The International Club, in El Campello, held a Charity Fun Day on Saturday 22 May 2021, and Santa Faz Lodge No 48 took the opportunity to man a table, containing a display of aprons and jewels (courtesy of W Bro Bob Alchin), and answer any questions about Freemasonry.
Of particular interest was a Royal Masonic Hospital Nurse’s silver belt buckle owned by the Club’s Secretary, Kim, who did her training there.
During the afternoon, a sponsored back wax, was administered by a local beautician,Carmen, to the Worshipful Master, W Bro Greg Hustler, which raised €157. Most of which was donated by those Brethren who were present, to ensure the reserve was reached and the event went ahead!

Later, the Lodge presented a cheque for €1250 to Irena, the MABS Area Rep.

W Bro Greg Hustler, Christine (shop volunteer), Bro Nick Liddicoat, Pauline (shop manager) & W Bro Bob Alchin.
The WM stated that the MABS Cancer Support Fundación’s commitment in Spain could be summed up in this short sentence: “To care, comfort and counsel people affected by cancer.” Something that has affected many of us. It is a worthy charity well deserving of our support.