
Caledonia Lodge hold a Bowling Afternoon followed by a Cream Tea

This event was a first for any of the local Lodges to undertake. It was held at ‘The Club’,  Calle Toledo, Ciudad Quesada, on Wednesday 31st May. Brethren and guests started to arrive from around 1:30pm for a 2:00pm start. The Charity Steward then hastily organised twelve teams of four.

The six lanes of the Green were taken up with two teams per lane. Most of the participants had never played before. After a little confusion those who had played, plus two members of the bows club, soon had things under control. The afternoon progressed well with winning teams moving to the right. This had the effect of all teams playing each other during the afternoon.

The soft shoes and woods (bowls to the uninitiated) were provided by the Club, although some participants had their own. Bowling finished at 4pm, when a cream tea and sandwiches was served at a seated venue. A raffle was held which raised three hundred and fifty euros to which was added a further donation which raised this to three hundred and seventy euros. 

It was decided by the Charity Steward that  all of the participants were to be deemed winners so each lady was presented with a bottle of Cava.

Forty eight brethren and guests attended the afternoon.

Javea Lodge No 40 Freemasons Summer Hawaiian Barbeque

 On Saturday, 3rd June, local Freemasons from Javea Lodge No 40 held their summer barbeque in Hawaiian style at The Inn on the Green in Javea. More than sixty-five Masons, wives and guests arrived promptly at seven o’clock for what turned out to be a very enjoyable evening. Entertainment was provided by no fewer than three different singer/musicians. First up was Frank Abrams a great saxophonist and singer. He opened with some mellow jazz numbers to start the evening then progressed to more pop and ballads as the evening went on. He also put in a lot of effort to get people enjoying themselves and getting them on to the dance floor.

Second up was ‘Grey Jam’ (better known to some of us as WBro Graham Scutt) who entertained us royally on the electric guitar. This was his first appearance in front of a Masonic audience. If he had any nerves he hid them well and received a huge round of applause after each number. I am sure we will be seeing much more of him at future events! Later we had yet another, guest, singer in the person of John Olliffe who played acoustic guitar and sang some great ballads. These three alternated throughout the whole evening and were very much appreciated by all present.

A barbeque was supplied with a choice of burgers, chicken, pork and several salads followed by a choice of desserts, though most guests seemed to eat all of them! There was also a grand charity raffle which offered some great prizes and raised the magnificent sum of five hundred and sixty-seven euros.

The Worshipful Master of the Lodge, Worshipful Brother Matthew James thanked everyone for coming and said that this money will be donated later in the year, along with other funds raised, to La Fe Hospital Children’s Oncology Department where I am sure it will be put to very good use.

The Provincial Grand Master, Right Worshipful Michael Shilan also said a few words saying that thanks to the generosity of Javea 40 and their guests, and the other Lodges of the Province, that we had also raised sufficient money to sponsor thirty children to go to the Masonic Summer School which is held annually in Guardalest in July. This was a great evening enjoyed by everyone who attended. I am sure the guests are already looking forward to next year’s event.


Kenneth Frederick George Rice

Ken was a Founder member of Old Tower Lodge No.49 which was consecrated on the 19th of May 1990 and was for ten years the Lodge Almoner.  He became Past Provincial Senior Grand Deacon in February 2010 and an Honorary member of Old Tower in 2001. His Mother Lodge was Merantune Lodge No.6149 in Surrey. He assumed the Chair of King Solomon in that Lodge in January 1977. At Old Tower Lodge 25th  Anniversary celebrations in May 2015 Ken was presented with a Long Service Award for 50 years of service to Masonry by our Grand Master, Most Worshipful Bro. Oscar de Alfonso Ortega who also presented him with another Long Service Award from his Mother Lodge.

This was to prove to be his last Lodge meeting as by this time his health was very poor and in 2016 he and his wife returned to live in England so that their family could care for them.Ken passed to the Grand Lodge Above on the 30th of January 2017.

Russell Frost

W. Bro. Russell Frost was a member of, and had been in the Chair of many Masonic Orders in Spain. He had attained Grand Rank in Craft and worked tirelessly as Treasurer of all Orders that he belonged to as well as being part of the team responsible for the Society Compas building and Hall diary.

He was a very keen Freemason and gave lectures on many aspects of the fraternity. He was known to many as the official photographer at most Masonic events. Due to ill health, he returned to the UK but died shortly afterwards.