In the Benidorm – Altea – Calpe – Moraira region, a group of volunteers are distributing hot meals to numerous homeless people, some of whom who are living under bridges or in empty houses. The initiative came from two homeless people who managed to change their lives for the better and who now want to contribute something back to society. As, from their own experience, they know where to find these homeless people, they are asking volunteers to cook for anywhere from sixty to eighty needy people at a time.
Recently, food has been cooked by our Freemason friends from the Dutch/Belgian Lodge of Leukopolis, who made sausage and mash with vegetables and gravy! A whopping eighty-three meals were made by the Masons, and all with a cake and a drink of course.
The lovely Tanya, Natasha and Jon Smith took care of the Calpe – Benidorm route, handing out the much needed meals and other necessary items.
Local Brethren of Leukopolis Lodge No 85 have already volunteered to cook twice for these people. It brings the Brethren of the Lodge together in providing a much needed service and to support a worthy charity, so please keep supporting us , by liking and sharing our Facebook pages, by becoming a member of our growing community or even better, become a much needed volunteer!! The charity organisation can be contacted through their facebook page, project4all. Alternatively, email
W Bro Greg Hustler, Christine (shop volunteer), Bro Nick Liddicoat, Pauline (shop manager) & W Bro Bob Alchin.
The WM stated that the MABS Cancer Support Fundación’s commitment in Spain could be summed up in this short sentence: “To care, comfort and counsel people affected by cancer.” Something that has affected many of us. It is a worthy charity well deserving of our support.
The Worshipful Master of local Freemason’s Lodge, Las Salinas, Keith Carter presented a much needed hospital style bed to “Help at Home” General Secretary Susie Brice on Wednesday 31st March at their premises in Cabo Roig. President Patricia Muirhead thanked the Freemasons most sincerely for their support, adding that the new bed would be put to good use right away.
Local Freemason’s Lodge, Santa Faz, recently held their “Santa Faz Beach Walk and Barbecue” which had been scheduled for Saturday and would have been delayed into next week had it not, fortunately, been decided to postpone it by one day to Sunday 21st March 2021.
This annual charity event, held under strict observance of current health guidelines, at The International Club, El Campello, was blessed with warm, dry and thankfully wind free weather. The huge and varied amount food, like the assembled company, was excellent. Aided and abetted by Lin (salads and jacket potatoes), Jean (cakes) and WBro Ivan (kartofel salat). Particular thanks go to Gill Hovell (President), Bro Barry Hovell SW (Treasurer) and the Committee of The International Club for all their help with the complex logistics.
Despite the many current restrictions and, sadly, with a greatly reduced number of participants, the amount raised still exceeded all expectations. The charity raffle, sponsored walkers, donations and contributions from Brethren’s charity pots, was rounded up to a total of seven hundred euros. An exceptional amount, especially under the circumstances, was raised for the Worshipful Master’s charity which, for this year, is MABS, and which will be presented at a later date. MABS Cancer Support Fundación’s commitment in Spain can be summed up in this short sentence: “To care, comfort and counsel people affected by cancer”. A very worthwhile cause and one supported by many Freemasons.
Recently, the Brethren of Arenal Deportiva Lodge made a much-needed donation of €250 from the Lodge charity fund to the local organisation, HELP, of Denia and Moraira, to help sustain many needy families who are suffering difficulties, many caused by the Covid pandemic and particularly for those unable to work.
This donation was used to help thirty-five local families buy food and essential items and who, in total, numbered one hundred and four people including fourteen babies. The money was used to buy necessary shopping such as nappies and food which included, bags of chicken pieces, pork, minced beef, frankfurters, frozen fish, milk, powdered milk for babies, salad, tomatoes, cucumbers, red peppers, biscuits and much more.
The Lodge was thanked most warmly by Ms Candida Wright, the president of the Denia and Moraira HELP organisation.
In response to the request for help from a Valencian voluntary organisation, el Amigos de la Calle, the Freemasons of Valencia were quick to respond.
