


On Tuesday 11 June the Las Salinas Lodge No. 79, with the monthly luncheon club, The Saltpot, held a Mini Golf competition at Lomosca Playa Flamenca. 41 members and friends attended and raised two hundred and eighty euros towards this year’s Master of the Lodge W. Bro Eric Radding’s charities AECC and Elche Children’s Home.
The winner of the ladies trophy was Pauline Hutchinson, the men’s trophy was W. Bro Keith Hutchinson and wooden spoon went to Christine Sayce.

After the golf everyone then went to Rocky’s Arena Restaurant and attended a buffet lunch as well as a well-deserved drink followed by a raffle.

Thanks go to W.Bro Keith Carter and Mrs Joan Waddington for organising a very enjoyable day.

Javea 40 hold Tex – Mex evening

On Saturday 8th June, the Javea 40 Freemasons Lodge held its Tex-Max summer party at the Inn on the Green in Javea.  Following their dinner of nachos, chilli and fajitas, members of the Lodge and their guests danced to the music of Ian Henry.  Many of those attending entered into the spirit of the evening by dressing for the occasion, be it cowboy or Mexican peasant.

The prize for the best dressed person was awarded by Javea 40’s Worshipful Master, Nigel Parker, to Right Worshipful Brother, Michael Shilan.
A total of € 610was raised during the evening for local charity Todos Juntos Javea, This charity provides help to parents and children in Javea who are in need because their circumstances have changed.

Tom Stevenson, representing Todos Juntos Javea, thanked the organisers and everyone present for raising the profile of the charity and for the money they donated.”

You are never too old!

Recently a very unusual thing happened at local Freemason’s Lodge Arenal Deportiva.  A new Master was Installed.  This happens in every Lodge once a year so nothing unusual about that you may think but, in this case, the new Master, R.W. Bro Dennis Coburn, is ninety-three years old.  This will make him almost certainly the oldest ‘new’ Master in Spain and quite possibly in the world.  Bro Dennis has been a very distinguished Mason for almost fifty years both originally in the United Kingdom and for the last twenty or so years here in Spain.  He has achieved a great deal and has been honoured with very senior rank in both countries.  He has also written and presented many interesting and educational lectures for the more junior Masons, which are widely looked forward to and enjoyed.  He has now donated all of those lectures to the newly formed Masonic library in the Costa Nova Masonic centre.

However, even Dennis himself was a little surprised by being elected Master for what is now the fourth time.  Usually each Lodge elects its own Master for one year, (occasionally for two); Dennis’s name was put forward, he was formally proposed and seconded and, after what proved to be a unanimous ballot, he was elected as Worshipful Master for Arenal Deportiva for the upcoming year.  There was also a very interesting twist to the Installation, as the meeting was honoured by a visit from the Provincial Grand Master of Valencia, R.W. Bro Michael Anthony Shilan. The twist being that Bro Dennis took part in the Initiation of Bro Shilan into Masonry some twenty years ago. It was a very emotional moment for both as the former ’pupil’ attended the Installation of his former ‘teacher’. Dennis acquitted himself incredibly well during the ceremony and afterwards stated that he was extremely honoured, though a little surprised, to be entering the Masters chair at this point in his Masonic career. After the meeting at the formal dinner Dennis made a very interesting speech, thanking his Lodge Officers for their hard work during the ceremony and also for their trust and confidence in having elected him.



Las Salinas ‘Salt Pot’ Luncheon Donate €2,000

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]At the recent Saltpot Luncheon, of local Lodge Las Salinas No.79 based in Ciudad Quesada, Worshipful Master Norman Barrall and wife Carol presented the Director of DEBRA with a cheque for two thousand euros, which enabled the charity to buy two, much needed, computers.
The Director of DEBRA, Sra. Evanina Makow, expressed her deep gratitude for the award explaining how the computers would facilitate their activities considerably.

DEBRA is an organisation devoted to providing support for families with children suffering from a rare and complex skin disease called Epidermolysis Bullosa, they are often called butterfly children because of the delicacy with which they must be cared for. They have a team consisting of a psychologist, four specialist nurses, and three social workers who travel, when needed, to anywhere in Spain to provide support and training to the family and hospital staff.

