It was with sadness that we saw the passing of W.Bro Jeffrey Pye to the Grand Lodge above on the 3rd of January 2020. Brother Jeffrey was a former member and served as the Secretary of San Jorge Lodge Nº165 for 4 years, but resigned in September 2019 due to ill health.
W.Bro. Udo Österberg passed to the Grand Lodge above on the 26th of December 2019.
In addition to being a long-term member of Euromason Lodge, serving as both Worshipful Master and Secretary, Brother Udo was also a second affiliate member of Dovre Lodge where he will always be remembered for his efforts in being an important link between the two Lodges.
W.Bro. John MacDonald passed to the Grand Lodge above on the 12th December 2019.
W.Bro. Andreas Visted passed to the Grand Lodge above on the 8th of December 2019.
The Secretary of Dovre Lodge, W.Bro. Per Aubert wrote the following;
My brothers.
It is my heavy duty to inform you that W.Bro. Andreas Visted has abandoned his earthly tools and wandered into the eternal East; in that he passed away on death December 8, 2019. Brother Andreas Visted had at his death (X* degree) the Chapter Prefect Degree. Andreas was our WM in the years 2006 to 2011 and was an honorary member of our lodge.
W.Bro. Anthony Charles Bailey passed to the Grand Lodge Above on the 18th of November 2019.
It was with great sadness that our dear Brother Ulrich Schwalm passed to the Grand Lodge Above on the 10th of November 2019.
He was a member of Arenal Deportiva Lodge Nº65 and Marina Alta Installed Master’s Lodge Nº144. Our sympathies and condolences go out to Karin his wife, his children, and to the other members of his family
Worshipful Brother John William Harvey was a much respected and valued member of this Province and the Grand Lodge of Spain who passed the the Grand Lodge above on the 19th of May 2019.
As well as being a Past Master of the Old Tower Lodge No.49 John was a member of the Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge No.154 and he was very active in his support of the Province and Grand Lodge events where he could always be called upon to support the sound system as well as ceremonial duties.
John enjoyed a highly successful career in the support and maintenance of military aircraft spending a number of years in the Middle East where he was highly noted for his ability to train and develop younger Engineers.
Following he and his wife Carol settling in Spain, John became a member of Old Tower No.49 in July 2007 and was active in his support of the Lodge through a number of Offices and eventually being Installed into the Chair of King Solomon in 2015. John was also very active in the Holy Royal Arch and a number of Progressive Orders. Becoming a Provincial Grand Steward in 2012 John was very active in his support of Provincial activities, skills that were also enjoyed by the Grand Lodge of Spain for all of their functions. An active Charity Steward in the Lodge, John also supported the charitable activities of the Province and held the Rank of Assistant Prov. G. Charity Steward.
The passing of John is felt not only by his Lodge but by Spanish Freemasonry in general and our dearest sympathies are with his wife Carol and sons Carl and Jon.
Passed to the Grand Lodge above on the 18th of May 2019