Arenal Deportiva No 65
Arenal Deportiva No 65
Caledonia Lodge No 68
Las Salinas Lodge No 79
On Saturday, 30th July, local Freemason’s Lodge, Old Tower Lodge number 49, held a summer barbecue at Sociedad Compas, Quesada which was very well attended including the Provincial Grand Master of Valencia and more than eighty local Freemasons and their invited guests.
Two slide shows of previous events held by Old Tower Lodge were shown by our Charity Steward and entertainment was provided by Carla Stone.
This event, which was enjoyed by all, albeit the weather being a little on the warm side, was held to raise funds to support the Provincial Grand Master’s local food bank charities.
The raffle was extremely well supported and this event raised just over one thousand, one hundred euros for the food bank charities.
Leukopolis Lodge No 85
In these extremely difficult times, the Provincial Grand Master of Valencia, Right Worshipful Brother Rodney Charles Bignell, has urged his Freemasons’ Lodges to support food banks within the Province of Valencia as much as possible.
Following recent Masonic donations of firstly, two thousand euros to the San Gabriel in Alicante and secondly, seven hundred and fifty euros to Reach Out in Torrevieja, the Provincial Grand Master decided to assist another food bank operating in the City of Valencia, this time the Amigos de la Calle.
Brother Andres, the Charity Steward from White River Lodge 153, recently visited Amigos de la Calle following a donation of one thousand euros to assist them with purchasing food and clothing for their invaluable work in helping the homeless of the City.
Starting as a group of friends to feed 70 homeless people, Amigos de la Calle now operates with 7 teams of volunteers to feed 700 people every Sunday, gives boxes of food to 200 families with financial problems every 15 days, plus provides essential clothing.
De Triangel Lodge No 169
The annual trip to Lake Como through the Provincial Stewards lodge, run by the Provincial Grand Master and his Lady is a wonderful experience. While you are in this beautiful part of the world, you can enjoy some of the most spectacular scenery which surrounds the magnificent lake Como.
The trip is not all relaxation and enjoyment, as at the Gala Evening which is held in the hotel restaurant, the charitable side of masonry comes into effect. The generosity of the Brethren is always amazing to see, with this year proving no different, with 790€ being raised.
Also the Provincial Grand Master had great pleasure to announce that an amount of 5000€ from the Masonic Homes of Valencia, had also been donated to the the Provincial Grand Masters Charity.
The worthy Charity that is being supported by the Provincial Grand Master is to Help the Homeless and Hungry in the Province of Valencia, with the money that has been raised on this trip will help to assist so many people.
Dovre Lodge No 184