If you would like to help the charity they would be very grateful for any donation you might care to give, and this would help them to continue their excellent work.

If you would like to attend one of the regular Salt Pot luncheons which are open to non-Masons and their friends and family than contact the Secretary of the Lodge at sec79@glpvalencia.com and you will be made most welcome and make many new friends in a warm and informal setting.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Santa Faz ‘Master at Home’ garden party for charity.

Recently a summer Garden Party was organised by the Worshipful Master of the Santa Faz Lodge, W Bro Bryan Green and his wife Jean, in aid of the Nazaret Orphanage in Alicante, which provides education and training for poor and underprivileged children. The party was supported by almost 50 people who enjoyed a convivial afternoon in the sunshine.

A splendid and varied buffet was provided by the Masons and their wives. During the course of the afternoon there was also a grand charity raffle followed by a very popular petanque competition. The party atmosphere was supplemented by music and dancing. The event raised three hundred and eighty euros for the Master’s charity which will be donated later in the year.


Arenal Deportiva Ladies Night.

Arenal Deportiva Lodge no 65 held its 2019 Ladies Festival recently at SALT restaurant on the seafront at Javea, overlooking the lovely Arenal bay.
The Festival was hosted by the evening’s President, W. Bro. Ian Brown and his wife Mrs Eileen Brown. This was the culmination of Ian’s two years as Worshipful Master of the Arenal Deportiva Lodge.

Despite atrocious weather in the hour or two before the evening commenced, all of the expected seventy-five Masons and their guests arrived punctually for the cava reception, followed by an excellent meal, ad then dancing to the singing and music of Matt Mason.

In an evening dedicated to celebrating the ongoing support provided to the members of Arenal Deportiva Lodge by their wives and partners, W. Bro. Philip Bowick delivered a memorable speech summarising the many qualities of our Ladies, followed by proposing the Toast to the Ladies. In an assured and confident manner Mrs Eileen Brown thanked everyone for attending and for their support to Ian and herself over two very busy years.

A raffle was held and W. Bro. Ian Brown announced that all excess money raised during the evening will be donated to the El Preventorio school in Gandia





Santa Faz Charity Beach Walk

On Saturday the 16th March 2019, a throng of intrepid walkers braved the warm spring sunshine and set off from the International Club in El Campello, for their annual sponsored beach walk.

This annual walk is organised by Santa Faz Lodge No.48 and raises funds for the Master’s Charities.  This year, the main beneficiary will be the Nazaret Orphanage in Alicante which also provides education and training for poor and underprivileged children.  The walk, along Muchavista beach, with mandatory refreshment stop, is usually completed in about two hours.                

After the walk, a much appreciated Barbecue  was enjoyed by over 60 people who then relaxed to the singing of  Tony Francis.

All in all, a very enjoyable afternoon which raised over €1,400 much needed funds for the Master’s charity coffers.

If you would like to learn more please contact the Lodge Secretary at sec48@glpvalencia.com




Valencia Provincial Assembly 2019

On Saturday the 23rd of February the Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Michael Anthony Shilan welcomed some 200 Masonic Brethren to the 2019 Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia Assembly held in Benidorm, Spain.

The Provincial Grand Master warmly welcomed representatives from the Grand Lodge of Spain as well as dignitaries and distinguished Brethren from other Masonic Provinces.  All Lodges of the Province were in attendance.

The representatives of the Grand Lodge of Spain were led by none other than the Grand Master of Spain, M.W.Bro. Óscar de Alfonso Ortega and the Assistant Grand Master of Spain, R.W.Bro. Barrie Roy Mansell, both of whom are Past Provincial Grand Masters of this Province.

A solemn remembrance was held for those Brethren (members) that have passed away during the past year, and whose loved ones we still remain in contact with and care for.

The Provincial Grand Secretary, W.Bro. David Watts and the Provincial Treasurer, W.Bro. Fred Miller both presented their reports.  And, in full transparency, all financial reports were made available for members to review.  In addition the Provincial Grand Treasurer presented the statement of accounts for the preceding year and the budget for the coming year.  These were also provided to all members.

