Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia


Freemasons of Santa Faz Lodge No 48 make a further donation to Aspanion


On Saturday, 25th March a Strawberry Fayre was held at The International Club in El Campello and the Lodge Committee gave a lot of their time freely and voluntarily in full support of this needy cause.  The idea was that everything for the Fayre had to be based on the theme of strawberries and those who contributed showed a great deal of initiative in the wide range of goodies they prepared, from strawberry pavlova, strawberry cakes, strawberry tarts, strawberry jam to strawberry and meringue skewers for the chocolate fountain. (Why wasn’t I invited?) 🙂
At the end of a well attended Fayre a few remaining items were auctioned and a grand total of almost two hundred  euros was raised – this is in addition to the more than two thousand euros which have already been donated.  This was again donated by the Santa Faz Masonic Lodge No 48 towards their Charity appeal for this year, which is ASPANION – a sadly much needed Charity for Children with Cancer at Alicante General Hospital.

Our thanks go to everyone who made something for the Fayre and to those who gave their generous support.

Should you wish to learn more of this worthy charity or perhaps would be interested in Freemasonry please contact me on the email address given below.

ro William Turney   Press Officer

Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia.

Javea 40 Masons visit Children’s Oncology department at La Fe Hospital, Valencia

Last week we had the opportunity to visit a Cancer Research Centre and witness the work they are doing. This was suggested by Worshipful Master, Matthew James, of Javea 40 Lodge, as it is his chosen charity for his Master’s year. It was a privilege to be able to visit the Oncology Research Department at La Fe Hospital in Valencia. We were met with great enthusiasm by Dr Jaime Font de Mora, head of the Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biology. He was very pleased that we had made the time to visit and were aiming to raise money for their important research. We, ourselves, felt honoured to be given a personal insight into their work. And luckily for us perhaps, everyone spoke perfect English.

The major research for the Spanish Society of Oncology for Children is undertaken in this department, as well as specialising in Paediatric Oncology Surgery. As we all know, cancer has no boundaries, it affects both old and young. It is especially heart wrenching to see children and babies suffering from cancer. Dr Font de Mora’s team is currently working on a key project called ‘Oncology de Precision’, which involves identifying specific genetic characteristics of tumours found in children from birth to 15 years old. Analysing the DNA from tumour samples, they are aiming to identify the medication required for each patient’s individual needs, thus the correct treatment will be prescribed quickly and effectively, improving their recovery and survival rate.

We were introduced to the members of the team, all of whom were young, dedicated and highly motivated in their work. They work in small teams of 3 or 4 people in their own part of the facility, using highly sophisticated and expensive diagnostic equipment. We donned our ‘green suits’ and entered the sterile area and also we were able to witness cancer cells through a microscope and how they mutate and divide. To actually see this disease at this stage is a fascinating but sobering experience. The time, study and dedication the doctors give to their work has to be greatly admired. We felt humbled that these young people are trying their utmost to combat the biggest disease of our lifetime.
After ditching our ‘green suits’, we were invited to meet some of the young patients on the ward. The ward, by the way, was decorated like a children’s play room. Bright murals on the walls, everybody was casual and smiling and there was a separate school room so the children don’t miss any of their education. The children even have access to Wi-Fi, something which as we know, young kids today can’t do without with their computers and iPads!! Brother Matthew presented a Mason teddy to one little girl, who seemed very happy with her gift.
The doctors were obviously very caring towards their small patients but the atmosphere was kept very informal and cheerful, considering the seriousness of the situation. There is a maximum of 18 patients on the ward, each with their own room. The only children that have to be kept in isolation are those undergoing bone marrow treatments.

The aim of the Children’s Oncology Ward is to improve the children’s health so they are able to return to their family home as soon as possible and just attend as an outpatient.
Since our visit we have written to Dr Font de Mora and his colleague Dr Adela Cañete, thanking them again for allowing us to visit and see what they are doing first hand in Cancer Research. We have asked them to tell us which equipment they need and the cost. Obviously, some equipment would be too expensive for one individual lodge to provide. However, we really want to help the Cancer Research Department and await their answer. We can then make a decision on what the lodge can do to help.

If you are interested in learning more about Freemasonry, please contact me on the address given below.

WBro William Turney   Press Officer

Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia

Local Freemason’s Lodge Sponsors Child


At the regular meeting of Santa Faz Lodge No 48, on Monday 13th March, a motion was proposed, seconded and approved, to sponsor an under privileged child to attend the summer school which is being organised by Hiram Abiff Lodge No 80 in Guadalest this summer.