The Valencian Provincial Charity Fund contributed five hundred euros.
White River Lodge 153 and Mark Masons 1979 contributed over five hundred and fifty euros. Regeneration Lodge 132 contributed two hundred and fifty euros.
Through Masons affiliated to Rotary International, the Rotary E-Club of Latin America contributed a further two hundred euros
The total donated was over one thousand five hundred euros and together with the volunteers of the NGO we made a purchase of food in the wholesale supermarket Family Cash, at special prices.
The Amigos de la Calle (CIF G98305378) is a certified NGO of the Valencian community in charge of helping those who have nothing, and sleep on the streets of Valencia. With the arrival of the pandemic, the situation has worsened, with more than five hundred homeless people who are cared for by the organization and around one hundred more who are in a precarious situation.
On weekdays emergency deliveries are made to family homes, and on Sundays eight routes are made throughout the city, distributing food, warm clothes, blankets. sleeping bags and other items. The routes have specific stops in parks and squares, and in shelters such as bank tellers.
This huge group of homeless people is mostly men both Spanish and foreign born. Meanwhile the families requesting support are originally from Eastern countries, South America, with some Romanian and African as well.
The State provides some help to the homeless and the families but, given the magnitude of the situation with the pandemic, it is just not enough. However, the NGO does not receive state aid and is reliant on charitable donations.
Amigos de la Calle (CIF G98305378) es una ONG certificada de la ciudad de Valencia que se ocupa de ayudar a los que nada tienen, y duermen en las calles de esta ciudad. Con la llegada de la pandemia, la situación se ha agravado, existiendo en estos momentos 400 personas sin techo que son ayudadas por la Asociación, más 200 en sus hogares sin nada para comer.
En días de semana se hacen entregas de emergencia a domicilios de familias, y los domingos se hacen 8 rutas por toda la ciudad, repartiendo alimentos, ropa (se da ropa limpia y se cambia la ropa sucia para traerla de nuevo en la siguiente distribución). Las rutas tienen paradas específicas en parques y plazas, y en refugios tales como cajeros de bancos.
El universo de personas es mayoritariamente de extranjeros de Ucrania y otros países del Este de Europa, sudamericanos que llegaron a España antes de la pandemia y han quedado atrapados sin poder retornar a sus países de origen, más algunos españoles y migrantes de la etnia gitana. La red de seguridad del estado es inexistente, la ONG se nutre de donaciones.
En estos días los almacenes de la ONG estaban vacíos, y ante el pedido de ayuda, los Hermanos Masones de Valencia salieron raudamente a responder.
El Fondo Provincial de Caridad aportó 500.00€
Las Logias White River 153 y Mark Masons 1979 aportaron 555.00€
La Logia Regeneración 132 aportó 250.00€
A través de Hermanos socios de Rotary International, el Rotary E-Club of Latinoamerica aportó 200.00€
El total donado fue de 1.505€ y junto con los voluntarios de la ONG realizamos una compra de alimentos en el supermercado mayorista Family Cash, a precios especiales.
Este año, la respetable Logia Germanies nº 8 ha colaborado, como ya hizo el año anterior, con el proyecto “El árbol de los deseos” de la asociación benéfica Ca La Mare, que opera en la zona de Catarrosa y Albal con niños de familias en exclusión.
Esta colaboración ha consistido en acompañar a personas de esta asociación y comprar juguetes y oros artículos de una lista que la entidad facilita teniendo en cuenta las cartas de los niños a los reyes Magos, para que les sean entregados el día de Reyes.
Giovanna Rodríguez Tirado, Presidenta de la Asociación ha manifestado su agradecimiento a la Respetable Logia Germanies nº 8 y ha posado junto con su Venerable Maestro y su Hermano Tesorero, quienes han llevado esta acción solidaria en representación de la misma.
This year, local Freemasons Lodge, Germanies No. 8, has collaborated, as it did in the previous year, with the project “The Tree of Desires” inaugurated by the charity ‘Ca La Mare’, which operates mainly in the area of Catarroja and Albal and supports children from families less fortunate than ourselves.