The Auditors both rose to confirm that the accounts had been thoroughly audited and were found to be in excellent order.  The assembled Brethren voted unanimously to accept both the accounts and the budget.

There were many highlights but one notable one was the Appointment, Obligation and Investiture of a new Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Terence Porter who was paraded before the assembled Brethren and Invested by the Provincial Grand Master.


There is a full report available to our members by logging into the Members Area, where they will find all reports, financial accounts and many photographs from the event.

Should you be viewing this article and would like to join us at next years event then please contact the Provincial Grand Secretary via the contact_us link.

Burns Supper

On Friday the 18th of January the Brethren of Logia de Las Salinas No.79 hosted their Burns Supper at JR’S Country Club in Ciuadad Quesada

The guest were all invited to join in the spirit of the evening by wearing something tartan and after gathering for a welcome drink in the bar they were called to supper promptly at seven-fifteen by the Master of Ceremonies and piped to table by the Piper in splendid highland dress. The Selkirk Grace was offered by W.Bro. Norman Barrall, after which the guest settled down to large bowl of hot soup.

The Haggis was traditionally piped-in  and dutifully addressed by W.Bro. Clifford Gingell.

After a most excellent supper the toast to the Immortal Memory was given by W.Bro. Bill McLauchlin. The Toast to the Lassies was given by W.Bro. Clifford Gingell and a reply on behalf of all the ladies was given by Mrs. Pam Mclauchlin, to the delight of all.

Following Supper, all enjoyed an evening of dancing provided by the disco of Bro. Colin Pearce.

The Bill o’ Fare
Cock-a-leekie-Soup or Leek and Potato Soup

 Haggis with Neeps and Tatties (with a Dram o’ Whisky)

Steak Pie and Mashed Potatoe, Garden Peas and Carrots

Sherry Trifle or Ice Cream


Three Kings Celebration at Per Ells

In early January, most Spanish children look forward to the arrival of the Three Kings (or Tres Reyes) who are far more important than Father Christmas, as these are the gift bringers that the children most want to see. None look forward more eagerly than the children of the Per Ells day care centre in Turis.

Fortunately for them, this event has been sponsored by the local Freemason’s White River Lodge for the past nine years. Each year two or three Masons dress up as Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar and make the journey to the day care centre to give the children a treat.
The centre currently caters for around twenty severely disabled children who are able to attend, usually on a daily basis, this allows them to meet with other children and also gives their parents a short respite from their children’s constant care needs.

As is often the case, the centre receives almost no money from the local authorities and relies heavily on volunteers and charitable donations. Over the past nine years the Freemasons have done a great deal to make their lives a little easier both by donations and giving up their time to help whenever possible. The centre also has a nearby garden centre which has been adapted so that up to ten children can visit and stay overnight or even, in some cases, for a weekend which gives them a much needed break from their daily routine. Originally this building was unable to be used as there was no electricity to provide power, light and heating. However, a generator was sourced and the local Masons supplied, and had installed, all of the electrical cabling necessary to turn this previously unused building into a useful extra facility.

On Sunday, 6th January, over fifty parents and guests arrived to join in the fun and the children were very excited. They became even more excited as the Three Kings arrived and filed into the assembly hall ready to greet them. The three Kings took their places at the front and one by one the children came up to meet them to be given a small gift, some sweets and often a big hug as well. It was both humbling and motivating to see how these children reacted and it is obvious that they are very well looked after and loved by the carers at the centre, many of whom are the parents of the disabled children.

The centre was originally built and donated by a former owner of the Valencian Football Club and is now a much used feature in the town of Turis. The Masons of the White River Lodge have done a fantastic job in continuing that tradition and the children’s lives are a little better for it. We were joined on our visit by Ms Jackie Moore who kindly acted as both liaison and translator and we are very grateful to her for giving up her time to help us.

If you wish to help Per Ells they are always grateful for any donation and you may feel free to approach them directly.

WBro William Turney Communications Officer
Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia