On Sunday 22nd October 2023 Elche Children's Home held an open day. Among those attending were members of the Santa Faz Lodge including Worshipful Master Nick Carter and his wife Paula. Treasurer Bryan Green and his wife Jean and Charity Steward Barry Hovell and his wife Gill, as this was the chosen charity of the Lodge. The lodge was pleased to present a cheque for 4,000€ which had been raised by charitable events through out the year. The lodge members were joined on stage by Pat Davidson, treasurer, Michelle Diggle, Secretary,committee members Bobbie Drever, Jennifer Walsh and ECCH volunteers. The lodge was thanked for its very kind donation. At the next lodge meeting the Worshipful Master thanked the Brethren and their ladies for all their efforts and support throughout the year.
We celebrated a Initiation ceremony and two additions to the second affiliation.
Celebramos una ceremonia de iniciación y dos incorporaciones en segunda afiliación.
On Saturday the 21st October, W.Bro Peter Johnson held a fabulous Beatles tribute show featuring the ¨Liverpool Band¨ in Beniarbeig, near Ondara, at which the audience, many of whom were Masons with their friends and partners, were treated to one of the best renditions of the Fab Four´s back catalogue to be seen here in Spain. The show was enthusiastically received to great acclaim and all profits will be divided proportionally between local charities and the Provincial Festival 2026 funds. Look out for details of the next concert which is a New Year concert featuring the full Marina Alta Orchestra on the 30th December with compositions by Johann and Joseph Strauss.
(pictured: the Liverpool Band in action, and Peter with ¨Florrie¨who opened the show)
Arenal Deportiva Freemasons No 65 Enjoy a Late Summer Party
Arenal Deportiva Freemasons Lodge No 65 Support Local Special Needs School
The Worshipful Master and Brethren from Arenal Deportiva lodge were once again very pleased to visit the Raquel Paya special needs school in Denia, which cares for, and assists 75 local children with special needs.
The school Principal, Miguel Ivars, welcomed the Lodge members and escorted them on a short tour of the school which included the special sensory room to which the Lodge has previously donated equipment. The members were then treated to delicious coffee and cakes, served by pupils of the school catering class which was fun and most enjoyable.
Miguel and Carla Mari, the Head Teacher, then escorted the party to view the recently installed wheelchair swing which the Freemasons had helped purchase and install by a donation of €1000. The Worshipful Master, W. Bro Peter Johnson, explained that the Raquel Paya School is very close to his heart and is his chosen charity during his Mastership, and as such, is very proud that his Lodge can continue supporting such a worthy cause.
This morning the Senior Warden, Brother Bob Harris, of White River Lodge No 153 made a presentation to The Amigos de Calles in Valencia, which is one of the five charities chosen by the Provincial Grand Master, of food stuffs and toiletries along with an anonymous donation of 200€. This was very gratefully received as they help around 150 families in the area.
It is the wish of the members of the Lodge that we continue to support this worthy cause. This gift today will be followed by another donation of €1500 made on behalf of The Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia.
On Friday the 1st of September, Javea Lodge No 40 held its annual Race Night and Ascot Evening at the Costa Nova Centre, Casa de la Pizza.
An excellent evening was enjoyed by more than 50 members, their wives and guests.
The Ladies prize for the best outfit and dress was won by the elegant Coral Guise-Smith, but it was a close contest with many of the other Ladies.
From sponsorship, 2 euro bets, and a race auction by W.Bro. Ray Guise-Smith, the Lodge raised 750 euros. This is being donated to the local Raquel Paya school for children with special educational needs, and the local charity Project4All which is one of the Provincial Grand Master’s charities supporting the hungry and homeless in this area.
Many thanks to Bro. Robin Tillbrook and all his charity team for an excellent evening.
Reach Out Extienda La Mano recently celebrated 11 years in Torrevieja.
From their centre, in addition to providing food to people in crisis, they provide packed lunches for homeless people, shower facilities, washing machines, and donated clothing to help the homeless maintain some degree of dignity and hygiene. The Families’ Food Bank helps to lift families out of crisis, and help everyone to move forward. Their Torrevieja centre comprises of offices, a canteen, a food bank, second hand shop, as well as a storage and a workshop area where electrical devices are pat-tested before being offered for sale.
Old Tower Lodge No. 49 has been supporting ‘Reach Out’ for a number of years, relying on the generosity of Brethren and their families to donate food, clothing, and other items, in addition to Lodge Charity Funds.
During a recent monthly meeting with the Lodge Charity Steward, W. Bro. Alan Clarke, the Charity President Alexandru Petricean, stated that there was an urgent need for hygiene products especially soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, toiletries, nappies, and bleach, as well as baby food products.
Following a significant grant of 1,000€ from our Provincial Grand Master, Old Tower Lodge was able to supplement its own work with an immediate donation of hygiene products, much needed and in severe short supply. Alex and his staff were most grateful for the donations received by the Freemasons of Valencia, and will highlight our involvement with the Charity with photos and a report on their own website.
The Old Tower Lodge strategy to support this charity includes a new motto – ‘Reach Out – I’ll Be There’ which is hoped will encourage Brethren to give an amount they feel comfortable with monthly via direct debit, this when added to the generous Provincial grant will allow Old Tower Lodge to significantly enhance the support they are able to provide.
This is another great example of Masonic Charity in Action, and underpins our commitment to help make a difference in the local communities where we live.
Photos show Alex Petricean (centre) Charity President, and W. Bro Alan Clarke (right) Lodge Charity Steward, accompanied by W. Bro Chris Ward from Old Tower Lodge.