Recently, the Master of Caledonia Lodge, W.Bro Sid Formby and his wife Bernice welcomed eighty-nine Brethren and guests to their Ladies’ Night at the restaurant, Casa Antonio, Formentera. This event is mainly to thank the wives and partners of the Masons for all their help and support throughout the year. Among the very special guests this year were the Assistant Grand Master of Spain, R.W.Bro Barrie Mansell and his wife Julie and the Provincial Grand Master of Valencia, R.W.Bro Michael Shilan and his wife Muriel.
Following a very pleasant reception in the beautiful gardens of the restaurant, guests enjoyed a delicious meal accompanied by singing from “It Takes Two”. The loyal toast was given by WBro Formby, the toast to the ladies by Bro Ian Bullock and the Ladies song was sung by W.Bro David Turner, ably assisted by the Lodge Wardens. Mrs Bernice Formby responded to the toast and also made presentations to the Ladies who had assisted with organising the event.
During the evening raffle tickets were sold and raised an amazing seven hundred and twenty euros for the Master’s charity, which for this year, is the Butterfly Children. This will be presented at a later date. The evening concluded with dancing to It Takes Two and all agreed that it had been a very successful event.
Photo shows WBro Sid Formby & his wife Bernice.
Brethren of local Lodge, Oliva La Safor along with their wives recently visited the Franciscan Men’s Refuge in Gandia to see for themselves how the refuge is run and how the money and gifts raised by the Lodge are being spent and distributed. The Masons did not arrive empty handed! Each brought at least one, and in some cases several, bags of food, clothing and shoes all of which are sorely needed by the refuge. The visit was arranged by the Charity Steward of the Lodge, WBro Jim Jordan and Mr Stephen Carden, a local representative of the Church of England, who regularly visits the refuge and helps out, along with his wife, Linda, in numerous ways. During this visit he acted as both guide and translator and made an excellent job of explaining how the place is run and what magnificent services they provide.
The Franciscan Hospice at Palma de Gandia provides a home and nursing care for around fifty-five homeless men, many of whom suffer from mental or physical illness. Some are terminally ill. These men would otherwise be on the streets and unlikely to survive without this special care. Admission is solely on the basis of need. All nationalities and all religions (or none) are accepted. The hospice is funded entirely by charitable donations, not a cent is received in state aid. Three Franciscan Brothers, (Hermano Guillermo, Hermano Pepe and Hermano Martin) assisted by local volunteers, care for the residents around the clock, every day of the year.
Stephen and Linda Carden coordinate the efforts of all English speaking supporters and were most helpful in providing much of the information written here.
This wonderful place is a refuge of love and charity. When there is so much bad news in the world, a visit here restores your faith in human nature. It is hard to explain to people who are familiar with the UK system of social security what the Hospice actually does. Traditionally in Spain, disadvantaged people have been cared for within their family. The state provision is limited to people who have worked and paid their social security contributions. The Hospice cares for men who, through no fault of their own, have fallen out of the system. Many were abandoned by their families and have never worked, others suffer from severe mental health problems.
Although it’s called a Hospice, it’s a hospice in the Mediterranean sense. Not all the residents are terminally ill, although some are. It’s a cross between a UK hospice, a nursing home and a refuge for the homeless. Some of the residents are long term, others come and go. Not all vagrants want to stay. Some come for a shower, a change of clothes, a square meal and a bed for the night, then move on.
The Brothers are chronically short of funds to keep the doors open. They need around five thousand euros a month just for their regular bills; but they are always cheerful and resilient. Unpaid bills are put under the statue of St Francis, in the hope of divine assistance!
Amazingly, the Brothers have raised sufficient money over the last fifteen years to build a modern infirmary extension. They still need funds to fully use the new facilities, but their commitment to their vows and their Christian faith keeps them going.
Fantastic regular support over many years has been received from local Masonic Lodges, including Oliva La Safor and others along with other charitable organisations.
