PGM Visit to Oliva La Safor Nº112

On the evening of October 17th the Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Michael Shilan made an Official Visit to the Oliva La Safor Nº112 Lodge held at the Restaurante Viva España, Oliva.  This was the 95th Regular Meeting of the Lodge.

The Worshipful Master of the Lodge, W.Bro. Ian Skipper ProvAGSec and his team welcomed the Provincial Grand Master who was accompanied by an Escort conducted on this occasion by the the Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies, W.Bro. Gordon Ramshead.  The Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, W.Bro. Graham Simons being the Immediate Past Master of the Lodge and therefore was engaged in the ceremony.

After the entrance of the Provincial Grand Master the main work of the evening was to Initiate and welcome the newest member into the Province of Valencia and the Grand Lodge of Spain, Bro. Robert Monte.

The evening was completed with a fine Festive Board where among the speeches and toasts Bro. Monte made a fine first speech and thanked the Lodge for their warm welcome into Freemasonry and also the Provincial Grand Master for being there to make his first meeting so special.

If you would like to learn more and to visit the next Regular Meeting of the Lodge please contact the Lodge Secretary
W.Bro. David Watts ProvGSec   sec112@glpvalencia.com