David Clarke

A magical evening for charity.

On Wednesday 31st July around 50 Members, families, and guests of Oliva LaSafor Lodge 112 held an unusual and very entertaining event at the La Bresca Restaurant in Els Poblets.
Bro. Colin Kenward, the newest member of the Lodge, is a member of the International Magicians Circle and he conducted various magical tricks at the tables while the audience looked on in wonder.
In addition, the restaurant provided a varied and well-received menu with their efficient staff keeping everyone well ‘fed and watered’, in the sweltering evening.
The whole event raised just shy of 450 Euro, which will be distributed to the Lodge’s Masonic Charities.

The Master of Oliva LaSafor 112, W. Bro. Edward Childs, thanked the individuals who had helped organize the event and the restaurant as well as Colin, who performed his magic with dexterity and expertise.
He went on to say that Oliva LaSafor is a small Lodge, but we had a very good turnout and hoped that future events will continue to be as popular.

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water!

On Sunday 14th July, Freemasons from all over Valencia topped up their tans and braved the water to raise money for Masonic Charities.

The event was organised by Mike Tullett, Charity Steward at the Jávea 40 Lodge, and occurred at Playa de les Marines in Denia. Commenting, Mike said, “When we saw the idea of organising a Sponsored Swim, we knew that we had to take advantage of the fantastic beaches around this area.”

Mike continued, “We knew that our colleagues in Jávea 40 would support the event, but we have been overwhelmed by the attendance today and the huge sum of money pledged by Freemasons all over Valencia”.

Jávea 40 Worshipful Master Robin Tilbrook thanked all of the Lodges for their support, “We are genuinely grateful for all of the support we have had. Puerto de Xàbia 58, Arenal Deportiva 65, Oliva La Safor 112 and many others have all dug deep to make this event a great success. I thank everyone who has sponsored one of our swimmers”.

The Provincial Grandmaster of Valencia, Rodney Bignell and his lovely wife Jeanette,  and members of his Executive team also attended the event. Rodney and David Wynn showed off their sartorial elegance in very fetching vintage bathing suits and gamely joined all of our swimmers. The PGM paid tribute to the Jávea 40 effort, “I understand that, once all of the pledges have been collected, we will have raised around €2,000 for the 2026 Festival. Robin, Mike and the other members of Jávea 40 Lodge have excelled themselves today.”

You can view all the photos (courtesy of Bro. Steve Young) HERE

Oliva LaSafor 112 Ladies make a donation to The Raquel Payà special education school in Denia.

Oliva La Safor ladies donated 130€ to The Raquel Payà special education The Ladies meet for meals together, and collect for a charity purse while their men attend their Lodge meetings. They decided to support the school which provides training in life skills and education for students up to age 24.

Pictured are the school director,  Miquel Ivars, and some of the La Safor Ladies, who enjoyed a fascinating tour of the school and facilities.

Javea 40 supports Raquel Paya School

Raquel Paya School in Denia teaches students with special educational needs and Javea 40 recently presented Miquel Ivars, the headmaster, with a cheque for 350€. This will assist the school to purchase a ‘big basket’ swing. This money was raised by Javea 40 at their Charity Race Night.
Miquel Ivars gave WM Robin Tillbrook, Barry Rowe (Treasurer), and Mike Tullett (Charity Steward), a tour of the school, visiting classrooms, the sensory room, and the warm water pool.
Students planning to take jobs in restaurants and hotels demonstrated their skills by preparing and serving coffee and snacks to everyone, including visiting teachers from nearby mainstream schools.
Robin, Barry, and Mike found the visit fascinating, humbling, and uplifting because the work that Raquel Paya school does is inspirational.
If any other lodges would like to support Raquel Paya, contact details of the school’s secretary can be obtained from Mike Tullett, the Charity Steward, via the Javea 40 Secretary, Malcolm March, sec40@glpvalencia.com


Caledonia Lodge makes a donation to Age Concern.

As part of their support of local charities, the Masons, Caledonia Lodge 68 were pleased to make a donation of €1,280 to Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur at their Centre in La Siesta

The donation was to purchase another hospital bed & ripple mattress for people who need a hospital bed to ensure comfort at home whilst the patient is confined to the bedroom.
The beds are loaned out (for a donation) to people who are in need of help.
The cheque was presented by the Worshipful Master, John Lonsdale to The President of Age Concern, Malcolm Winstanley.
The donation was gratefully accepted as hospital beds are in constant use
Also in the picture left to right

Brenda Hickin, Vice President, Age Concern, John Lonsdale – Worshipful Master -Malcolm Winstanley, Age Concern, President- David Turner, Lodge Treasurer- Mike Wyatt, Lodge Charity Secretary

Javea 40’s ‘Dinner Ladies’ support local Autism Association


The wives and partners of the members of Javea 40 organise regular social and fundraising events and call themselves the ‘Dinner Ladies’. Last week they visited the Asociacion Autismo Javea and presented the Director, Rubén, with a cheque for €250 raised at one of their recent dinners.

Javea 40 and the Dinner Ladies have had a long association with the Asociacion Autismo. The WM of Javea 40 has made it his preferred charity and the Lodge and Dinner Ladies will continue with their support over the coming year.

Pictured, left to right, are Dinner Ladies Margaret March and Teresa Tillbrook, together with Rubén from the Asociacion Autismo.