PGM Welcomes Newest Member

On the evening of the 23rd of May, the Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Michael Anthony Shilan and his Escort, under the direction of PAGDC, W.Bro. Gordon Ramshead, were delighted to john the Brethren and visitors of Leukopolis Lodge No.85 at their new meeting place above restaurant Momentum in Alfas del Pi (Albir).

The ceremony for the evening was the Initiation into Freemasonry of Brother Boudewijn Overduin and was conducted in excellent form by the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Walter Matthijssen and his Officers.

The Lodge kindly provided English translations of the ceremony which was conducted in the full Netherlands Rite and provided all attendees with a most fascinating and interesting ceremony.  There were Brethren present from the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland and the UK.

Afterwards all attendees enjoyed a most excellent Festive Board where the visitors were able to experience some of the further uniqueness of the Lodge and the way in which their Festive Board is conducted and the visiting Escort provided an insight into Masonic Fire and Masonic song.  It truly was an evening of Brotherly and Fraternal enjoyment, the true spirit of Freemasonry Universal.

During his address to the Brethren the Provincial Grand Master made note of how privileged we are here in the Province of Valencia to have the opportunity to visit and witness Ritual performed in various languages and from the rich diversity of Masonic Ritual.  He encourages all Brethren to seize this opportunity to broaden their Masonic knowledge and experience by visiting Lodges wherever and whenever it is possible.

Leukopolis No.85  have recently moved to their new meeting location and have equipped a most excellent Temple with extensive robing and storage facilities above a restaurant that provides excellent dining.  The Worshipful Master would be delighted to offer this as a potential meeting location for other Lodges and Orders.  Further details can be obtained from the Lodge Secretary at sec85@glpvalencia.com.