Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia


Marina Alta Nº144

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White River Nº153

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De Triangel Nº169

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Dovre Nº184

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PGM Attends White River No.153 Installation

The Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Michael Anthony Shilan attended the Installation Meeting of White River Lodge No.153 held at the Masonic Temple, Sedavi to personally greet the newly Installed Master, W.Bro. Frank H. Wallace.

The PGM was accompanied by the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Roy Alan Mitchell and a number of Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Lodge Officers.

W.Bro. Frank was also able to warmly welcome visiting Brethren from this Province and other Constitutions with a special warm welcome reserved for visitors from his native Scotland, two of whom had previously Installed W.Bro. Frank in his Scottish Lodge.  The picture above shows the Provincial Grand Master and Assistant Provincial Grand Master along with the Worshipful master and joined by the visiting Scottish Brethren, W.Bro Graham Webster of Lodge Grange No.1073, W.Bro. Ian Ferris, W.Bro. Jim Keir and W.Bro. William Workman.

The ceremony was conducted in a most excellent manner by the Brethren of the Lodge with W.Bro. Tony Windsor taking the role of Installing Master, ably supported by W.Bro. Keith Alcock and W.Bro. Ian Crawford as the Installing Wardens.

Following the fine delivery of the Extended Inner Workings the Brethren retired to enjoy a fine Festive Board at which the Provincial Grand Master congratulated the Lodge on the way they had conducted the ceremony and expressed the confidence he felt in seeing W.Bro. Frank Installed as Master.

During the course of the Festive Board W.Bro. Frank received several gifts from the visiting Brethren including a traditional Quaich cup which was charged with Whisky and passed from Brother to Brother in order to toast the health of the Master.

The Lodge also presented their Brother of the Year trophy to W.Bro. Adrian Brooks for the support he had given to the Lodge in assuming the role of Worshipful Master during the year.  The goblet was presented by the previous recipient, Bro. Richard Millo.

This rounded-off a difficult year for the Lodge which is looking forward to a very good year ahead under the Mastership of W.Bro. Frank.  The Brethren of the Province are encouraged to attend With River and visits can be arranged by contacting the Brother Secretary, W.Bro. Tony Rolfe at

Summons of the meeting
2017 November Summons


W.Bro. Rob Wood Raised to the Chair of King Solomon

Recently, Provincial Grand Steward, W.Bro. Rob Wood was raised into the Chair of King Solomon at his Mother Lodge, Papyrus, in Mark Masons Hall, London surrounded by many friends and supporters. This has been an incredible year for Rob! First he was appointed as acting WM at the Provincial LOI. Later, at the Provincial Assembly, he was named as Freemason of the Year, and now he has entered the Master’s Chair for real.

He was escorted by, among many others, the Assistant Grand Master of Spain, R.W.Bro. Barrie Roy Mansell, The Provincial Grand Master of Valencia, R.W.Bro. Michael Shilan, The deputy Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Rodney Bignell and the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Roy Mitchell. We all wish Rob the very best of luck on his Installation and offer him our best wishes for his future Masonic career.

W.Bro. David Bondy, Rob’s original Proposer into Freemasonry back in 1998 was present, they had not met in over 15 years.  Also present was W.Bro. Kenneth Howe, Past Assistant Provincial Grand Master of the Province of Durham, who was delighted to discover that our own Provincial Grand Master hails from the old county of Durham.  The Senior Visiting Officer from Metropolitan Grand Lodge who was present, W.Bro. Steve Bartrum shared that he had recently returned from a visit to Javea and that he was looking to purchase a home in Javea.  He was delighted to learn that Masonry was so active in this Region and he looks forward to joining us at a future meeting in the Province of Valencia.

Rob particularly wanted to thank all his friends and supporters and especially those who travelled to the UK to be with him on his big night. He said that this had been the most wonderful night of his life.

The photos show Brother Rob having been Installed into the Master’s Chair with all Brethren who attended as well as the Brethren from GLE.

Meeting Summons
Papyrus Lodge 2562 Summons Wed 1st November 2017 – Installation