This collaboration has consisted of accompanying people from this association and buying toys, and other items from a list, that the entity provides, taking into account the children’s letters to the Three Kings, so that they may be delivered to them on the day of Three Kings.
Giovanna Rodríguez Tirado, President of the Association, thanked the Respectable Lodge Germanies No. 8 and posed, together with the Worshipful Master and Treasurer of the Lodge, who have carried out this solidarity action on its behalf.
Local Freemasonry, in general, has not had a good year. Virtually all of our meetings have had to be cancelled, along with our usual social events and our many charity events.
Oliva La Safor Lodge however, has had an even worse year. Not only has it been closed down, along with the rest of Spanish Masonry, but, after only being able to have three physical meetings, our newly installed Worshipful Master, WBro. Colin Williams passed away shortly before Christmas.
Following a number of virtual meetings, held over the Internet, it was decided that, in Colin’s name, Oliva La Safor Lodge would make a charity donation of eight hundred euros to some of the neediest people in the area.
Four hundred euros were given to four families in the village of Beniarbeig, Alicante. These families were picked by the charity organisation Amigos de Beniarbeig, in association with local Social Services.
These gifts, in the form of one hundred euro vouchers for Carrefour supermarket, were given to Amigos in early January and immediately handed over to the four families in time for them to use the money for clothes, and other items for the children in time for the Three Kings celebration.
The donation was handed over by WBro. Ian Skipper, the Lodge charity steward and Bro. David Clarke, who is a resident of the village.
The second gift will be given to other needy families in a village in the Valencia area at a later date.
Attached photo of the presentation. Bro David Clarke is on the left, WBro Ian Skipper on the right with Sally representing Amigos Beniarbeig in the centre.
This year has seen a great increase in the number of local families who are struggling financially, particularly due to the various lockdowns and the general restrictions placed on both businesses and families. So, when the Javea based Red Cross launched an appeal for Christmas presents, for needy children, our “Dinner Ladies” set to and raised a magnificent sum of more than seven hundred euros.
The ‘Dinner Ladies’ are the wives and partners of the Freemasons of Javea Lodge No 40.
This fantastic sum was enough to fill twenty large bags with gifts for the boys and girls aged between three and sixteen years.
Pictured here is Mrs Margaret March with Mrs Muriel Shilan the wife of our Provincial Grand Master, and RW Bro Michael Shilan himself, whose shop, “Humpty Dumpty”, received some of the many gifts. Shown here with the car loaded ready to deliver to the Red Cross depot in Javea.
Margaret and the Red Cross wish to thank all the Ladies for their generosity. RW Bro Michael Shilan also congratulated the ladies on their tremendous effort. Hopefully, these children will have a better Christmas than they would otherwise have had. Many, many thanks to all the generous and warm-hearted donors who gave so many gifts.
During the very hard year that many of us have recently suffered our thoughts are naturally turning towards happier times: the upcoming Christmas season and, in particular, the children who will enjoy that very special day. Unfortunately, there are still many children who will not be able to celebrate as well as the rest of us. It is these children whom we most want to help.
As a result, several local Freemason’s Lodges including Caledonian Lodge, Las Salinas Lodge and Torrevieja Installed Master’s Lodge have arranged collections and donations to try and help them as much as possible. One such initiative was started by WBro Freddie Samrai and his wife Carole, who organized a “Christmas Shoebox Drive” for the Cruz Roja in Torrevieja, ie to collect shoeboxes filled with toys for the under privileged children of Torrevieja. After doing this for several years this has now become something of an annual event.
Fortunately, many of our friends and Brothers have very big hearts and more than one hundred boxes have now been donated. So, it is hoped that many more children will have at least one present to open on Christmas morning, even in these very difficult times. Children are our future and this generosity will hopefully give them some good and happy memories. All this has only been made possible by the kindness of so many good and generous people. So, to all of you a very big thank you on behalf of all of these under privileged children of Torrevieja.