At the moment, the men need shoes and trainers (particularly those without laces) socks, underwear (new and NOT white please) and baggy track suit bottoms to fit over adult nappies. They always need long life foods and ‘consumables’ such as soap, shampoo/shower gel, shaving foam, and disposable razors.
At the end of the visit WBro Jim Jordan commented on the beautiful setting of the refuge, the cleanliness and order and the peaceful and tranquil atmosphere. All of the Masons and wives were impressed by how well the refuge was run, particularly as everything is run entirely on charitable donations and volunteer workers. It is a great example of how love, caring and generosity can truly overcome many of the problems encountered by the residents and visitors of this wonderful refuge. It is a great pity that there is ever a need for such a place but without it every resident we met would be living on the streets, hungry, uncared for, homeless and friendless. Everyone we encountered seemed happy and content and I suspect each knew what an enormous amount of gratitude they owed to the three hard working Brothers and all the many wonderful volunteers who give up their time and efforts to help.
If you would like further information about the work of the Franciscan Hospice please contact Stephen or Linda Carden by e-mail on
On Friday, 30th March, local Freemasons of Caledonia Lodge held a very successful Easter Bonnet competition.This was held at the La Cosheca restaurant in Benijofar and was very well attended by both Masons and guests. As well as a delicious dinner the guests were royally entertained by cabaret act Marie O’Hara who, by general consent, was excellent.
As well as the Easter Bonnet parade, where many of the Ladies (and indeed a few of the gentlemen!) tried on and paraded in, their Easter bonnets, there was also a grand raffle in aid of local charities which raised three hundred euros. This will be added to other money raised over the year and donated to a charity of the Masters choice.
This was a well organised and well attended meeting which was enjoyed by all and which raised a substantial amount of money for the less fortunate among us. All in all a great evening and our thanks must go to the Master of the Lodge and all involved in organising this event.
Saturday,24th March, saw the gathering at the Hotel Masa Torrevieja, of the Worshipful Master, Worshipful Brother Norman Barrall, his Wardens and Brethren of Logia de las Salinas with their Ladies, Guests and members of Other Lodges to celebrate their ‘Ladies Gala Dinner Night’.
A cava and canapé reception was held prior to the assembled guests being called to dinner promptly at seven thirty The President for the evening, Worshipful Brother Norman Barrall and His Lady, Carol, were introduced by Worshipful Brother Clifford Gingell Director of Ceremonies of the Lodge, who (by special request) as a ‘Professional Toast Master and Master of Ceremonies’ came out of retirement and donned his red Toast Master rig for one evening only.
The one hundred and five guests were wined and dined with excellent meals, with choices of Asparagus soup, Seafood Cocktail, Sole fillets with Menuiére sauce, Loin of pork with Pepper sauce, Banana cheese cake with Berries and Custard or Strawberry Cake, accompanied with copious amounts of wine.
The Toast to the King was made by the President ,Worshipful Brother Norman Barrall, followed by the toast to the Ladies proposed by Worshipful Brother Keith Hutchinson, The Ladies song was sung by Worshipful Brother Colin Harlow, who was accompanied by the Brethren of the Lodge who formed a choir to sing the Corus.
The Presidents Lady, Carol, responded to the Toast and the Ladies Song extending thanks to all those who had assisted in putting the evening together and thanked all of the guests for supporting the evening. Norman and Carol then made a number of presentations, including a bouquet of flowers to Mrs Joan Waddington who’s Birthday fell the next day, the assembled guests all stood and sang happy birthday and raised their glasses to Joan. Carol concluded the presentation by presenting Norman a ‘Half Hunter’ Masonic pocket watch.