Various Lodges and especially Provincial Grand Lodge have sponsored many children to go to the summer school in the past which is both educational and entertaining. Last year the Province sponsored eighteen children and hope to achieve a similar number this year.

As the DPGM, W Bro R C
Bignell, the APGM, W Bro R A Mitchell and the ProvGCStwd, W Bro K Alcock, were all in attendance it was decided to present the cheque for 350 euros at the meeting.  The cheque was presented to the ProvGCStwd by the WM, W Bro Brian Duncan and suitable photo’s were taken of the event.  One photograph shows the WM, ProvGCStwd being flanked by the DPGM and APGM, the other just shows the WM and the ProvGCStwd.

The money has come from the Lodge Charity fund and has been raised as part of this year’s fund raising effort.


WBro William Turney   Press Officer

Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia

Donation by Santa Faz Lodge Aspanion, a charity for children with cancer. 

The Santa Faz Masonic Lodge No 48 celebrated Valentine’s Day with a Lunch Party in which fifty-five people enjoyed an excellent meal at the Restaurant Mash in El Campello. Everyone was asked to wear something red and visible to celebrate this very special day.

After lunch, during coffee and chocolates, the Ladies were each presented with a red rose and three couples took part in a game of Mr. and Mrs. in which they answered various questions about themselves and, more importantly, their partners. This proved to be very entertaining with both the quizmaster and the couples, taking part, providing us with much laughter. The winners were two holiday visitors from Newcastle, Gary Wealleans and his partner Margy.

This was followed by a raffle which raised 185 euros and, together with a generous donation of 250 euros from Diamond Clean UK Ltd., and others, a grand total of 467euros was raised towards the Lodge Charity for this year, which is Aspanion – a Charity for Children with Cancer, in Alicante General Hospital. This will be presented at a later date – hopefully with even more donations throughout the year.

Music throughout the afternoon was provided by Rob Woodhouse on the keyboard, who played and sang our chosen favourite songs as most people ended the afternoon dancing to the excellent music. A great afternoon for all concerned and a worthwhile sum raised for a very deserving charity. Well done to all concerned.

If you would like to contribute to this excellent charity or learn a little more about Freemasonry please contact me on the email link below and I will be hapy to answer answer all of your questions.

W.Bro. William Turney
Press Officer
Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia

New Provincial Grand Master Installed

At the recent Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia Provincial Assembly held on the 25th of February 2017, the Grand Master of Spain, R.W.Bro. Oscar de Alfonso Ortega (left) oversaw the Installation of the new Provincial Grand Master of Valencia, R.W.Bro. Michael Anthony Shilan (right) to serve for a period of three years.

To learn more about the Provincial Assembly along with additional photographs please login to the website and visit the ‘Members Only News’ section.

2017 Provincial Assembly

The 22nd Annual Province of Valencia Provincial Assembly

With yet again more than 250 Masons from across the province as well as many visitors from other Provinces in Spain the 22nd Province of Valencia, Provincial Assembly was held at the Hotel Gran Bali on the 25th of February 2017.

After the Provincial Assembly was opened by the Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro Norman Leslie Wheatley, the assembled Brethren warmly welcomed two of the Assistant Grand Masters of Spain, R.W.Bro. Barrie Roy Mansell and R.W.Bro. Lawrence Howard followed by the Grand Master of Spain, M.W.Bro. Óscar de Alfonso Ortega.

The meeting then followed a strict agenda of taking a roll-call of Lodges present as well as Provincial Officers present.

A very poignant point in the proceedings was the reading of a list of Brethren who have passed to the Grand Lodge above since the last Provincial Assembly.

Following reports from both the Provincial Grand Secretary and Provincial Grand Treasurer and the approving of the accounts for 2016 we came to the Installation of the new Provincial grand Master and his Deputy and Assistants.

R.W.Bro. Michael Anthony Shilan was Invested as the Provincial Grand Master of the Province of Valencia to serve for a period of three years and R.W.Bro Michael Anthony Shilan then took over the running of the Assembly and after warmly thanking his predecessor the Provincial Grand Master then Installed his Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Rodney Charles Bignell.

The next item was to Invest the two Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, W.Bro. Roy Alan Mitchell and V.H. Eladio González Jover.  Pictures of these worthy Brethren can be found in the ‘Provincial Executive’ section of the ‘Members Area’ of the website.

