
Eric Lloyd

A long standing brother, Past Master and Treasurer of Javea Lodge No. 40. Called to the Grand Lodge above suddenly during the afternoon.

Les Nevett

Died at the age of 91 years being an active and committed member of Santa Faz Lodge No.48 to the end. A Past Master and Provincial Officer, he was made an honorary member in appreciation of his work and commitment to Freemasonry. He will be sadly missed.

Bernie Battrick

Passed in hospital after a short illness. Will be sorely missed as an active and respected member of Armonia lodge.

Terry Goss

W Bro. Terry Goss

Terry was a good friend, a good mason and a loving family man. He was adored by his grandchildren one of whom, James, he initiated into Venture Adventure Lodge. This was Terry’s lodge in London. Many years before this he also initiated his son into the same lodge. Terry also saw his son exalted into the Royal Arch. Over the ensuing years he was proud to see his son installed as Worshipful Master and as 3rd, 2nd and 1st Principal in his Royal Arch Chapter.

Terry joined the RAF, and for 8 years he was a navigator. When he left the RAF he joined the Civil Aviation Authority as an Air Traffic Controller. His final position was as an Air Traffic Controller at Gatwick Airport.

He and his wife, Pat, retired to Spain to live in the village of Benidoleig. He was the first freemason I met in Spain and we became good friends. He proposed me as a joining member of Arenal Lodge and Sinceridad Chapter.

Terry was a dedicated and committed freemason. He was held in high regard and his counsel was always wise and thoughtful. He was a past master of Arenal and Oliva la Safor craft lodges and a PZ of Sinceridad Royal Arch Chapter. He was an active Provincial Grand Lodge officer, holding the rank of Provincial Grand Senior Warden. He also held grand rank in the Supreme Grand Chapter of Spain.

He will be sadly missed by all who knew him.

Author: W.Bro. Bill Russell

Mervyn Wynne Lewis

Mervyn Wynne Lewis, a true gentleman who worked hard and enjoyed life to the full.
Merv as he was known affectionately to his family and friends was born in Mold North Wales in 1934. He attended the local grammar school until at the age of seventeen. Then decided, unbeknown to his family, to sign up with the Royal Navy as a Boiler Fitter and Mechanic. Enjoying the lifestyle he decided to remain in the Navy for some 22 years until he left as a Chief Petty Officer in 1974.

After leaving the Navy he joined the Municipal Mutual insurance company inspecting ships engines for the company, where he remained for several years.
During this time, his Father who was by now an experienced Mason suggested on several occasions that Merv should have his name put forward to become a member of his local Lodge. This he declined several times as he felt he was, with his personal life, together with his work commitment far too busy to spare the time.
In the early 1980’s he met Kay, and in 1986 amid much delight by their families they were married. It was always their ambition to move to Spain when they both retired, and in the Year 2000 they finally achieved that ambition, and moved to the Oriheula Costa.

Both Merv and Kay now realised, they at last, had the spare time to enable them to take up the various hobbies they enjoyed. One of the first things they joined was the local Valle del Sol Bowls club, and later went on to join San Miguel Bowls club after having made many friends there.
For Merv, Masonry was always in the back of his mind, so after attending several Masonic functions, he was finally in 2001, invited to join Old Tower Lodge No 49 which he welcomed with open arms. Now making many friends in several of the Lodges, and continuing to attend the many luncheons, he eventually became secretary of the Torrevieja Dining Club and went on in 2007 to become chairman. He decided in 2003 to join Las Salinas Lodge No 79, where he progressed through the offices, and finally in 2008, proudly became Master of that Lodge. During his time at Las Salinas Lodge, Merv was delighted to become a founder member of the newly consecrated Provincial Stewards Lodge No 154 in the Province of Valencia.

Merv continued to work hard in all aspects of Masonry until July 2010. When, whilst on a night out with friends, dancing the night away, he suffered a fatal heart attack, leaving a great void to both family and friends, and will be sadly missed by many.

John Malcolm Lane

John Malcolm Lane joined Caledonia Lodge No.68 on 16 February 2004. In October 2005 he became a first affiliation member of Old Tower Lodge No. 49. In 2005 he became Assistant DC and for the following 2 years became the Lodge DC and preceptor. Together with W.Bro. Russell Frost, he successfully ran the 49 ers which was the charity arm of the Lodge and was responsible for all Lodge social functions. John was taken seriously ill in 2009 and was cared for in a Spanish care home until his subsequent death on 22 July 2009. It was during his period of serious illness that he was given honorary membership of the Lodge.

Bert Kellett

Passed away peacefully in his sleep and will be remembered as a brother and the perfect gentleman that he was.

Charles Gold

A staunch Mason of long standing in Spain & England who was a Past Master of Santa Faz lodge No 48 and a PAPGM of Valencia Province. He will be sadly missed by his fellow Brethren and friends.

John Hedger

W. Brother Hedger joined Old Tower Lodge No. 49 on 15 November 2004 having previously been a member of UGLE. During the 2nd World War he became one of ‘ Bevans Boys ‘ which, in later life, resulted in breathing problems and he was confined to a wheelchair. With his health declining, he was unable to attend meetings and he subsequently resigned from the Lodge in May 2008. Within 3 years he was called to the Grand Lodge above. He was also a past member of both Logia de Las Salinas No.79.