The Master of Ceremonies introduced Mrs Mary Chambers co-ordinator of ‘Debra’ who gave a short but moving talk on the Masters chosen charity for the year. The charity ‘Debra’ supports ‘Butterfly Children’. The Butterfly Children suffer from extreme fragility of the skin, and need lifelong support. The proceeds of the evenings raffle which raised seven hundred and seventy-five Euros will be donated to the charity. More information on the Charity can be found at
The formalities concluded, the President and his lady, Norman and Carol led the dancing, with the first waltz of the evening; they were joined in quick succession by all of the guests, Music for the evening was provided by Karen Noble a female vocalist who sang a wide range of songs from the fifties through to the present day including a selection from the operas and musicals, during the interval the guests were entertained by Brother James Bowyer whilst conducting the raffle, The evening continued with more dancing and a thoroughly enjoyable evening was had by all until the time for carriages came all to soon; guests departing to fond farewells, some gliding to waiting cars whilst other stumbled upstairs to bed. Many thanks again to all concerned for a wonderful and memorable evening.
On Saturday, March 10th, Freemasons of local Lodge, Santa Faz, held their annual beach walk, organized by WM Mick Rayner and his lovely Lady, Maureen, to raise much needed funds for the Children’s Home at Rellue. This is the chosen charity, for this year, by the Master of the Lodge.
More than seventy Freemasons and guests took part, and were very lucky in that the weather stayed fine for them. The walk was followed by an excellent barbecue and the extremely good entertainment was provided by our very own WM Mick Rayner.As well as providing an extremely pleasant day for the Freemasons and their guests an extremely useful sum totalling one thousand euros was raised for the Children’s Home.
This will be presented at a later date. Well done to all of those who helped to organise this very successful day and especially to all those who turned up and walked for charity.
Freemasons support local charities.
On Saturday, 17th March, local Freemasons Lodge, Dama de Elche held their annual Ladies Night. This took place at Salones Brindis, Catral and was very well attended with over one hundred Masons, wives and guests putting in an appearance. This turned out to be a fantastic night with great food, great company, great music and much dancing to the sound of ” It Takes Two “, a fabulous duo consisting of Paul & Linda Randall who entertained the assembled guests and were very much enjoyed by all.
The Master of the Lodge, WBro Nigel Sanders, much assisted by his lovely Lady, Lynne and the rest of the Brethren of the Lodge are, this year, supporting two local charities, the first being the Elche Children’s Home and the other, is the Paul Cunningham Nurses for Cancer. Two very important charities and both well deserving of our support.
Over five hundred euros was raised for the two Charities – a fantastic amount. Many thanks for the very strong support to everyone who attended.
Local Freemason’s from Caledonia Lodge donate food.
In this week of love the Brethren of Caledonia Lodge No 68 (Worshipful Master Sid Formby) made a donation of five hundred euros worth of food to the Alimentos Solidarios of Torrevieja. This money was raised from various social functions held throughout the year.
WBro Freddie Samrai, and his wife Carol, together with friends from Alimentos Solidarios went to the Dialsur Cash and Carry to buy the much needed food. Dialsur were very helpful, giving a good discount on the purchase and also organising a free delivery to the centre.
Alimentos Solidarios provide a hot meal on a daily basis to the families in need in Torrevieja and also supply food parcels. The centre is staffed entirely by volunteers who work in the hot kitchen preparing the meals all year round, come rain or shine.
On Saturday, 10 February, local Freemasons Lodge Javea 40 held a successful and very enjoyable Valentines celebration to honour their Ladies.
Fifty-one Masons and guests attended the celebratory Valentines meal at the Attico restaurant in Javea Port where, the Worshipful Master, WBro Matthew James, presented each lady with a personal gift from himself, suitable for the evening – a floral arrangement containing two red roses.
Everyone agreed that the food was really excellent and it was enjoyed by all.
Continuing the Valentines theme, the star raffle prize was an amazing flower arrangement, which was won by Mrs Diane Jackson, wife of WBro Neville Jackson.
The WM also presented a surprise bouquet to his beloved lady, Beatriz.