The assembled Brethren then voted to adopt the 2017/18 budget, the election of Orador, W.Bro. Alberto Moreno Moreno and Provincial Grand Tresurer, W.Bro. Fred Miller as well as the election of Provincial Grand Tyler, W.Bro. Trevor Bagnall and two Auditors for the ensuing year.

The Provincial Grand Master then appointed and Invested his Provincial Senior and Junior Wardens, V.W.Bro. Jeffrey Steven Hyde and W.Bro. Ronald Charles Knight.

The Provincial Grand Master then Invested the Provincial Grand Officers and Provincial Grand Stewards for the ensuing year, a full list of which can be found in the ‘Members Area’ along with a list of the Past Provincial Grand Officers that were Invested.

Another highlight was the Provincial Grand Master personally greeting the Initiates that were present and who had joined Masonry since the last Provincial Assembly.

The various Committees required for the smooth running of the Province were announced, a full list of which is available here

The Provincial Grand Master then presented certificates for long service and distinguished service to the Craft and addressed the Assembly refecting on how he himself had been an Initiate into Spanish Masonry not so many years ago and had risen from an Initiate to become Provincial Grand Master.

Following the collection for Alms and Closing the Brethren all enjoyed a fine Festive Board with Toast, Speeches and Masonic Harmony.

Minutes 2017 Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia Assembly

Local Masons donate to local Spanish school.

At their Christmas celebration, at El Cid restaurant, local Freemasons Lodge, Javea No 40, raised 430€ in memory of their recently deceased colleague Worshipful Brother Keith Hart from Benigembla, near Jalon. On 8th February, the current Worshipful Master of the Javea 40 Lodge, W Bro Matthew James, accompanied by his Charity Steward Bro Malcolm March, presented a cheque for this sum to the Headmistress of Benigembla’s local school, Remei Climent Monzo. Keith’s widow, Jenny Hart, and local Mayor, Rogelio Taverner Sendra, were also present. Benigembla is a small town with less than 500 inhabitants and the school, which caters for children aged between six and eleven, has only eleven pupils.
The Headmistress and pupils were very appreciative of the donation which will be used to purchase much needed books and material for the school library. W. Bro Matthew James and Jenny Hart said that the presentation had been a fitting tribute to Keith’s memory. Mayor Taverner and Headmistress Remei Climent said that Keith and Jenny were both well respected members of the local community in Benigembla and that they had done a lot to help the school over the years. They added that Keith Hart was sorely missed by all.
If you are interested in Freemasonry please contact me on the email below and I will answer any questions you might have.
WBro William Turney   Press Officer
Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia

Knight Templar Priests

The Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests
Order of Holy Wisdom

To be considered for membership of this deeply significant Order, you must be a subscribing member of the following Masonic bodies:-

  1. Craft Lodge
  2. Royal Arch Chapter
  3. Knights Templar Preceptory
  4. Profess the Trinitarian Christian Faith

District Recorder Ill Kt Pt Roy A. Mitchell, PG11P CHW
tel: 0034 6604493 69 email:

San Jaime Tabernacle No. 251
Meeting at Sociedad Compás, Calle Toledo 14, Ciudad Quesada, Rojales, Alicante (location_map) at 11am on 1st Saturday in March (Installation), October; 2nd Friday in May

CONTACT: ll Kt Pt Ian Crawford  PGIP
tel: 966789558  email:

Sacerdotes Caballeros Templarios del Santo Arco Real de Jerusalén                    y                                                                                                                                                 Orden de la Santa Sabiduría

Para formar parte de esta Orden tan significativa, es preciso ser miembro activo de los siguientes cuerpos masónicos:-

  • una Logia Simbólica
  • un Capítulo de Santo Arco Real
  • un Preceptorio de Caballeros templarios
  • Profesar la fe Cristiana Trinitaria

Grabadora de Distrito    III Kt Pt  Roy A.Mitchell,  PGIIP,  CHW

Tel:- 0034 6604493 69

Tabernáculo San Jaime nº 251

Se reúne en la Sociedad Compás, Calle Toledo 14, Ciudad Quesada, 03170 Rojales, Alicante.

Celebra asamblea el 1º sábado de Marzo (Instalación), Octubre y el 2º viernes de Mayo.

Secretario:-    111 Kt Pt Ian Crawford PGIP

Tel:-   966789558
