Lodge of Sorrows

Jacob Seur

Jacob (Jaap) passed to the Grand Lodge above on the 4th of December 2018

Jacob Seur, Born 11 July 1931 in Rotterdam .

His father was a police officer and his mother took care of the family, two girls and two boys.  Jaap completed his study as accountant and in 1954 decides to join his fiancé in Australia.  This relation was not meant to be.  1959 Jaap met Rietje his lifelong love.

In Australia, Jaap worked for Mobil oil as a purchasing manager of everything that had to do with oil, from barrel to tap and everything in between, privately Jaap owned a landscape gardening company .

Mobil planned to appoint Jaap at Papua new Guinea  however Jaap possessed a Dutch passport and the Dutch were not welcome there in those days.  In 1970 Mobil assigned him to the Netherlands where Jaap lived and worked until 1995 then in 1996 they moved to Spain.  They build a house in Javea and joined the Dutch and golf club.  In the recent years they lived in Benidorm, Ciudad Patricia.

Jaap became a mason in Australia and reminisced  over the strong bonds between brethren.  Jaap was a man of great integrity, he loved to bring his family together but also connecting us, he was proud and modest to be a mason.

My acquaintance with Jaap  started in the lodge.

Jaap was the first male brother with whom I went arm in arm Wednesday evening and as we entered the steps of the lodge.  The fun was that we both could laugh, with my broken knees and Jaap’s straining of the years, and so we went to the lodges for a few years with great pleasure.

Jaap, it was a honour to have known you and I can confidently promise you however divided the brother sometimes are at the end we all go East and who knows, maybe we meet again.  Goodbye.


Translation of the eulogy as  presented by Bro. Willem van der Linde.

Derek Guyett

Sadly, the 11th of November 2018 marked the passing of W.Bro. Derek Guyett to the Grand Lodge above.

Derek and myself were very close pals for some 30yrs. At the time of our first meeting in June 1988, Derek was still working and he and his lady Marie, used to visit Javea for 2 or 3 weeks in the spring and autumn.

After I was Initiated into Javea 40 in March 1991, he asked many questions about Freemasonry, to which my stock answer was “I can’t tell you that”. However, when Logia Deportiva was consecrated in October 1994, they decided that, as most of the local Lodges held their annual Ladies Festival in the autumn between September and November, they would hold theirs in May.  This coincided with Derek and Marie’s regular visits to Javea and I invited them to their first Ladies Night, which they thoroughly enjoyed, and that became an annual event every May, until Derek retired to Spain at the end of 2001.

The first thing he asked me after he retired was, “when are you going to invite me into the Masons?”. I replied “I’m not”. “why?” he asked, because you don’t get invited, you have to ask, which he immediately did and Eric Burton was only too pleased to Second him. He was Initiated into Javea 40 on 22nd May 2002, Passed in May 2003 and in the October, still only a Fellowcraft, he became Javea 40’s Charity Steward. He was Raised in May 2004. In May 2006, he was promoted to PGStwd becoming a Founder of the Lodge and in February 2008, he was promoted again, to PAGChStwd, which he held for 3 years.

Coming to Masonry later in life, Derek struggled with the learning of Ritual, although he always did his very best, and that’s all you can ask of him. But on the social side, he excelled. In the six years that he was Javea 40’s Charity Steward, he raised many thousands of euros for the Lodge’s charities, in the many functions that he and Marie organised, they worked as a team and that was recognised by Province. To have a Junior Brother holding an active rank in Province was a rarity.

He was Installed in the Chair of King Solomon in Puerto de Javea Lodge 58, his second affiliation, in October 2012.

My wife Pat once asked him, just after he was Passed, how was he getting on in Freemasonry. His response was, that all his life he has been looking for something to believe in – and now he’d found it. That statement says it all.

The passing of Derek is a great loss to Javea 40, to this Province and to Freemasonry in general. It has also left a gap in my life, which will take a long time to heal.

W.Bro. Derick Wait

Eros Casagrande

Passed to the Grand Lodge above on the 11th of November 2018

Gunter Halves

Passed to the Grand Lodge above, October 2018

Richard John Fenn

Passed to the Grand Lodge above on the 26th of June 2018

Gordon William Beeforth

Bro. Gordon William Beeforth was Initiated into Old Tower Lodge No.49, but unknown to everyone, including Brother Gordon, he was already in the very early stages of dementia which was later discovered to be a very aggressive form known as Lewy body dementia, also known as dementia with Lewy bodies which proved to be very aggressive.

Sadly, our newly made Brother only ever attended his Initiation, was soon unable to drive and was forced to resign only a matter of weeks after his Initiation. Deteriorating fast, he quickly found himself in residential care in Guadarmar as his wife could not cope with the situation, where he died on the 17th of January 2018. His Masonic career may have been short, but the passing of Brother Gordon was recognised within Lodge with a minute’s silence.

John Brooks

It is with great sadness that the Brethren of Caledonia Lodge No.68 advise of the recent passing of Brother John Brooks, a longstanding and loyal servant to The Craft.

Brother Brooks was first initiated into Freemasonry in 1968, meaning that this coming May would have marked his 50 years of his association with Freemasonry.

He will be sorely missed by all and our thoughts remain with his loved ones.

Born 7th February 1930
Initiated into Freemasonry 13th May 1968
Passed to Fellow craft 10th November 1969
Raised 11th May 1970
Passed to the Grand Lodge above on the 18th of November 2017

Barry Waddington

W.Bro. Barry was a much loved and respected member of the Lodge and known to be a kind and generous Brother who will be greatly missed by all following his passing to the Grand Lodge above on Friday the 15th of December.

He was initially a member of Old Tower Lodge No.49 where he became the D.C. and more recently was the D.C. of Las Salinas Lodge No.79 when they hosted the Provincial Lodge of Instruction where his work and support to the Province and the more junior Brethren was outstanding.

He and his beloved wife Joan ran the Salt Pot lunch events, a key charity fund raising lunch club hosted by Las Salinas and his last role in the Lodge was Almoner, a role he did exceptionally well keeping in regular contact with the widows of the Lodge and making regular visits to the sick Brethren, he worked relentlessly ensuring all members were looked after.

He was a very active Mark Mason and was a very active D.C. for his local Mark Lodge and was recently appointed as a Grand Officer, a well deserved honor. Many Brethren will remember his bagpipe playing at so many functions over the years, he was a driving force behind the Burns Supper events hosted by Las Salinas in Quesada and will be remembered fondly.

Barry slipped into serious illness and passed away quite quickly, Masonry has lost a true example of a just, upright and true Brother.