WM Matthew James then thanked Bro.Malcolm March for organising the evening at short notice and presented a lovely bouquet to Malcolm’s wife, Margaret, for all the work she had undertaken during his year in office, and supporting Javea 40’s social events with advertising and IT help.
The evening’s raffle raised an additional three hundred and sixty-five euros for the WM’s chosen charity, the La Fe Children’s Oncology Research Department and Oncology Ward.
On Thursday, 25th January, the Provincial Grand Treasurer of the Grand Lodge of Valencia, WBro Fred Miller, visited El Preventorio children’s home in Gandia to present another cheque for two thousand Euros. Having now supported the home for several years this was the latest in a long line of cheques and gifts for the children in an attempt to make their lives just a little better.
The money was largely raised by a grand charity raffle held late last year at the Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia’s Ladies Night where over two hundred Masons, and their wives, made every effort to raise the magnificent sum of one thousand, six hundred euros. When local Masons of Oliva La Safor Lodge heard of this, they were moved to add another four hundred euros to round the total up to a very respectable two thousand euros.
The cheque was presented by Fred to Sra Maria José Castelló Morant, the Director of the home, who was immensely grateful for the donation. She said that this cash would be added to other monies raised to support a paid, part time worker to help clean, wash and dry bedding etc which was a constant chore for the volunteers and becoming almost impossible to sustain. As most of you will know, looking after the hygiene requirements of two or three children is difficult, with upwards of fifty it becomes a major chore. If sufficient money can be raised it is hoped that this post could become a permanent one in the future.
The first photo shows WBro Fred presenting the cheque to Sra Castelló and the second a group shot of Fred with some of the workers and volunteers.
The home is always in need of children’s (and young teenagers) clothes, shoes, bedding, toiletries and hygiene items. If you have anything to spare, no matter how small, please contact El Preventorio as they can always use items you no longer need.
In early January, most Spanish children look forward to the arrival of the Three Kings (or Tres Reyes) who are far more important than Father Christmas, as these are the gift bringers that the children most want to see. None look forward more eagerly than the children of the Per Ells day care centre in Turis.
Fortunately for them, this event has been sponsored by the local Freemason’s White River Lodge for the past eight years. Each year three Masons dress up as Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar and make the journey to the day care centre to give the children a treat.
The centre currently caters for around twenty severely disabled children who are able to attend, usually on a daily basis, this allows them to meet with other children and also gives their parents a short respite from their constant care needs.
As is often the case, the centre receives almost no money from the local authorities and relies heavily on volunteers and charitable donations. Over the past eight years the Freemasons have done a great deal to make their lives a little easier both by donations and giving up their time to help whenever possible. The centre also has a nearby garden centre which has been adapted so that up to ten children can visit and stay overnight or even, in some cases, for a weekend which gives them a much needed break from their daily routine. Originally this building was unable to be used as there was no electricity to provide power, light and heating. However, a generator was sourced and the local Masons supplied, and had installed, all of the electrical cabling necessary to turn this previously unused building into a useful extra facility.
On Saturday, 6th January, over fifty parents and guests arrived to join in the fun and the children were very excited. They became even more excited as the Three Kings arrived and filed into the assembly hall ready to greet them. The three Kings took their places at the front and one by one the children came up to meet them to be given a gift, some sweets and often a big hug as well. It was both humbling and motivating to see how these children reacted and it is obvious that they are very well looked after and loved by the carers at the centre, many of whom are the parents of the disabled children.
The centre was originally built and donated by a former owner of the Valencian Football Club and is now a much used feature in the town of Turis. The Masons of the White River Lodge have done a fantastic job in continuing that tradition and the children’s lives are a little better for it. We were joined on our visit by Ms Jackie Moore who kindly acted as both liaison and translator and we are very grateful to her for giving up her time to help us.
If you wish to help Per Ells they are always grateful for any donation and you may feel free to approach them directly.