Lodge this day has thoroughly prepared them for the task. The standards shown are always of the highest order and shows individual Masons just what they can achieve.

This ceremony was very unusual as it was performed by Genesis Lodge No 61 and was performed totally in Spanish and although many present did not understand every word, the skill and motivation was plain for all to see. It was, in fact, one of the best ceremonies I have ever seen! The skill, professionalism and enthusiasm was incredible. Every member who took part performed beautifully and special praise must be given to Bro Alex Fernandez who took the role of the Worshipful Master and WBro Remolar who acted as IPM. Both gave virtuoso performances and were highly praised by everyone who witnessed this incredible event.  There was also a very polished performance by Bro. Stuart Powell who, although English, gave a very proficient performance in Spanish as the Junior Deacon.

A great day for all attending and one which will never be forgotten by the participants. Many thanks and hearty congratulations to Genesis Lodge No 61. You have set a new standard for the Provincial Lodge of Instruction. Well done.

Below is a link to more photos.
