The Annual Masonic Provincial Charity Golf Tournament raises over €10,000 for local charities


On Thursday 20th June, over 90 golfers gathered at the Bonalba Golf Resort in Mutxamel to participate in the Annual Masonic Provincial Charity Golf Tournament.

The weather was hot and clear and the competition fierce as the players sought to challenge themselves against the beautiful Bonalba course.

The winners were:
• Masonic Cup Winners – Nigel Parker and Alex Watson
• Scratch Winners – Richard Finch and Alex Cowens
• Handicap Winners – Joris Kraak and Marinus van Kessel
• Handicap Runners Up – Paul Burletson and Nick Monks
• Handicap Third Place – Nick and Mel Kelly

The Grand Master of the Province of Valencia was delighted with the results of the day. Commenting, he said “I would like to thank everyone involved in organising such a successful event. Without the support of our Lodges, local business sponsors, and the great number of non-masonic players who supported this occasion an event of this magnitude would not be possible.”

The following businesses sponsored the event:
• Jean Paul and Pascale Le Roux, owners of Bonalba Hotel and Golf Resort who generously donated prizes for the winners and raffle prizes as well as the use of the Golf Course and provided staff to help out.
• Sofia Sanchez Watson of Watsons Real Estate, La Marina who kindly sponsored the Prize Ceremony and the after-golf refreshments.
• Haakon Ellingsen of Green Parrot Tourism provided an €800 Travel Voucher which was raffled raising a total of €1,000 in cash.
• Manuela Urselmann of ExPat Insurance Partners donated cash and sponsored the Ladies’ Longest Drive prize.
• Golden Leaves Funeral Plans and Legal and Tax in Spain sponsored the Nearest the Pin Competition prizes.
• C&M Plumbing sponsored the Men’s Longest Drive Competition.
• Edi Rent a Car and Campbell Lamont Golf donated vouchers for the raffle
• Several Masonic Lodges sponsored different holes on the Course.

As a mark of thanks for the last 5 years in which Bonalba Golf has supported the Masonic Golf Tournament, the Valencian Freemasons commissioned an oil painting of Seve Ballesteros from a local artist, Mike Jenkins of EmJay Art. This was presented to Pascale Le Roux and Juan Albert, the Competitions Director of Bonalba Golf.

Concluding, the PGM said, “We’ve all enjoyed a fantastic day of golf and I want to congratulate all of today’s winners. Helping those less fortunate than ourselves lies at the heart of Freemasonry. Therefore, I am really happy to announce that our efforts today have raised over €10,000 in cash and pledges of support for Masonic charities and good causes. Along with my Charity team, I look forward to being able to make a big difference to those in Society who need our support.”


Prize presentation

Chris Ward presenting the painting to Bonalba Golf

Winners Nigel Parker and Alex Henderson


Just a few of the photos (courtesy of Jorge Prieto). They can all be viewed HERE.