Recently a very unusual thing happened at local Freemason’s Lodge Arenal Deportiva. A new Master was Installed. This happens in every Lodge once a year so nothing unusual about that you may think but, in this case, the new Master, R.W. Bro Dennis Coburn, is ninety-three years old. This will make him almost certainly the oldest ‘new’ Master in Spain and quite possibly in the world. Bro Dennis has been a very distinguished Mason for almost fifty years both originally in the United Kingdom and for the last twenty or so years here in Spain. He has achieved a great deal and has been honoured with very senior rank in both countries. He has also written and presented many interesting and educational lectures for the more junior Masons, which are widely looked forward to and enjoyed. He has now donated all of those lectures to the newly formed Masonic library in the Costa Nova Masonic centre.
However, even Dennis himself was a little surprised by being elected Master for what is now the fourth time. Usually each Lodge elects its own Master for one year, (occasionally for two); Dennis’s name was put forward, he was formally proposed and seconded and, after what proved to be a unanimous ballot, he was elected as Worshipful Master for Arenal Deportiva for the upcoming year. There was also a very interesting twist to the Installation, as the meeting was honoured by a visit from the Provincial Grand Master of Valencia, R.W. Bro Michael Anthony Shilan. The twist being that Bro Dennis took part in the Initiation of Bro Shilan into Masonry some twenty years ago. It was a very emotional moment for both as the former ’pupil’ attended the Installation of his former ‘teacher’. Dennis acquitted himself incredibly well during the ceremony and afterwards stated that he was extremely honoured, though a little surprised, to be entering the Masters chair at this point in his Masonic career. After the meeting at the formal dinner Dennis made a very interesting speech, thanking his Lodge Officers for their hard work during the ceremony and also for their trust and confidence in having elected him.
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]At the recent Saltpot Luncheon, of local Lodge Las Salinas No.79 based in Ciudad Quesada, Worshipful Master Norman Barrall and wife Carol presented the Director of DEBRA with a cheque for two thousand euros, which enabled the charity to buy two, much needed, computers.
The Director of DEBRA, Sra. Evanina Makow, expressed her deep gratitude for the award explaining how the computers would facilitate their activities considerably.
DEBRA is an organisation devoted to providing support for families with children suffering from a rare and complex skin disease called Epidermolysis Bullosa, they are often called butterfly children because of the delicacy with which they must be cared for. They have a team consisting of a psychologist, four specialist nurses, and three social workers who travel, when needed, to anywhere in Spain to provide support and training to the family and hospital staff.
If you would like to help the charity they would be very grateful for any donation you might care to give, and this would help them to continue their excellent work.
If you would like to attend one of the regular Salt Pot luncheons which are open to non-Masons and their friends and family than contact the Secretary of the Lodge at and you will be made most welcome and make many new friends in a warm and informal setting.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
El viernes 17 de mayo el Gran Maestro Provincial, R.H. Michael A. Shilan se unió a muchos Hermanos distinguidos para celebrar el 25 aniversario de la consagración de la Logia Hiram Abif Nro 80.
Para poder dar cabida a esta reunión especial, el lugar de la tenida se mudó al Hotel Leuka en Alicante.
La velada fue un gran éxito con la visita de Hermanos de todas partes, incluso de lugares tan lejanos como Australia.
El Gran Maestro Provincial con su Escolta.
El Gran Maestro Provincial se levantó para felicitar al Maestro, Vigilantes y Hermanos de la Logia por alcanzar este hito importante en su historia. Destacó la importancia de esta Logia, no solo en esta Provincia, sino también en la masonería española en general.
Al final de la ceremonia, el Venerable Maestro leyó una lista de los anteriores Venerables Maestros de la logia. Uno de ellos, el segundo, estaba presente en la audiencia.
Si desea visitar esta hermosa Logia que funciona con el Rito Escocés en idioma español, comuníquese con el Hermano Secretario de logia en:
The Provincial Grand Master with the current Master and Past Masters
On Friday the 17th of May the Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Michael A. Shilan joined many distinguished Brethren to celebrate the 25th year of consecration of Hiram Abif Lodge No.80.
To accommodate this special meeting the venue was changed to the Hotel Leuka in Alicante
The evening was a great success with Brethren visiting from far and wide, even from as far afield as Australia.
The Provincial Grand Master rose to congratulate the Master, Wardens and Brethren of the Lodge on reaching this important milestone in their history. He stressed the importance of this Lodge, not only in this Province, but also to Spanish Freemasonry in general.
At the end of the ceremony, the Worshipful Master read out a list of the previous Worshipful Masters of the Lodge. One of whom, the second, was present in the audience.
