DPGM Visit to Leukopolis Lodge No.85

On the 25th of October, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Rodney Charles Bignell made an Official Visit to Lukopolis Lodge No.85 meeting at Restaurante Menu de Toni, Calle Vall de Biar 4, 03530 La Nucia.

The Deputy Provincial Grand Master received a warm greeting from the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Walter Matthijssen (see main picture) and the entire Lodge.

The ceremony of the evening was a celebration of the Harvest and the Autumnal season.  The Lodge had kindly arranged English translations of the ceremony so that all Brethren could follow the proceedings and at one point every Brother present in the Temple took part in the ceremony.

After the Lodge was closed the DPGM presented a Grand Lodge certificate to the Worshipful Master for Bro. Ger Schotte who was not present that evening. It also gave the DPGM the opportunity to once again greet W.Bro. Rob van Leeuwen a former Worshipful Master of Leukopolis Lodge, now living in the Netherlands and visiting from his home Lodge of ‘Moed en Volharding No.61’ in Assen.

After a most enjoyable and enlightening ceremony the Temple was cleared and the Brethren enjoyed a fine Festive Board, during which the DPGM and his Official Escort were encouraged by their hosts to demonstrate the predominantly English Masonic practice of singing, and so the visiting Brethren entertained their hosts by singing the ‘Toast to the Master’,  ‘Grace’ and the ‘Closing Ode’.

All Brethren of the Province are encouraged to visit Leukopolis Lodge No.85 and experience their wonderful ceremonies, visits can be arranged by contacting the Brother Secretary, Bro. Leo Bronsgeest at sec85@glpvalencia.com

Meeting Summons