Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia


Kenneth Victor Pierce

Right Worshipful Brother Kenneth Victor Pierce passed to the Grand Lodge above on 19th June 2009 after more than 40 years distinguished service in Freemasonry. He was a key figure in the revival of Spanish Masonry throughout the 1990’s. His vast experience and dignified bearing commanded respect and admiration wherever he went, yet he was invariably friendly and approachable and always ready to share his knowledge and to give advice to all who sought it. He remained optimistic and forward looking throughout a long illness and will be remembered with affection and respect.
He was a Founder member of four Craft Lodges and two Royal Arch Chapters.
He was given many honours in many Orders during his Masonic career and was most proud to be made the Deputy Provincial Grand Master of the Province of Valencia in 2003.

Norman Hughes

Passed away suddenly from a heart attack.

Keith Prosser

W. Brother Prosser was 89 years old when he joined Old Tower Lodge No. 49 on 21st January 2008. He was initiated in a London Lodge in 1957 and attained the rank of Provincial Grand Supt of Works. He was a frail man in poor health but he did not let it stop him attending Lodge meetings. His wife diligently drove him to and from Lodge meetings and he thoroughly enjoyed being part of the Lodge whilst his health precluded him from participation. Within a short period of time, his health deteriorated rapidly and he went home to the U.K where he died on 28 November 2008.

Allistair McLellan

WBro Alistair Gordon McLellan was initiated into Freemasonry on the 11th of October 1966 joining Apollo Lodge No7886 under the Grand Lodge of Scotland.
After moving to Spain Alistair became a Founder member of Caledonia Lodge and was appointed as a Steward at the Consecration meeting held in the Javea Masonic Temple on 27th April 1993.
He was subsequently appointed Chaplain at the Third Installation Meeting in April 1995 and then worked his way through all the Offices and was installed as Worshipful Master on the 13th of April 2000.
Alistair received Provincial honours in February 2005, being awarded the Rank of Past Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies. In December 2007 Caledonia Lodge made him an Honorary Member and he continued to attend meetings until he was sadly called to the Grand Lodge above on the 13th October 2008.

Clive Vernon Keylock

Masonic Lodge of Sorrow
Eulogy in Memory of
Clive Vernon Keylock
Passed away 7 May 2008

Old Tower Lodge was consecrated on Saturday 19 May 1990 at the Villamartin Restaurant, with 22 petitioners mainly from the members of the established Torrevieja Dining club.
Bro Keylock worked tirelessly to achieve Freemasonary in Torrevieja, therefore becoming the petitioners popular choice to be installed as the first Worshipful Master.
His esteem was obvious by the attendance of the Grand Master of Spain. ” The Most Worshipful Grand Master of Spain Luis Salat Gusils ” along with 14 eminent Consecrating and supporting Freemasons. His esteem was further enhanced by the number of very senior masons present at his funeral along with brethren from throughout the Province.
On completing his year in office he installed his successor in an exemplary manner. Bro Keylock was immediately awarded with his first provincial rank of Provincial Grand Experto.
He subsequently became Secretary of the Lodge, the office he held for a number of years.
Other promotions followed and between 1992 and 2006 he was honoured with 10 promotions and finally acquiring the Rank and Title of Right Worshipful Bro. C.V. Keylock PJGW DepPGM.

Excellent Companion Keylock was a Past First Principal of a Royal Arch Chapter in the U.K. Subordinate to the Supreme Grand Chapter of England . He became a founder of the Torrevieja Royal Arch Chapter here in Spain when it was consecrated in 1993, and was the first Scribe Ezra [Secretary]. He was soon invested with the Rank of P.G.D.C.
In June 1999 Bro. Keylock also became a founder member of the Torrevieja [Specialised] Lodge of Installed Masters – the “Specialised” was later discontinued. Once again he took Office as the first Secretary.

Freemasonry was very close to his Heart at all times and his Masonic responsibilities were taken exceptionally seriously particularly in offering help and advice to inexperienced brethren.
He gained much pleasure observing the progress the Lodge was making from its very humble beginnings, and the Lodge building itself. He would certainly have approved of the continuous embellishments that have taken place. R.W. Bro. Keylock was again at the forefront when it was necessary to raise capital for the purchase of the building.

Pepe Alabau

Our dear Brother Pepe Alabau departed to the Grand Lodge Above. Let us raise our Prayers to his memory. May the GAOU receive him in the Grand Lodge Above.

Malcolm Lifton

After a long illness, bravely borne, Malcolm sadly passed to the Grand Lodge above in January 2008.

Originally a member of Old Tower Lodge No.49 Malcolm later became a founder member of Caledonia Lodge No.68. He remained with both Lodges for many years and served as Worshipful Master in them both.

To help raise the funds necessary to finance the creation of Caledonia Lodge, Malcolm, together with his wife Cynthia, held numerous garden parties in their home. In those early days internet shopping was unheard of and the postal service not as reliable as it is today so Malcolm put his talents to good use and built many of the working items that were required by the new Lodge. There are still items to be found in Caledonia´s store that bear his initials.

Malcolm and Cynthia established the Caledonia Thistle Dining Club which is still going strong today in the guise of The Thistle Club. The idea behind the Club was to bring Lodge members and their families together in relaxed informal surroundings to enjoy a meal and each other’s company whilst at the same time raising funds for the Lodge and help with the purchase of Sociedad Compás where the Lodges in the Torrevieja area meet.

As Lodge Secretary for a great many years Malcolm ensured that Caledonia Lodge ran smoothly and efficiently. He was a great advocate of LOIs and led by example with his excellent ritual skills which always gave new masons a high standard to aspire to. His legacy is the high standard of work still performed by Caledonia Lodge today.

Masonry in Spain was in its very early days in the 1990s and Malcolm dedicated his time to three Orders, the Craft, Royal Arch Chapter and the Order of the Secret Monitor which he was instrumental in bringing to the Torrevieja area.

In his role as a Provincial Grand Officer he was a credit to freemasonry and his Assistant Provincial Grand Master’s chain and Patent of Appointment were donated by his widow to Caledonia Lodge who proudly display them in Sociedad Compás.