Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia


Javea Nº40

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Santa Faz Nº48

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Santa Faz Lodge donates €4300 to Aspanion.

On Friday, November 3rd, the Worshipful Master, WBro Brian Duncan and his Lady, Beryl, visited Alicante University General Hospital to present a cheque for four thousand, three hundred euros to Aspanion, a Charity for Children with Cancer.  The cheque was presented on behalf of the Santa Faz Lodge No 48, and was received by Alejandro Garcia Gea, the Technical Director of Aspanion, who then gave them an insight into their work and a short tour of their facilities.
Aspanion aims to ensure the best quality of life for the children and adolescents with cancer and their families, from diagnosis onwards.  They achieve this by working in five key programmes providing psychological and financial support, recreational support, education and social integration, advocacy awareness and general information.
The Santa Faz Lodge No 48 raised this money from  a variety of fun activities and social events including a quiz, beach walk and BBQ, a Chinese meal, a Rastro, a Strawberry Fayre and a Valentines Day lunch.
The Worshipful Master would like to thank the many ex-pats for their very generous support and assistance with this year’s Charity.

Old Tower Nº49

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Euromason Nº55

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Genesis Nº61

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