Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia


Conclave Elected Members

The following members were elected as Gran Conclave members at the last Provincial Grand Assembly (in Rank order, not number of votes):

  • R.W. Bro. P.A. Gibson-Daw
  • W. Bro. F. Hogg Wallace
  • W. Bro Jorge Prieto Cueto
  • W. Bro. D. Beale
  • W. Bro. M. James


Grand Assembly March 2023

The Province of Valencia was well represented at the Grand Lodge Assembly in Barcelona on the 11th March 2023, with many Brethren making the effort to attend this prestigious event. The Assembly saw many dignitaries from the various Provinces in Spain, also with many Grand Lodge representatives from other Constitutions. The ceremony was conducted with all the pomp and pageantry you would expect from any Grand event of this kind, with the Deputy and Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies being from the Province of Valencia.

Leukopolis Lodge No 85 Donate to Charity

Leukopolis Lodge No 85 Donate to Charity

Following the Provincial Grand Master’s initiative to feed the homeless and the hungry, Leukopolis Lodge No 85 were very pleased to donate 300€ worth of foodstuffs to a local charity, Project4all.

Project4all has been inexistence for more than 2 years and relies solely on volunteers and donations. Currently they are supporting around 100 people in need.  They also have a recuperation house where 4 men are provided with shelter and a women’s refuge house which currently houses 3 women. The recuperation house serves as a stepping-stone to start a normal life again.  With these donations, the volunteers from Project4all are able to prepare, cook and distribute these supplies to those most in need.



Dovre Feast Day

St Johanneslogen Dovre (184) has on its Feast Day installed brother Arne Krogstad as its new Worshipful Master. He takes over from brother Tom Kristoffer Halvorsen who has faithfully performed his work for 6 years. The lodge is growing after some difficult years with Covid, and holds meetings in the lodge house in Quesada. The log meetings take place in Norwegian (Nordic) and welcome visitors from other Nordic countries (also)! Also present at the installation were representatives from the Lodge Provincial de Valencia with Provincial Grand Master R.W. Bro. Rodney Charles Bignell in the lead.

Provincial Grand Master R. W. Bro. Rodney Charles Bignell thanks outgoing Worshipful Master Tom Kristoffer Halvorsen for a job well done!


Outgoing Worshipful Master Tom Kristoffer Halvorsen and the new one, Arne Krogstad Provincial Grand Master R. W. Bro. Rodney Charles Bignell in the middle.



Lodge Dovre’s officials on the feast day lined up around the guests from the Grand Lodge Provincial de Valencia

Provincial Draw Results

1st Premio – 500 Euros – No 258 – David Johnson – Javea 40 Lodge.


2nd Premio – 250 Euros – No 969 – Arenal Deportiva Lodge.


3rd Premio – 100 Euros – No 581 – Old Tower Lodge.


4th Premio – 50 Euros – No 499 – Old Tower Lodge.

Arenal Deportiva Lodge Bring Back the Roaring 20’s

Arenal Deportiva Lodge bring Back the Roaring 20’s

Absolutely Fabulous!

Sums up the superb evening held by Arenal Deportiva lodge on Tuesday the 14th February. With the Gentlemen dressed in “Sharp Suits” and the Ladies gorgeously attired in ‘Flapper” dresses, Brother Satari’s restaurant in Moraira was transported back to the Roaring 20’s in fine style.  The food, drinks and entertainment were all outstanding, and with the restaurant decorated beautifully, a wonderful party atmosphere ensured everyone had a marvellous evening and danced the night away.  An excellent prize draw produced a profit of over 600€, and the overall profit for a local Autistic Children’s society, which had been nominated by R.W. Bro Michael Shilan and his wife Muriel, exceeded 720€.

A huge thank you must go to all involved in organizing the event, but in particular W. Bro Ray Guise – Smith and his wife Coral and son Oliver, W. Bro Malcolm March and Margaret and the Officers of Arenal Deportiva Lodge No65.


Dennis Squirrel

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