Should you wish to visit this fine Lodge working Scottish Rite in the Spanish language please contact the Brother Secretary at:
The Provincial Grand Master with the current Master and Past Masters
Recently a summer Garden Party was organised by the Worshipful Master of the Santa Faz Lodge, W Bro Bryan Green and his wife Jean, in aid of the Nazaret Orphanage in Alicante, which provides education and training for poor and underprivileged children. The party was supported by almost 50 people who enjoyed a convivial afternoon in the sunshine.
A splendid and varied buffet was provided by the Masons and their wives. During the course of the afternoon there was also a grand charity raffle followed by a very popular petanque competition. The party atmosphere was supplemented by music and dancing. The event raised three hundred and eighty euros for the Master’s charity which will be donated later in the year.
Worshipful Brother John William Harvey was a much respected and valued member of this Province and the Grand Lodge of Spain who passed the the Grand Lodge above on the 19th of May 2019.
As well as being a Past Master of the Old Tower Lodge No.49 John was a member of the Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge No.154 and he was very active in his support of the Province and Grand Lodge events where he could always be called upon to support the sound system as well as ceremonial duties.
John enjoyed a highly successful career in the support and maintenance of military aircraft spending a number of years in the Middle East where he was highly noted for his ability to train and develop younger Engineers.
Following he and his wife Carol settling in Spain, John became a member of Old Tower No.49 in July 2007 and was active in his support of the Lodge through a number of Offices and eventually being Installed into the Chair of King Solomon in 2015. John was also very active in the Holy Royal Arch and a number of Progressive Orders. Becoming a Provincial Grand Steward in 2012 John was very active in his support of Provincial activities, skills that were also enjoyed by the Grand Lodge of Spain for all of their functions. An active Charity Steward in the Lodge, John also supported the charitable activities of the Province and held the Rank of Assistant Prov. G. Charity Steward.
The passing of John is felt not only by his Lodge but by Spanish Freemasonry in general and our dearest sympathies are with his wife Carol and sons Carl and Jon.
Passed to the Grand Lodge above on the 18th of May 2019
R.W. Grand Master and R.W. Provincial Grand Master
Over 50 Brethren gather in the Masonic Temple at Ciudad Quesada on Thursday the 11th of April to welcome the Grand Master of the Order of Athelstan, R.W.Bro. Paul W. Johnston, PGHCh, GCSM and his accompanying delegation. The R.W. Grand Master was in the Province of Spain to consecrate two new Courts, La Corte del Glorioso No.135 and Corte De Alfonso “El Sabio” No.136. Both Courts will meet at Hotel Venta el Campo, Fuente Alamo in the Craft Province of Murcia.
This was the first return to the Province of Spain for the Grand Master of the Order since he last consecrated a Court in this same Temple on the 4th of April 2016. The Grand Master was warmly welcomed to Spain by the Grand Master of Spain and the Provincial Grand Master for the Masonic Order of Athelstan Province of Spain, R.W.Bro. Óscar de Alfonso Ortega as well as the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, V.W.Bro. Barrie Roy Mansell.
W.Bro. Frank Wallace is congratulated on his Special Advancement by the Prov. Grand Marshal, W.Bro. Rodney Bignell
The long day began at 9:30am when a number of Brethren were ‘Instructed’ into the Order by the R.W. Grand Master in order that they could become Founders of the new Courts. Then selected Brethren were further given Special Progression by R.W. Grand Master so that they may be founding Officers of the new Courts and the attending Brethren were delighted to hear the Grand Master of the Order regaling them with his fine command of the Spanish language.. The R.W. Grand Master was also delighted to add W.Bro. Frank Wallace to this Special Instruction for his support to the proceedings of the day and assistance in establishing the Order in the Province of Spain.
The Masonic Order of Athelstan in England, Wales and its Provinces Overseas is one of the fastest growing Masonic Orders and the establishment of these two new Courts now sees four Courts within our Province and also sees us being able to offer ceremonies in both English and Spanish. The website of the Order is available here/aqui and the details of the Courts within the Province of Spain are available here/aqui.
Following the Solemn ceremonies which ended around 4pm, the Brethr
en enjoyed a fine Festive Board rounding off a long but highly enjoyable day..
El pasado Jueves nuestra Logia celebró su habitual Tenida mensual en su nuevo Templo, y que mejor inaguración que la visita del Gran Maestro Provincial de Valencia, Michael Shilan. Fueron unos trabajos excelentes, con una buena compañia. Puede que nuestra humilde Logia no sea una de las más numerosas, pero no por ello los trabajos tienen menos calidad, mas bien al contrario, pues a la profundidad de estos hay que añadir el ambiente cordial y familiar que se respira en la Logia. Una gran velada. Gracias a todos los visitantes por asistir.
