The following members were elected as Gran Conclave members at the last Provincial Grand Assembly (in Rank order, not number of votes):
The Province of Valencia was well represented at the Grand Lodge Assembly in Barcelona on the 11th March 2023, with many Brethren making the effort to attend this prestigious event. The Assembly saw many dignitaries from the various Provinces in Spain, also with many Grand Lodge representatives from other Constitutions. The ceremony was conducted with all the pomp and pageantry you would expect from any Grand event of this kind, with the Deputy and Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies being from the Province of Valencia.
Grand Lodge Assembly 2022
On April 9th in Madrid, M.W.Bro. Txema Oleaga was installed as Grand Master of Spain, with some 300 members of the Grand Lodge of Spain attending the meeting.
The ceremony was performed by M.W.Bro. Oscar de Alfonso Ortega, the out going Grand Master, with all the grandness that you would expect at any prestigious event.
Amongst those that who received Grand Lodge honours were, R.W.Bro. Barrie Mansell who was invested as Assistant Grand Master and R.W.Bro. Rodney Bignell was invested as Provincial Grand Master of Valencia.
For the list of Grand lodge officers please click on the Link below:
The Festivities continued to the festive board where many of the brethren dined, the menu was exquisite, the atmosphere intoxicating and everyone enjoying the brother love that was all around.