The Annual Provincial Draw for 2019/2020 took place on Saturday 29th February at the Gran Bali hotel in Benidorm. The winning Tickets and Prize Monies were as follows:
V.W. Bro Fred Miller
Provincial Treasurer
The Provincial Grand Master, R.W. Bro. Michael Anthony Shilan was warmly greeted by the Worshipful Master, Wardens and Brethren of Dovre Lodge No.184 when he made an official visit to greet the Brethren and see for himself the new Lodge banner.
The Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Tom Halvorsen expressed his delight on behalf of the Brethren that the Provincial Grand Master was also accompanied by his Provincial Grand Junior Warden, W.Bro. Keith Alcock, the Provincial Grand Secretary, W.Bro. Ivan Beckett, Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, W.Bro. Clifford Gingell and a full Escort Team under the direction of Assistant Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, W.Bro. Gerry Wren.
At the Festive Board the Brethren of Dovre gave a presentation on the various regalia worn to demonstrate the 11 Grades that are worked under Norwegian and Scandinavian Masonry and promised the Provincial Grand Master that on a future Provincial event the Lodge choir will entertain the Brethren of the Province with song.
The Provincial Grand Master thanked the Worshipful Master and the Lodge for the warm and Fraternal greeting that he received and he spoke about the unique opportunity that we have here in the Province of Valencia in being able to experience such a wide diversity of Masonic Ritual and experience.
Any Brother wishing to visit the Lodge is encouraged to do so, but please arrange your visit via the Lodge Secretary, W.Bro. Per Aubert at
The Worshipful Master of Armonia de Ifach Lodge No.46, W.Bro. Dennis Squirrell PPGStwd along with his Wardens and Brethren were delighted to welcome back a deputation of 25 Brethren from the Province of South Wales at the Costa Nova Masonic Centre, Javea.
This was the second visit by our Welsh Brethren, the previous being two years ago. The evening started in the Temple at Costa Nova with a demonstration of the Second Degree (Passing) and then moved to the nearby ‘Bull and Bear’ for an excellent Festive Board where the visitors once again delighted their hosts with some fine singing in true Welsh Male Voice Choir style.
The raffle raised 195€ to which the Brethren from South Wales added a further 205€ making a fantastic 400€ raised, a fantastic gesture which will be put to good use for local charity. They also supported the Provincial Annual Draw by purchasing several books of tickets, have you purchased yours yet?
A presentation was also made of a commemorative plaque for the Brethren of Armonia de Ifach to keep as a lasting memento of the evening.
W.Bro. Dennis thanked the visitors most sincerely for their visit and for providing yet another highlight for him to treasure from his year as Master and promises were made not only to see the Brethren return to our Province, but also for some of our Brethren to venture to South Wales.
W.Bro. Bob Smith of Craig Yr Hesg Lodge No.6724, Province of South Wales presents the plaque to the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Dennis Squirrell and the IPM, W.Bro. Ian Raistrick
Any Brother requiring more information or wishing to visit Armonia de Ifach No.46 are encouraged to contact the Brother Secretary, W.Bro. Ian Henry at
If you would like to learn more about the Province of South Wales, their website can be found here.
Local Freemasons Lodge, White River No 153, recently attended the Per Ells school for Children with special needs in Turis,* to celebrate the Tres Reyes Festival, deliver gifts and hopefully spread a little joy to the school children, and the young at heart who attend the centre. As many will know, this celebration to commemorate the arrival of the three wise men is more important to Spanish children as this is when most receive presents.
All were gathered at the centre entrance, eager to get a glimpse of the three Kings, as they arrived particularly as they were delivering sweets. This is a tradition that has been celebrated in Spain for many centuries, and also in most Spanish speaking countries in the West. The three kings were actually Freemasons dressed for the part and joined by one member of staff.
This Lodge has been coordinating this activity for the last six years and in, addition to presenting gifts to the children, the Lodge supports the school financially, with several large donations over the past six years for building improvements, maintenance, etc.
The Freemasons dressed as the Kings were WBro Keith Alcock and New Mason Bob Harris. The third King was played by a member of staff at the centre.
Together with most of their ladies, the group included W Bro’s Ian Skipper, Adrian Brooks, Keith Alcock, Frank Wallace, David Watts, Sergio Svalina and our new Initiates Bro’s Andres Massa and Bob Harris.
Each of the children and youngsters received a present or two and enjoyed the celebrations as do all Spanish children at this time of the year.
*(Per Ells – Amics del discapacitat de Turis – check
Recently Freemasons of Caledonia Lodge visited the San Jose Obrero Orphanage, in Orihuela, to present them with a surprise Christmas gift of one thousand euros for the benefit of the children.
W Bro Ian Bullock had the pleasure of sitting down with the Director of the orphanage Sr. Vicente Martínez Agulló, who informed him of the history and many achievements of the San Jose Obrero Foundation over recent years.
They now care for and house eighty orphans, of all nationalities, and there is also a day centre with twenty-four places available for children who have very few other resources. Most of these children arrive at five in the afternoon, do their homework, shower and have dinner before going back to sleep in their own homes. They also provide sheltered accommodation for young people, helping them to make the transition from orphanage life to becoming self-sufficient in the outside world a little easier. A very important function as the transition is never easy.
The San Jose Obrero Orphanage is also responsible for the running of the local school, which four hundred children from the Orihuela district attend. In addition, they operate skills workshops in carpentry, hairdressing and car mechanics, which offer a full four years of very useful training with fully qualified staff. After these four years they are able to obtain a Certificate of Competence before leaving the home and hopefully finding gainful employment within local industry.
The motto of the organisation is “No One Grows up Alone”.
Local Freemasons, W.Bro Ian Bullock, the Immediate Past Master of Caledonia Lodge, and W.Bro David James, the Lodge Charity Steward, are seen in the photograph presenting the Director, Sr. Vicente Martínez Agulló with the gift of one thousand euros, in the form of Primark vouchers, for the benefit of the children of San Jose Obrero Orphanage in Orihuela, on the 23 December 2019.
It was with sadness that we saw the passing of W.Bro Jeffrey Pye to the Grand Lodge above on the 3rd of January 2020. Brother Jeffrey was a former member and served as the Secretary of San Jorge Lodge Nº165 for 4 years, but resigned in September 2019 due to ill health.
W.Bro. Udo Österberg passed to the Grand Lodge above on the 26th of December 2019.
In addition to being a long-term member of Euromason Lodge, serving as both Worshipful Master and Secretary, Brother Udo was also a second affiliate member of Dovre Lodge where he will always be remembered for his efforts in being an important link between the two Lodges.
At their regular meeting on Monday 16th December 2019, Old Tower Lodge no 49 became the first Lodge to use the recently completed Legacy Lodge Room at Sociedad Compas, Ciudad Quesada.