Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia


Arenal Deportiva Lodge No. 65 Celebrate the Year of the Rabbit

Arenal Deportiva Lodge No 65 Celebrate the Year of the Rabbit

Kung Hei Fat Choi! or Happy New Year in Cantonese.

A special New Year celebration party organised by the Worshipful Master of Arenal Deportiva Lodge No 65. W. Bro Peter Johnson, and his wife Florence Li Fung Ha attracted almost 80 brethren, partners and friends to celebrate the Chinese New Year, this year being the year of the Rabbit. The party was at Sabores II restaurant in Moraira and was held on the last day of the Chinese New Year festivities which is traditionally known as “everyone’s birthday”.

Florence had arranged a very special menu for the evening, and the restaurant was dressed beautifully with traditional Chinese decorations for the event.  A superb meal was enjoyed by the party-goers and with the Worshipful Master handing out Lei See packets containing chocolate coins a great time was had by all.

An excellent raffle draw raised over 500€ for Lodge funds some or all of which will be allocated to charity.

Old Tower Lodge No 49 Help Feed the Hungry and Homeless

The members of Old Tower Lodge No 49, The Worshipful Master, W. Bro. Terry Sharley, and The PGM, R.W. Bro. Rodney Bignell, were very pleased to be able to donate more than 600€ worth of food items to help the needy in the Province as part of the PGM’s initiative to “Feed the Hungry and the Homeless”, particularly at this time of cost of living crisis.  The items were donated by the brethren to “Reach Out”, a charity based in Torrevieja who distribute much needed foodstuffs and essentials to those in need. Food bank collection centres have been established in both the Quesada and Costa Nova Masonic centres and Brethren are encouraged to remember those in need when doing their weekly shop.



W. Bro. Terry Sharley, R.W. Bro. Rodney Bignell with Maria and Rachel, from Reach Out.

Provincial Golf Day

The Provincial Golf Day will be held on Thursday 15th of June 2023 at Bonalba Golf Course.

Members of White River Lodge No 153 Celebrate “Tres Reyes”

Members of White River Lodge No 153 attended the Tres Reyes at Per Els facility for the Disabled in Turis on the 6th January, this is the Charity that the Lodge has supported for many years. Every year the Lodge is pleased to supply 2 of the Kings and this year was no exception the Junior Warden, Francisco Fornes, and one of the Stewards, Bob Harris, fulfilling the task with great gusto handing out sweets and presents to the disabled much to their delight.

Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia presents €500 to the Saint Gabriel Food Bank in the city of Alicante

“Last december 26th, the Worshipful Master of the RL Hiram Abif Nº80, Jorge Prieto Cueto, accompanied by the Charity Steward and Senior Warden of the same Lodge, Sergio Pereira Behm, presented the contribution of €500 made by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia to the Saint Gabriel  Food Bank in the city of Alicante.
On the occasion, its head, Antonio Moya, thanked the generous contribution and the sincere concern of the RLS Hiram Abif and our Provincial Grand Lodge for the needs of this Foods Bank which in recent months has seen an increase in its activity, due to the growing number of people requesting help from this organisation as a result of the serious economic crisis affecting Spain”

“El pasado 26 de diciembre, el Venerable Maestro de la RL Hiram Abif Nº80, Jorge Prieto Cueto, acompañado por el Mayordomo de beneficencia y primer vigilante  de la misma Logia, Sergio Pereira Behm, hicieron entrega de la aportación de 500 euros realizada por la Gran Logia Provincial de Valencia  Banco de Alimentos San Gabriel de la ciudad de Alicante.
En la ocasión, su responsable, Antonio Moya, agradeció la generosa aportación y la sincera preocupación de la RLS Hiram Abif y de nuestra Gran Logia Provincial por las necesidades de este Banco de Alimentos, que en los últimos meses ha visto incrementada su actividad, debido al creciente número de personas que solicitan ayuda a esta organización como consecuencia de la grave crisis económica que afecta a España”

San Juan de España Lodge aid needy families in Alfaz del Pi

On Friday, 11th November, a local Freemason’s Lodge, San Juan de España No 28, made a donation of €1000 to the town hall in Alfaz del Pi so that they can distribute much needed food among the most vulnerable families in the municipality.
The Town Hall was approached and asked what would be the appropriate type of food to donate, and delivery was arranged through Sra. Isabel Such Mendoza, a representative of Mendoza supermarket, Alfaz del Pi.

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Old Tower Lodge reaches out to Reach Out

Old Tower Lodge 49 have been collecting and will continue to collect food donations at Sociedad Compas in Ciudad Quesada for the Reach Out charity and have been able to donate a substantial amount of food for this good cause in helping local families and the homeless.

On the 24th November our Worshipful Master, Terry Sharley, and our Charity Steward, Bernard Clifford, were able to donate five hundred euros from the Valencian Provincial Grand Master’s charity fund to Reach Out to support their cause over the Christmas period.

Old Tower Lodge 49 will continue to support this charity into the New Year.

The attached photo shows Old Tower Lodge 49 Worshipful Master and Charity Steward handing over the cheque for 500 euros.

Photo – L to R – Charity Steward Bernard Clifford; Reach Out Secretary Rachael; Reach Out Senior Manager Maria; Worshipful Master Terry Sharley

Freemasons Help Amigos de Calle

At the Installation Meeting of local Freemason’s Lodge, White River, It was brought to their attention that the Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Rodney Bignell, was going to donate five hundred euros, from the Provincial Charity Fund, to the Amigos de Calle, an organization in Valencia devoted to assisting those people that are homeless and those with no money.

The Brethren were asked to collect as much food as possible in canned or dried form, along with toiletries and hygiene products and bring it all to their November meeting. The response was overwhelming.

On Sunday 20th November the Worshipful Master of White River Lodge, W Bro Ian Skipper, along with Bro Bob Harris, went to present the food and an extra anonymous donation of two hundred euros and of course add it to the five hundred euros previously given by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia. The food, products and money were gratefully received and will be put to very good use. Many thanks to all those generous people involved.

New Worshipful Master barbecues for charity

Following his recent Installation as the Worshipful Master of Armonia de Ifach Lodge, number 46, W Bro Paul Nicholls and his wife Helen, held an informal lunch at their villa in Moraira on Saturday 29th October.
Around twenty members and guests attended and a great time was had by all. Paul had arisen very early to slowly BBQ the pork and prepare jugs of sangria, while Helen had made numerous delicious side dishes.

Paul was presented with a celebratory Masonically decorated cake to mark his installation.

A raffle was held in support of the Provincial Food Bank charities which raised one hundred and ninety euros.

Masonic Lodge gives donation to Cancer Care Jávea

Local Freemason’s Lodge, Puerto de Xàbia No. 58 had a very successful Ladies’ Night with almost ninety people attending, on the 23rd of September 2022, at Salones Carrasco in Jávea. The Lodge raised one thousand two hundred and thirty-six euros for charity, and, at the Worshipful Master’s request, WBro John Beavis (shown on the left), decided to donate that sum to Cancer Care Jávea.

At the Installation of the new Worshipful Master, a cheque was presented to the President and lead, nurse Jayne Nutall Blake, (shown in the middle) and their secretary, Jeanette Missons, (on the right)