On the 14th of March Genesis No.61 held its usual monthly meeting in its new Temple location. The Lodge were delighted to have this occasion marked by an official visit by the Provincial Grand Master of Valencia, R.W.Bro. Michael Shilan. The Escort for the Provicial Grand Master was under the direction of the Deputy Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, W.Bro. Bob Watkins. The work conducted was excellent, with a good company enjoyed by all.
Whilst the Lodge may not be one of the most numerous, that is no reason for the workings to have less quality and all Brethren worked well and as we saw in the 2017 Provincial LOI, their work is excellent. The Provincial Grand Master sincerely thanked the Worshipful Master and Brethren for a most enjoyable evening and the Lodge gave their sincere thanks to the Provincial Grand Master, his Escort and all the visitors for attending.
If you wish to visit the Lodge and see Emulation ritual being worked in the Spanish language then please contact the Lodge Secretary here/aqui and you will be warmly welcomed.
Arenal Deportiva Lodge no 65 held its 2019 Ladies Festival recently at SALT restaurant on the seafront at Javea, overlooking the lovely Arenal bay.
The Festival was hosted by the evening’s President, W. Bro. Ian Brown and his wife Mrs Eileen Brown. This was the culmination of Ian’s two years as Worshipful Master of the Arenal Deportiva Lodge.
Despite atrocious weather in the hour or two before the evening commenced, all of the expected seventy-five Masons and their guests arrived punctually for the cava reception, followed by an excellent meal, ad then dancing to the singing and music of Matt Mason.
In an evening dedicated to celebrating the ongoing support provided to the members of Arenal Deportiva Lodge by their wives and partners, W. Bro. Philip Bowick delivered a memorable speech summarising the many qualities of our Ladies, followed by proposing the Toast to the Ladies. In an assured and confident manner Mrs Eileen Brown thanked everyone for attending and for their support to Ian and herself over two very busy years.
A raffle was held and W. Bro. Ian Brown announced that all excess money raised during the evening will be donated to the El Preventorio school in Gandia
Dear Brethren all,
The 2019 Summer LOI will re-commence on Saturday 1st June and meet weekly on Saturdays at 2:30pm at the Costa Nova Masonic Centre through the summer. Its purpose is to provide, in a user friendly atmosphere, Masonic instruction and education to all Brethren. The last meeting will be on Saturday 17th August 2019 which will feature a Lodge of Instruction Festive Board Luncheon.
The Summer LOI provides a platform for those brethren who are in office, or about to fill a new office and wish to rehearse. Those brethren who simply wish to “sit in” and not take an active part are also very welcome. The SLOI will observe strict conformity with the Valencian Ritual, and Preceptors of other lodges will be most welcome to attend. There will also be opportunities on given dates for those brethren about to be Passed or Raised to rehearse their answers to the questions leading to the degree they seek to be admitted. Throughout the Summer Season there will be distinguished invited visitors who will deliver talks on interesting and topical subjects and at which brethren will have the opportunity to put questions.
On certain advertised dates there will be in depth discussions on each of the three degrees, and you will have the opportunity to put questions to a panel of experienced Past Masters.
There will also be guidance on the Festive Board, and on appropriate behaviour. How to propose a toast and how to respond. Guidance on the correct form of response to the Visitors Toast. Summer LOI will provide opportunities for you to practice speaking at meetings, and after the very successful concluding meeting of 2018 with a “Festive Board Luncheon” it is planned to include that once again in the 2019 programme, and at which you will be able to practice and receive advice on your oratory skills.
Your lodge secretary will be receiving regular up-dates of the Summer LOI programme.
Visiting brethren from other Constitutions who are considering membership of a Spanish Lodge will always be welcome to attend subject to satisfying certain criteria.
If there is sufficient interest there will be a “Master Class” for those brethren about to be installed as Masters of their lodge or Ruling Masters who have recently been installed. This will deal with the duties and responsibilities of being the Master of the Lodge, and include the preparing of agendas, chairing GPC meetings, PM meetings, and Regular Meetings, and presiding over the Festive Board.
What should you do now? You are being asked to help in the planning of the 2019 Summer LOI by contacting the Summer LOI secretary, W Bro. Matthew James, ProvAGSwdB at: ( to register your interest, and if you wish, indicate any particular activity of special interest you may have. This will greatly assist us in the planning of the programme for the season, and ensure you are kept informed.
Fraternal Greetings,
Summer Lodge of Instruction.