Javea 40 supports Raquel Paya School

Raquel Paya School in Denia teaches students with special educational needs and Javea 40 recently presented Miquel Ivars, the headmaster, with a cheque for 350€. This will assist the school to purchase a ‘big basket’ swing. This money was raised by Javea 40 at their Charity Race Night.
Miquel Ivars gave WM Robin Tillbrook, Barry Rowe (Treasurer), and Mike Tullett (Charity Steward), a tour of the school, visiting classrooms, the sensory room, and the warm water pool.
Students planning to take jobs in restaurants and hotels demonstrated their skills by preparing and serving coffee and snacks to everyone, including visiting teachers from nearby mainstream schools.
Robin, Barry, and Mike found the visit fascinating, humbling, and uplifting because the work that Raquel Paya school does is inspirational.
If any other lodges would like to support Raquel Paya, contact details of the school’s secretary can be obtained from Mike Tullett, the Charity Steward, via the Javea 40 Secretary, Malcolm March, sec40@glpvalencia.com